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Posts posted by ABitOFluff

  1. I was thinking that should be the cliffhanger. Belle and RumpleHook have a big, dramatic scene in which she decides to trust him and hands over the dagger, then she comes back to the library or shop, opens a closet door and finds an unconscious, bound and gagged Hook. Dun dun DUN!

    While bound and gagged Hook is pretty, I really hope he's just off doing something else in the library or something. Poor guy needs a long break from being tied up or nearly killed.

    • Love 6
  2. I kinda feel like I'm the only one who's seeing "greatest potential for darkness" as them saying that Emma has the potential to go dark, not that it's a given. But really, Emma's magic is born of the strongest magic in all the realms. What villain worth his or her salt wouldn't try to corrupt that, especially now that she's using it with a degree of confidence? If you can't beat her, try to get her to join you, and all that. So yeah, they're going to try to get her to join the dark side. There's no guarantee they're going to succeed.


    I don't know, maybe I'm just being naive, but I'm willing to see where this goes before I judge it.

    No, I'm with you. I mean it's a trope that goes back to the New Testament. I'm looking forward to Emma grappling with her inner darkness, but I can't see her doing something outright evil.

    • Love 4
  3. I liked how the show actually said Regina was worse than the Evil Trio. Like, she was that bad. There wasn't a whole lot of whitewashing in this episode.

    There were a few times during the show that I thought that maybe the writers were actually listening to our complaints. There was also a good amount of character development in the first half. Let's hope they keep it up.

    • Love 4
  4. Here's a new radio interview Colin did. Nothing really spoilery, and the interviewers aren't the greatest - but 10 minutes of listening to Colin talk is always a plus!

    Ugh that dj was typically awful. Asking about Jamie Dorian and gushing about Colin's accent? I will say Colin is one of the few people I've heard give the logical answer about that stupid dress. And of course the dj replied with something stupid.

  5. Way to annoy me and the other Once: Wonderland fan. He's married to his True Love, Anastasia. If she died, I'll be mad. If he's having an affair with Belle, I'll be mad.

    I wonder if it has anything to do with people's stories being rewritten in this search for the Author. They look a little too carefree to be out and about together with the Dark One out there somewhere. Who knows.


    Any maybe I'm jumping the gun, but I'm starting to think the Queens of Darkness are gone for good. Have we seen or heard about them filming recently?

  6. My friend and I have been doing that for a while now. We have a blast. We even do theme nights when we are expecting good Captain Swan. We had rum laced hot chocolate with cinnamon one time. We have had tacos. We have had coffee. Now we're planning our pineapple feast.

    We should do a live thread sometime. If not the premier, then the finale. We can all bring something. I'll bring Fireball whiskey and RumChata.

    • Love 1
  7. The SNL 40th show had that big long section devoted to the canned bits. 


    Which made it odd that the one canned bit the 40th anniversary show most sparked a reaction with me wasn't even part of that, but instead the lead of the In Memoriam section--the (in)famous Belushi "Don't Look Back In Anger" piece.


    Of course that piece is overplayed.  Anytime anyone talks about Belushi as an indiviudal they lead with that piece.  But also, anytime ANYONE talks about dead SNL alums in total, they also probably lead with that piece.


    But that's mainly because it's such a GOOD one.



    The thing I love about that piece is Belushi's acting chops. This week I've heard more than a few people say they thought he was overrated, mainly because they knew him from The Blues Brothers or Animal House. But if you look at all his sketches in those first few seasons, you can see that he had quite a bit of range. He could be funny physically but also in quieter moments like this. I always think that if he had survived, he might have had the type of film career that Robin Williams had.

    • Love 3
  8. For me, it's not put off as much as suspicious.  Yeah, I think that's the word, suspicious.  And no, I'm not the paranoid type.

    I can understand that. We've seen a lot of dumb decisions in the past. Do I think this will be the most awesomest season ever? Hell, no.


    I've mostly been cautiously optimistic I guess (yeah, I'm Snow White in real life). But now: CaptainSwan! Snowing! Pineapples!

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  9. Does anybody have any strong feelings about the Oscar races? Of the movies with major nominations, I've only seen The Imitation Game, The Theory of Everything, Boyhood and Gone Girl. Of those, I liked The Theory of Everything the best. I haven't seen Michael Keaton in Birdman, but I thought Eddie Redmayne was fabulous in ToE. He had so much to deal with physically as well as ACTING.


    I spent most of Boyhood being freaked out about how much the kid looked like a mini Ethan Hawke.

    I saw Gone Girl, which I thought was even better than the book and Rosamund Pike was great. I could see her winning, but mostly because that character was so complex.


    Other than that I've only seen Birdman, which I loved. I have sentimental feelings for Michael Keaton because of Beetlejuice, Batman, Night Shift, Mr. Mom, etc. So, he might get some sentimental votes from the Academy, but he was pretty amazing in Birdman and is a very strong contender for Best Actor. As far as the film, it's shot beautifully in and around the Broadway theater. Where one scene ends, the next scene begins so you feel like you're following the characters around throughout the days and getting to know them intimately.


    I wish I had seen The Theory of Everything, but I just didn't have a lot of interest in Boyhood or American Sniper.


    Oh, and I loved Grand Budapest Hotel, and Ralph Fiennes in that. Not Best Picture, but very entertaining.

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