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Silver Raven

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Posts posted by Silver Raven

  1. 5 hours ago, JustaPerson said:

    And only 8 Asian actors have actually ever been nominated so it's a pretty exclusive club. Honestly I'm pleasantly surprised they bothered to nominate an Asian actor. Talk of diversity is pretty much always about black actors, so I'm always a bit surprised when people remember that us Asians exist too. Go Dev!

    I have to shamefacedly admit that I got confused when I heard an announcement of seven actors of color being nominated, and I said, "I heard there were six black actors."  I had forgotten about Dev Patel (whom I loved in Slumdog).  Mea culpa.

  2. Quote

    Little Miss Selfie had no reason to be such a bitch. Yeah, you're 18 or 19 and all grown up and are able to live in a really fancy apartment. How many bedrooms? Claire, eventually Theo will get sick and tired of you. 5 people cohabitating in a small space will make for a lot of drama. Nice job of making yourself Queen Bee. You treated Jade like she was some sort of servant. Maybe that's part of her becoming a music 'star' at some point. Or not.

    Shawn and Belle specifically mentioned in today's episode that Claire is 18, I wonder if there was a reason for that?

    I don't know if they're intentionally making this the same apartment that Sami, Rafe and Sami's kids lived in, but I'm sure Will must have had his own room, and if the girls shared a room, then Johnny would have had his own room, too, so that means four bedrooms.  They did mention that Joey and Theo were sharing a room.

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  3. Ugh.  I used to like Claire, but she is really annoying.

    If Sean and Belle were true love, what were Philip and Belle?

    No, Ari did not JUST turn one, she had her birthday months ago.

    Dammit, I hate the ending of Nicole and Chloe's friendship.

    Why was Jade's comment awkward?  I thought it was just a continuation of the conversation.

    Wow, Claire has turned into an absolute bitch.

    • Love 4
  4. Quote

    Best Foreign Language Film - at least going by the critical acclaim, Toni Erdmann should cruise to victory here, though the wins in this category often feel extremely random.

    A Man Called Ove may be better known to the voters, as a novel.

  5. OMG, pretty girl in love with tweaker dude who lives up in the mountains of the California Central Coast, living on her stepfather's property in an RV.  Just, why?

    My cousin used to live up there.  In a log cabin with a dirt floor and no electricity.  She literally had to escape.

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