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Everything posted by Bliss

  1. Never touch the stuff. Soda/pop/sugarwater... gave it up over 30 years ago... along with smoking. I'm smober ;-) I do enjoy the odd adult beverage... and my one-a-day natural vitamin, wine. I've done tours in Europe, NZ and Canada - all wonderful - and one of my best memories is Robert Mondavi's winery in Napa almost 20 years ago - spectacular! We now have a GFY concoction for J! watching: a fistful(s) of cashews or pistachios with a wine or beer chaser. As for syrup, it's the only sweetener I use. For anything. One of my recipes that's a healthy treat - using the food processor: almonds, cocoa, syrup, vanilla, salt = chocolate balls that taste like brownies. Another one-a-day addiction.
  2. I had the same reaction... did a quick search and found this on the jeopardyfan site: "More information about Final Jeopardy: The quote was by Alexander Woolcott, and the full quote: “She is so odd, a bled of Little Nell and Lady Macbeth. It is not so much the familiar phenomenom of a hand of steel in a velvet glove as a lacy sleeve with a bottle of vitriol concealed in its folds”. Dorothy Parker was well-known both as a writer and as a founding member of the Algonquin Round Table, a group of New York City writers who met for lunch at the Algonquin Hotel from 1919 until 1929. Alexander Woolcott was a fellow charter member of the Round Table."
  3. Another Canadian thing... we put REAL maple syrup on our pancakes. Northern Ontario and Quebec syrup is the ultimate - it's one of the gifts I take to my USA friends. I've been at many syrup festivals through the years and am amazed that it takes a full cup of sap to make one teaspoon of syrup. Liquid gold, we call it. I still love your molasses joke, @Saber5055!
  4. As soon as Sean opened his mouth, I knew there'd be some comments here as he has a polarizing personality... and I admit to being initially slightly embarrassed that he was representing New Brunswick, Canada (my bad - sorry, Sean) until I quickly realized he had every right to be a contestant - he's very intelligent and has a wide range of knowledge. I was rooting for Jill throughout the show and wish she'd known FJ. I wish her the best of luck in seeing the rest of the 29 states in USA. I've been to more states than she has, thanks to my work, and my love of travel and visiting American friends... still want to see the central states, but will wait until I feel more comfortable traveling to/in the USA. Perhaps in a couple of years? I know a few Canadians who've not been allowed to cross the border because they answered truthfully to the question, "Do you like our POTUS?" Tiny complaint in case the J! writers peek here... no more spelling categories, please! B O R I N G. JMO. p.s. Alex, it isn't a Canadian thing to spell slowly. We say "sorry" (a lot), and the odd Canuck says "aboot"'; however, slow spelling isn't one of our verbal genres.
  5. LOL! Can't wait to tell my grandkids this one :-)
  6. Why? Are you Canadian? (I am.) Recently in the news was a doppelganger for JT - I can't remember the guy's name or even what was so newsworthy to report... however, the guy definitely could be a double for Justin!
  7. I'm happy for Emily's win! She's deserving of an award for her performance for several reasons, one of them being her prowess at emoting. Remembering some of the scenes in AQP, without giving away the plot here, is difficult. I flinch every time I think of her coming down the stairs... JMO... I've enjoyed Emily Blunt (AND her husband, John K) very much over the years. On and off screen. One of my clues to my admiration is they're on my list of the top people I'd 'like to have lunch/drinks/cardgames with someday'. Their sense of haha/gotcha is a huge part of my attraction. Laughter is sexy (to me) and smart laughter is the ultimate. These two have it in spades, and I wish them a lifetime together full of giggles and bliss.
  8. LOL! Thanks for the morning giggle, peeayebee!
  9. You've got some 'xplainin to do, Adam. That was one dump truck play. Reagan, please give your spot to deAndre... that's the honourable move to make at this point. This would be a win for you.
  10. Maggie. Allison Miller in real life, I think. Every time I saw her, something was nagging at me... she reminded me of someone. This episode, it hit me - she looks a lot like Linda Purl when she was that age and I wondered if she might be her daughter. Nope. (Those of you who watched Happy Days back in the good ol' daze might remember Linda.) Another observation: I cannot believe how big Eddie's feet are. There was a scene in which he's on the phone and walks by... and I had to rewind and rewatch those feet walking by... in what looked like size 18 shoes. Clown shoes. LOL
  11. Finally binge-watched this season and this particular episode made me realize that I am glad I'm a woman. Watching those men at war, what they went through... my thoughts were all over the place... and I'm not sure if I'm just speaking my opinion - all I could think was that most women would not want to be soldiers if they had to watch their peers having their foot explode off their leg. (I know there are women soldiers... and there are lots of women who see ghastly sights... and I know I've lived a mostly privileged life, not having seen war first hand.) I'm of the Mother Teresa philosophy: would I march against war? No. Would I march FOR peace? Definitely. My final realization is that if women were in charge, there'd be no (more) wars.
  12. FJ came to me easily tonight... thanks to my dear ol' Dad who used to say, "IF ifs and ands were pots and pans, there'd be no need for tinkers!" As for the caulk answer, I burst into giggles. My eldest daughter once strode into the home repair store (dressed in a tank top and short shorts - it was a hot summer day and she was repairing her bathtub) and quite loudly responded to the guy who asked her what she was looking for, "I need some caulk." Perhaps you had to be there. She's now a university professor and still relates that story as her most embarrassing moment in life. I could top it easily (starting with stories of her as a child).
