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Posts posted by ABitOFluff

  1. At the same time, from the previews, it seems they're not losing the original feel either. The jokes were surprisingly funny as well.

    The ads have been pretty funny, so I'm sold. I just had a thought. Since they're going to have guests playing themselves, and they are on ABC, I wonder if any of the OUAT cast will make an appearance. Probably not, but then I can picture Piggy flirting with or karate chopping Josh or Colin.

  2. I love etymology and general history of day to day life. I have several books, but Charles Panati's Browser's Books are a fun read for historical trivial facts, especially "The Sacred Origin of Profound Things". Anyway, I first learned that the F Word stood for For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, but quickly discovered that was not correct. I'm not sure if we'll ever know.


    I really enjoyed the Walt Disney documentary. It didn't shy away from his imperfections. I'm both fascinated by kindly Uncle Walt and the hard-ass businessman behind the legend. The Jim Henson profile before last night's episode was interesting too. I still miss Jim Henson.


    So what other shows are everyone looking forward to this fall? Me, I can't wait for The Muppets, American Horror Story and Fargo. Scream Queens looks like it could be good too.

  3. Seriously, perhaps that still is of Regina trying to summon the Dark One, but based on spoilers, it's pretty safe to assume neither she or Hook are successful. So what's the argument here? If SQers think it's romantic, so what? CSers think it's romantic that Hook tried to summon her too.


    It's a teaser to promote the show. Hook and Regina are popular characters. The man is just doing his job. I don't see anything trollish about it.

    • Love 2
  4. Wow, people have different opinions? Who cares if you've "avoided" this thread or not? I avoid a majority of the threads in this forum because of the literal circle jerk that goes on to Colin/Hook 24/7 in every single one, but I don't whine about it. (Well, until now).


    My brand new UO is that even though I still hate SQ,  I'm actually starting to appreciate its presence on the show more because of its haters on here.

    And this is why it's good to have an unpopular opinions thread. Sometimes you need a place to say what you want say and peace out without having a debate about it.


    I admit, I don't understand anyone who bullies Adam, the cast or other shippers, but I'm cool with shipping who you want as long as you're cool about it. I know this place can lean towards CS a lot, so I consciously try not to gush too much because I know there are others who couldn't care less.


    So, my unpopular opinion: I love Hook, but I don't really care if we never see his parents. I don't know...we've already seen PuppyCaptain(sorry, Leiutenant) Jones and his brother, so I don't see why learning about his mother and father is so important to his characterization Also the whole "Davy Jones is his father" doesn't sit right with me. Well, first, I think of the Monkee's Davy Jones, and second I don't believe Davy Jones's Locker was ever a full-fledged myth or legend before the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. And frankly, I hated that character, and it turned me off the whole PotC movie franchise.

    • Love 5
  5. Yeah, I know it's mostly a game of chicken. :)

    Honestly, my mom wanted to get rid of some her AT&T U-verse boxes to cut down costs, so I set her up with 3 TVs with antennas, and even in a mid-size city like the one she's in, the antenna TVs get several channels with good reception.

    • Love 1
  6. It's a bright red blazer. There's no precedent here - Regina's worn red clothing many of times before. (In fact, she have worn that particular blazer before.) She's dressed pretty much how she always dresses.

    I do like Belle's green dress. Very pretty color.

    No, believe me, I'm an eternal optimist. It just struck me as significant. But when you think about it, Killian's vest in the last spoilers was red. So, who knows!


    I love green and Belle's dress is lovely from what I can see.

  7. I don't remember where we first started discussing an open thread for some episodes last season, so I'm posting it here--if it's the wrong place, I apologize in advance.


    Are we going to have an open thread for the season opener?  I really enjoyed last season's open threads, and was sort of hoping we'd be able to try it for significant episodes this season, too.

    Last time, I just PM'd the mods. They can set up a thread that is locked until the episode airs.

    • Love 1
  8. Coming out of lurkdom to say I don’t think DarkEmma would be all up in Hook’s grill -- grabbing his collar like she wants some sugah -- if he’d betrayed her previously.  I’m going to predict that the bad thing happening in 4.5 is either Rumpel dying, Emma murdering a beloved character or some horrible angst with Snowing.

    These are my thoughts as well. If anything, this idyllic moment together might explain Hook's somewhat pained (well, pain with a bit of lust) look when they're standing next to the Bug in Storybrook. Everything was too perfect to last. It occurred to me, with all the iterations of Camelot, I wonder if any clues lie in the Broadway musical.


