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Silver Raven

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Posts posted by Silver Raven

  1. Back when Joan Crawford was the widow of Pepsi's CEO and on the company's board, she and Bette Davis were filming "Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte" (until Crawford backed out, allegedly ill (the producer didn't buy it, and hired a private investigator to follow her)), Crawford had a cooler of Pepsis delivered to the set.  Davis had a Coke machine installed.

    • Love 3
  2. The show uses a laugh stinger that has one woman laughing that they use every time they try to make us think somebody has said something funny.  The stinger itself is annoying, but they use it over and over again.  Can't they find somebody else laughing and record that?

    • Love 2
  3. Why do people on soaps always hang up after calling 911? In real life, they want to keep you on the line.

    Is Drew the key?

    Gee, doctor, thanks for telling this complete stranger your patient's condition.

    There's an app for safecracking?

    Yeah, Abigail, Andre is not a perfect person.  Are they really trying to turn him around?  I never trust anything he does.

    Instead of Drew telling us his story, why is Show having Jennifer repeat to us what he told her during a commercial?

    • Love 1
  4. JJ was absolutely hateful with that couple suing over the stuff they claimed was left behind when they were kicked out of their place.  Another one of those cases of people collecting unemployment who are less than dirt in her eyes.

    • Love 5
  5. 2 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

    Yeah, I'm with @auntiepam -- that entire bill was for $9,000. The $3,300 was the co-pay. And as someone who used to have shitty, high co-pay, high deductible health insurance, I can totally sympathize with that kind of insane out-of-pocket expense though. 

    Not necessarily, it depends on the statutory limitation in the state they came from.

  6. 1 hour ago, Giant Misfit said:

    The most interesting thing about the custody case was the matter left unaddressed: why the Plaintiff, a large, burly man, carried his cell phone around in a white cell phone purse. 

    I got a rerun case of a loony French lady suing a guy for slapping her car after she started a fight with him at a stop sign. The case was from 2014? I've no memory of ever having seen it before. After tomorrow, I'll likely have no memory of it again.

    I swear I thought she accused the guy of eating her car.

    • Love 9
  7. Jesus, Claire is such an idiot!

    Uh, Ciara, you still have your brother.  Not to mention your niece standing right in front of you.

    Hot English nurse!

    Gee, the hospital doesn't do a very good job of securing their drugs.

    Interesting byplay between Eric and Jennifer, like they're leading them up to a coupling.

    Jennifer has a strange ring tone.

    Why is John in New Orleans?  How long does it take to attend a funeral?

    Why isn't Roman stepping in and stopping this action that that asshole Lieutenant is running?

    Anne and Jennifer play off each other so well.  :)

    "At least we know she's safe."  No, you do not know that.

    Whom does Paul know to pull strings, that the ISA doesn't?

    • Love 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

    I need brain bleach and a shower. Yuck. Wish he'd meet a runaway semi truck.

    @Giant Misfit's post just reminded me that the police report said he needed to be hooded. I've never heard of that. Was that during the arrest?

    From real life cop shows I've watched, they hood people who are spitting at or trying to bite police officers.

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