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Silver Raven

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Posts posted by Silver Raven

  1. 5 hours ago, Bruinsfan said:

    To be fair, as someone in a flyover state with no show business aspirations, The Artist struck me as good enough to actually deserve all the praise it got. It was my favorite movie by far in 2011, and I'm kind of sad I haven't seen Jean Dujardin in more movies with US releases since then.

    He was in Monuments Men, and is supposedly in the next Transformers movie.

  2. 3 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    Is it wrong that I felt Lee was totally justified in turning down Randi's attempt to reconnect with him? On one hand, it was a terrible tragedy for the both of them, and I do believe her remorse for the way she treated him was genuine. On the other hand, it was a little late for that. Especially since she had already replaced him with her new husband. She could have reached out to him before that.

    I know that sounds cold blooded, but you can't always turn back the clock.

    I can understand totally why he couldn't reconnect.  There was too much history.

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  3. On 1/16/2017 at 1:35 PM, MerBearHou said:

    I thought this movie was a C-. A couple near me walked out. This is not a well-made movie.  Impressive sets, great costumes and period details, but the music was overbearing and didn't fit and the movie was very disjointed. Natalie Portman did a terrific job, that is for sure. But I thought it was a bizarre, unemotional movie (about a deeply emotional event) that did not flow well at all. Very disappointed because I had been looking forward to seeing this.

    Totatally agree.  I was bored throughout.  The director did love his closeups, we could probably have counted the pores on Natalie Portman and Billy Crudup's faces.  There is NO plot.  Just talk, talk, talk.  I don't see any Oscar worthiness at all.

    I liked Greta Gurwig, though.


    7 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    I totally didn't know John Hurt was the priest. So this was his final movie? Sad.

    He has four more movies that are not out yet - Darkest Hour, My Name Is Lenny, Damascus Cover, and That Good Night.

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  4. I have always been blown away by Michael Shannon's acting (Watch Bug), so I'm happy to see his nom.

    I can see why SAG didn't think La La Land was ensemble worthy, since it was pretty much a two-person affair (plus Keith, I guess).

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  5. Good to see Lucas and Adrienne.

    What was Adrienne drinking?  It looked like a blood orange smoothie.

    Rafe needs to calm his tits.  Does he think nobody else cares about Hope?

    That song during Chad and Abby's sexcapade was pretty boring.

    Good question, Kate.  Why is Andre so keen on Abigail and Chad?

    I wonder how a Caribbean fortune teller wound up in Prague.

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