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Silver Raven

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Posts posted by Silver Raven

  1. 7 minutes ago, susieq147 said:

    My point is bigots are influenced to be bigots.  Nobody is born thinking I am going to hate someone simply because they are different than me.  It doesn't have to be a parent that influences you.  As former nun posted above it can be a spouse.  Or in your son's case his peers.

    "You've Got to be Carefully Taught", a song from "South Pacific", explains it.


    • Love 4
  2. Not a bad movie, some interesting information I didn't know before.  The last ten minutes is with the real people being portrayed in the movie.  Mark Wahlberg's character is fictional, which is good, because he's an asshole.

    I don't know how accurate the movie portrayal is, but it shows Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as being much more involved in the bombings and leadup than the news stories at the time had made him out to be.  Alex Wolff was pretty good in the role, playing him as an American lowlife stoner.  Just like his buddies back in college who knew he was involved but didn't tell anybody.

    Melissa Benoist, Supergirl, plays Tamerlan's wife.  She was very convincing in the role.

    • Love 1
  3. Quote

    Last gripe (yeah, sure) and this one is probably just me: No one these days ever phones, writes or contacts anyone. For business or personal reasons, they all reach out. "I reached out to my contractor." It just gives me silly visuals of people with their arms out, waving like a sea anemone or an amorous octopus.


    This is the thing that bugs me when reporters say, "So-and-so speaks out."  Uh, no, they talked.  Speaks out means they were making a bold announcement or complaining about something.  You're asking them questions, they aren't speaking out.

    • Love 5
  4. Jeez, Claire, way to stake your territory.

    I'm sorry, I can't root for Justin over Lucas after he cheated on Adrienne.

    Adrienne's all puking from chemo and she's going to have hot sauce?

    Jebus, Deimos, shut your trap.

    "Is that all you care about?  Likes and comments from strangers?"  Uh, Theo doesn't know what it's like to be a teenager, hm?  LOL

    Do Sonny and Chloe know each other?

    Eh?  Where did Kayla come from?

  5. In Judge Judy's world, if she has never experienced it or heard of it, it has never happened.  A rerun today involved a guy who was suing a woman over a laptop that she had sold him that had been given to her as part of her class. The woman tried to explain to JJ that the laptop was paid for as part of the tuition that SHE was paying from a student loan, but in JJ world, it had been "given" to her by the school, and therefore she had no right to sell it

    • Love 5
  6. 4 hours ago, ebk57 said:

    I will never, ever, ever, ever, never, ever root for the Colts.  


    This is my feeling towards the Raiders.  I don't care that they came back.  And it's even worse because all of the rest of my family is still fans, and will probably still be fans of the Las Vegas Raiders.


    Kelce needs to shut his mouth.

    • Love 2
  7. 3 hours ago, bannana said:

    If the great anti hacking device was developed by the Dimeras, and it was stolen from them, why wouldn't they go to the FBI or someone?

    Because he wants the profits, he doesn't want it turned over to the US Government, and it's probably all illegal, anyway.


    3 hours ago, bannana said:

    If Deimos knows the reason Chloe and/or Nancy are hiding the fact that Holly is Nicole's because of their fear and loathing of Deimos, why would he propose and put a ring on it--for Nancy and/or Chloe to see?

    Deimos doesn't give a shit what anybody else thinks.


    3 hours ago, bannana said:

    WHYTF won't Brady tell Nicole the truth, that Holly is hers?  Seriously?  Now Chloe will take off with the baby.  I guess there is an interesting court case here, so why not make it about that?

    He doesn't know, he just suspects, and he doesn't want Nicole to get false hope up in case it turns out not to really be hers, she has had too many baby disasters in her past.

    • Love 2
  8. 2 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

    Paris Jackson pulled a BIG justified hissyfit about it and they realized they weren't going to be able to get away with it. I still can't believe they thought they'd get away with it.

    Anyway, there's a really funny line in La La Land that makes fun of "white teachers save minority student" films. "No, Jamal, I don't got to be tripping." Holy shit, I lost it at that line.

    One of MadTv's best sketches shredded that trope.

    This was a UK TV show.  UK was home of the Black and White Minstrels, which aired until 1978.


  9. 24 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

    Just  rotate all the Cali teams around the state , If you can drive to a game, they are all pretty much the home fucking team?


    You have any idea how far it is from San Diego to San Francisco/Oakland and vice versa?



    I'm thinking it was more likely that the land was just too expensive for developers to invest in, until the NFL came knocking with bottomless pockets and a plan to make themselves even richer. With that, the city of LA finally caved and accepted the (let's be honest) minimal costs of infrastructure contributions.


    It's in Inglewood.

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