    Don't let it be forgot

    That once there was a spot

    For one brief shining moment that was known

    As Camelot.


    The angst could also have something to do with Henry. Who knows?

    • Love 1
  9. That is such a cute shirt! It'll look so pretty in purple! I'll admit that I hardly own any fandom/tv/movie inspired clothing (unless you count old play-clothes, lol). I own a Doctor Who shirt, a Hogwarts coat-of-arms shirt, and a Goofy sweater. That's it, otherwise I'm a plain jane. I'd totally buy more Disney stuff though.

    And Speaking of phones, mine is currently lost. It's just a track phone though, and still has about a month before it expires. I'm just cursing my poor memory. I had it after we returned from camping in July. And I remember seeing it in my room a little bit after that too. I've looked in all the usual places a good number of times. Guh. I've slowly begun to tear my room apart. I won't sleep well until I find it.

    It is a cute shirt! I admit, I love some Disney couture. Every time I go to Orlando, I spend as much time shopping as I do going to the attractions. I have several Disney related bags, and last time I was there, they had a pirate's satchel that I really wanted. However, it was Jack Sparrow themed, and while I love the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, I was never that into the movies. Now if it was Hook-themed, it would be a completely different story.

  10. On a complete whim, today I ordered this because it's my favorite all-time moment, and comes in a purple v-neck.


    I think for added protection the phone in its case will go in my knitted TARDIS phone cozy (though I might need to make a new one because the old one is getting stretched-out and ratty).


    That reminds me, I recently lost the black, quilted Mickey Mouse cozy I had for my phone. I'm bummed, because I loved it and nothing else works as well. I guess I have to take a trip back to Disney World and get another if they still have them.

    • Love 1
  11. HI, just wondering if anyone is planning on going to see them at the Epcot Food and Wine Festival this fall. I checked the website, but tickets don't seem to be available yet.


    I usually go to Orlando about once a year. I've been to the Food and Wine Fest before, and it was okay, but I've been thinking of planning my next trip around it this year.

  12. Mine, pezgirl7, is because I collect Pez dispensers (I think I have about 250 now), I'm a girl (shocker), and 7 is my lucky number, and my birthday. My user icon is pretty obvious! I love Hook, and the smolder, and I think I've had the same icon since I first joined the board. It's perfect, why change it? :)

    Your icon always makes me smile, pezgirl7. I don't collect them, but I love seeing all the different Pez dispensers that they've made through the years.


    So, ABitOFluff started out as a Livejournal/blog handle. On one hand, it's a tribute to A Bit of Fry and Laurie. On the other hand, I've been writing since I was very young, but I enjoy writing humorous essays more than anything else. My writing is not to be taken too seriously, because I write "bits of fluff".


    I also had to get my icon back. That's Mickey, now a 12 year old cockapoo, in devil's horns. I think he was about 3 years old when I took the picture, but the devil's costume fits his personality too well. I remember I also had to stick him on a chair and take the picture quickly before he ran away and used the horns as a chew toy.

  13. I'm looking forward to seeing "our" Arthur in action.

    I'm looking forward to our Arthur, too! From the BTS stuff, I just get a good feeling about him.


    I don't consider myself an expert of the King Arthur legend at all, but I'm an English/Medieval HIstory Major and general Anglophile, so for me, "Excalibur" is the one to beat. If A&E are leaning towards that version of Camelot (even condensed, seeing as there's no Morgana), I'm fine with it.


    Weird thought. What if they go with the Monty Python version? Knights dancing on tables? I'm totally there.

    • Love 1
  14. Brand as Hook didn't bother me too much (Colin's hotter anyway), except for the lack of stockings. No stockings = Bad Form.


    I really liked Queen Latifah as Ursula; also, Marc Anthony and JLo as Aladdin and Jasmine

    Brand is okay as Hook. I've seen a lot of those photos before, and I think they're beautiful, but this bothered me:


    "Jack Black, Will Ferrell, and Jason Segel as the Three Ghosts

    If these were the three ghosts that visited me on Christmas Eve, I would be laughing rather than repenting. The three hilarious comedians took on uncharacteristically somber characters from "A Christmas Carol," but of course threw in some humor."


    Arrrgggh! I hate clickbait writers. They're the Hitchhiking Ghosts from the Haunted Mansion, you dolt!


    Sorry, I'm in a mood today. Work stuff.

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