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Silver Raven

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Posts posted by Silver Raven

  1. Wow.  "Don't you die on me." Cliche much?

    I was wondering who the hell Juliet was, till Nicole said, "You're Deimos's secretary."

    Have we known that the name of the cafe in HTS is the Mandalay?

    Awww, Hope fantasizing about Rafe.  Gag.

    Damn, Nicole, just stab random people on the street.

    "Mission accomplished"? Dario wanted Nicole to go to jail?

    • Love 1
  2. 13 hours ago, Jamoche said:

    I'm just wondering what kind of quack doctor prescribes opiates without the corresponding constipation meds. I got both of them when I broke my ankle.

    (No I'm actually not. I know those opiates didn't come with any legit prescription.)

    My mother got opiates for her shingles without any constipation meds, and she wound up heavily backed up.

    • Love 1
  3. 28 minutes ago, hendersonrocks said:

    I am LOVING this Patricia sweatshirt sported by Blount after the game. And yes, I unapologetically root for the Pats. I lived in Boston during the 2001 - 2004 stretch and can't stop/won't stop loving them.

    Way to show your kid how things are done, by calling people you don't like, a girl.

  4. I have a ticket for the 20th anniversary touring production of Rent, and then the next day, Kinky Boots.

    The Rent website says it stars Danny Harris Kornfeld as Mark, Kaleb Wells as Roger, Skyler Volpe as Mimi, Christian Thompson as Benny, David Merino as Angel, Katie Lamark as Maureen, and Jasmine Easler as Joanne.  I am not familiar with any of them.

    • Love 1
  5. I wonder if the team that is tracking these people gets any money for catching them.

    That car crash had to be a phony. The woman driving them wouldn't have kept on driving.

    Who calls it CCTV?  That's a British term.

    Why wouldn't you already have your stuff packed if you knew they were going to be calling you sometime within 48 hours? And know where the car keys were?

    These contestants must have given the show permission to look up all of their information and such.

    "Put your head down." Uh, I think they might be more likely searching out your license plate.

    I love the name Shadow Bilal.  :)

    Man, Emiley isn't very bright.

    It's kind of silly that the trackers would be using black Escalades with tinted windows.

    I wonder what the other bus riders think of the cameras on the bus.

    • Love 3
  6. 46 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

    Between Split and The Visit, M. Night Shymalan seems to have found a winning strategy of just simply making smaller films and providing decent thrills, as oppose to going big and just embarrassing himself with ridiculous twists and storylines.  Good for him.  It doesn't how bad some of his past films were, but I still believed that the old M. Night was still in there. 

    But, there is a ridiculous twist to Split.

    • Love 1
  7. I finally got a chance to see this, and I have to agree that this is a beautiful movie.

    I was hoping Lin Manuel Miranda could get his PEGOT from this, but I have to admit that "You're Welcome" is kind of a weak song.  Not as good as "City of Stars".

    Auli'i Cravalho is a really pretty girl.  I hope she comes out from under the animation anonymity to become a real star.

    • Love 1
  8. 5 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

    Jennifer teams up with someone from the past to destroy the Orwell device.

    Yeah, because it's the responsibility of a newspaper owner to get involved in the news instead of reporting it.

    Dario is going to be prepped for deportation and Abigail will run to his side and claim that they are married.

  9. On 1/14/2017 at 5:57 AM, marymon said:

    Thanks for posting that. I have to say it kind of bugs me that such an intelligent woman would run with all those books just to use the restroom.  Like how much reading was she going to do while running or the 30 second it takes to urinate.  

    It also bothered me that she was allowed to take classified documents out of the building.

    • Love 6
  10. Apparently,


    Split is a sequel to Unbreakable, set in the same universe, where, as Mr. Glass in Unbreakable says, a supervillain makes a superhero arise.  The Beast is the supervillain and the girl becomes the superhero.  This is a universe where people who are badly injured, such as Glass and Willis's characters, and Kevin and the girl in Split, develop super powers.

    • Love 5
  11. 3 hours ago, Miss Ruth said:

    Unlike many posters, I like Judge Bakman and wish he hadn't left.  He was a no-nonsense "judge" who dealt with the law, not emotions and suppositions.

    Backman was nothing but emotion.  His yelling was worse than Judge Judy.

  12. Funny that Gabi and Abigail could hear the guys talking normally, but the guys couldn't hear the women yelling in the basement.

    I'm getting tired of the "he's not Daniel" mantra. Not that I think Deimos is any better.

    "Play gangsters".  Yep, it's GH lite for sure.

    Orwell, huh?  That's appropriate.

    Does Deimos really think he can take on Deimos?

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