  13. Excellent idea, Saber (aka dog-person ... that's how I think of you... I'm a dog person too... in fact, I've made it public that I like dogs more than people, with the exception of my grandkids... they're tied with dogs) Does it matter/count if I've read the thread before watching the shows? I'm a bit behind. But I'm not a little behind. Just to be clear.
  14. Michelle's looks remind me of what would result if they put Andie MacDowell and Mary Steenburgen in a machine that spit out a blended version.
  15. Re figs... there's an incredibly lovely fig and caramelized onion 'jam' available in Quebec that is utterly delicious, especially if spread on a ripe or soft cheese... on top of some really amazing french bakery bread, crisp crackers, or fresh croissant. Just sayin'. You can slip a sliver of pear somewhere in there too if you're feeling frisky.
  16. A few of you have remarked about the stories you'd tell as a J! contestant. I'm afraid most of my stories have to wait until I'm dead. If my kids (or grandkids) knew some of the stuff I've experienced (aka done), I'd be banished from the family. There's the $500 casino chip story from Aruba... the night I went golfing at midnight... that day in Vegas when I was so glad what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... the time(s) I should NOT have been driving... and there's lots that I can't even refer to here - to protect the reputation of the innocent idiots who get tangled in my web. Maybe I'll write a tell-all one of these days and leave it under my mattress. My daughters are quite beautiful and even more so when they blush... and that's exactly what they'll do when they read my stories of escapades while I was playing the Mom role. I can imagine their reaction: "Who are you and what have you done with my MOM?"
  17. I agree! I adore snark and skillful sarcasm that doesn't disparage another person's character. I believe the key is to have some awareness of appropriate snark. There's a fine line between being LOL funny and being a cyber bully, especially when posting anonymously. Of course, nothing is truly anonymous since You know who You are. Saber5055 posted a remark recently that if one comment makes you dislike a person, chances are you won't like anyone (I'm paraphrasing her post about Ken Jennings' tweet - my apologies, Saber if I didn't quote you directly... looked but couldn't find it) and I'm of like mind. We all say and do things that aren't perfectly acceptable to everyone, everywhere, all the time... and we ALL need and deserve forgiveness... to a point. When it escalates to become uncomfortable and shamefully derogatory, it's time to wake up... take responsibility for our words and actions... and most importantly, to learn when to zip it and keep our rotten thoughts in our own black heart. Cheers to funny snark! May it live forever and multiply like the rabbits in Canmore. ~the end~
  18. So not cool... and thank you for your post, MrAtoZ. I learned a long time ago that when I judge someone, it says more about me than it does about the person I am judging. I'm aware that if I think a negative thought, it is saying more about me than it is about the person I'm judging. If I say, "You have a beautiful smile", that is acceptable because I'm being kind in my judgment. Positive judgments are okay and our world needs more of them!
  19. This was the first time I was avidly rooting for a contestant to win - mainly because of your sportsmanship both on the show and here. You must be proud of your accomplishment (and I wish like others that you'd made the ToC). Didn't notice your 'uh's at all... and I'm a toastmaster (when they get annoying, I still have a tendency to count them... old habits die hard). Enjoy your after-tax winnings! If you want them to go further, consider a trip to Canada! Our dollar is painfully weak at the moment. p.s. I guessed Eve too!
  20. Thanks, Scott - your description is probably the closest I'll ever get to a J! experience. If they'd restrict the categories to stuff I know, I'd do fine ;-) Your explanation of what it's like being there is appreciated!
  21. I totally agree with you, Clanstarling, about the freeing part (personally, I attribute it to a perk of the golden years) - I just cannot agree with AT not zipping it when his role is to make the contestants shine, not him. There were way too many negatives in that last sentence, I know. If I didn't zip it, my kids and grandkids would say, "Who are you and what have you done with my Mom/Nana?" And then there are my friends, who often comment on the fact that I say stuff other people think and don't have the courage to utter. So there you have it. I'm a verbal chameleon, depending on my audience.
  22. Congratulations, Scott! It is a true pleasure watching J!, cheering you on. I've heard that if a contestant rings in too soon, their buzzer de-activates for 1/4 second... is that true? I've also always wondered if you're allowed to ring in BEFORE Alex finishes reading the answer. Sometimes, I know the answer (question) before he finishes reading... by one word in the clue that gives it away. Then there's lots (lots!) of other times when I need google to come up with the right question ;-) About Alex T... as a fellow Canuck, I feel some sort of mild defense for him. Very mild. I've always thought of him as an excellent host for his handsome looks, charming smile, and friendly conversation... and part of that has to do with watching the show with my parents many moons ago - they loved Alex! Lately, however, I wonder if he should retire and let someone who doesn't speak 17 languages (is that true about him?) take over his duties. He's at that age of wisdom: he knows a LOT of stuff. (I also know a lot of stuff when the answers are right in front of me. LOL) He's also at that age of knowing when to zip it - and yet he seems to forget that tactic and wants to steal the spotlight, shining it on HIM... like he did when you were talking about crossing the Berlin wall. I've also heard that Alex doesn't want to talk to the contestants other than during the show. I never know what is real and what is fake anymore. Again, good for you, Scott. *drink*
  23. LOL! They're actually loonies ($1) and toonies ($2) and the paper money is blue, purple, green, etc. Such purty stuff that's become more plastic than paper.
  24. Need a pianist in the band? Or a drummer-wannabee? Just don't tariff me, please.
  25. I was just a bit disappointed that the tongue twisters didn't include Betty... Betty bought a bit of butter but the bit of butter Betty bought was bitter so Betty bought another bit of butter to make the bitter butter better. (I'd love to hear Alex's twisted tongue on that one.) ~the end~
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