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Posts posted by ABitOFluff

  1. Being a fan of Marc Maron's WTF Podcast, I have started watching the IFC series "Maron" (and I might have a little thing for Marc Maron, but anyway), and I spotted Patrick Fischler ( Isaac the Author) playing a sleazy radio programming exec. Dude plays sleazy radio/tv guys well.

  2. My niece and nephews adore Tangled. Funny thing: my hair is brown, and I wear it in a short, layered bob, so they often refer to Rapunzel as having "Aunt Karen hair".


    There's a fun Easter Egg in Frozen too. You can spot Rapunzel and Eugene briefly when they open the gates during "First Time in Forever".


    As for me, I think Mother Gothel is a great villain. I can see her being played by Bebe Neuwirth, Carol Kane or Andrea Martin on Broadway.

  3. Funny, I was looking forward to the 4B finale, not because I was dissatisfied with the season, but so I get can on and enjoy start of summer. Since then, I've spent a week in Florida, tried paddle boarding, went to DisneyWorld, came back, cleaned out my fridge and closets, went to the Farmers Market, got a pedicure. Now I'm sitting here wondering what to what instead of watching OUAT on a Sunday night. I don't watch a lot of regular TV, so I've got Forensic Files on. What else am I supposed to watch?


    That said, I've had a relaxing weekend. After cleaning out the refrigerator, I found I had 6 eggs I haven't touched, so I've been inspired to make chocolate chip cookies. Tomorrow, I think I'll make a jelly roll to use up the rest of the eggs.

    • Love 1
  4. Interesting poll this week. I think Snowing will probably pick up the dagger to start with, but it will likely change hands multiple times throughout the season, including Emma having it at some point, and also someone who wants to make Emma do bad things having it at another.

    That is a good poll! I doubt anyone will jump to pick it up, but I don't think Hook will take it, because he never wanted to control Emma, which goes back to "when I win your heart" and "whatever we become is up to her..."). He also sees her parents as heroes who always tried to protector her. I could see him convincing Snow to pick it up.

    • Love 2
  5. From the Hook thread:





    The last thing I would want to do is silence other people's voices. And I do agree that looking at a show critically is a good thing and it's great to not just blindly fangirl/fanboy something. But it's getting to the point for me that the single positivity thread is all that there is. We used to have both positive and negative outlooks on things. If there was something someone didn't like, there was something else that they did. If there was something someone didn't like, someone else did like it. The snark used to come from a place of love. But lately it feels like the snark is coming from a place of anger and dissatisfaction, which makes it feel mean-spirited rather than "we tease because we love." And lately it feels like there is no discussion about the positive things because all anyone wants to discuss is the negatives, meaning that the single positivity thread is the only place where the fans who do for the most part still actually enjoy the show can go without getting bogged down in the doom and gloom.


    I just feel like there's offering constructive criticism and playing armchair TV writer to see what would have made the story work better for us, and then there's being overcritical. And lately I feel like the overcritical has been winning out.

    I have to agree with you, Dani-Elle. You said exactly what I've been thinking, and forgive me if I'm a little more blunt about it.


    Of course a lot of people were disappointed with 411, as was I. However, I said my peace and moved on. It was what is was, and I just don't tend to dwell on things too much. Then came 412 and a we fun, snarky live thread. Since that time, it's become more and more difficult to find a thread that not 90% criticism and nitpicking or wild speculation. On top of that, I feel that lot of the criticism has gotten repetitive and, frankly, predictable.


    Take everyone's favorite thread for example: Spoilers. I'm a spoiler addict, but it's gotten to a point that every tweet, every interview and every behind the scenes picture gets picked to pieces with someone inevitably declaring how much the episode will suck and how A&E are the worst kind of hacks. Basically, I had to force myself from going in there because I knew that every promotional picture of Emma and Regina standing next to each other would bring at least page or two of rage about queerbaiting. I'm sorry if I'm exaggerating, but honestly, when you want to comment on something, but the conversation had turned so negative you don't want to get into it, well, it gets frustrating. (In fairness, if the spoiler thread was nothing but fangirl squeeing, that would be just as frustrating). Now, you can tell me that there are plenty of threads around here, from what I can see there's still plenty of the same in most of them.


    Honestly, I don't mind looking the show critically, but I wish everyone would lighten up a little and forums would go back to more of a balance of critical commentary, snarky fun, and even a little bit of squeeing.

    • Love 8
  6. I am genuinely happy the show was renewed. And I gotta say that (at least) five seasons for a fantasy show on a broadcast network is not something that happens a whole heck of a lot, so for as much crap as we give the writing team and for as much as I may not always agree with what the show does, I do believe they deserve major congrats and all kinds of credit for creating and producing something that's resonated with so many people for so long.

    I agree. Other than Lost (which can may or may not be considered fantasy), I can''t think of a fantasy show that has been going on as strong as OUAT on a major network.


    Also, as far as the finale

    I'm going to have to start cosplaying, because EF/Pirate Emma is giving me life. And I can't wait to see DarkCharming in action.


    Also, also. My speculations for the finale are very different to others I've seen. I won't say now, in case I'm completely wrong, but I when I say "I KNEW IT!" in the live thread, you'll know. :)

  7. It's so nice to see some positivity around here! Let's keep it going!


    I've just caught up with most of the spoilers, and it looks like it'll be a fun ride for the most part. Love most of the BTS pictures.


    I am so excited! It's my birthday weekend and Mother's Day, and all I can think about now is the finale. I cannot miss any part of it live.

    • Love 2
  8. I would totally watch hours upon hours of Taran Killam just ruthlessly tearing apart each episode of this show. He'd probably run out of note cards at some point.

    Haha, after I wrote that I thought, "How much better would this show be with a Jebediah podcast recap?"  (or reCRAP as I almost typed).

    • Love 1
  9. I've refrained from commenting on this episode because I just can't bring myself to care enough about it. It was so boring, and it makes me feel bad for Sean Maguire because he seems like such a lovely man. But while I don't hate his Robin Hood, I JUST DON'T CARE. Same with Rebecca Mader. In real life, she seems sweet, but of all the many iterations of the Wicked Witch of the West, she's just nowhere near my top favorites. (That would be Margaret Hamilton as the original MGM Wizard of Oz Wicked Witch and Elphaba in Wicked, thank you) On the other hand, if you were to force me to choose which villain I'd prefer to see this half season--Maleficent, Cruella, Ursela or Zelena--by default I have to go with Zelena, just because she's completely batshit crazy and owns it.


    That all said, I enjoyed Zelena sleazing on the intubated Rumple, because he deserves some suffering. Plus, she's totally the biggest CS shipper on the show. The few flashbacks of Snow Drifts/No Place Like Home made me happy...Aaaand that's it.


    Oh yes, plotholes and recons ahoy! So many I can't count. I'm moving on. As Jebediah Atkinson would say, "Nnnnnext!"

    • Love 5
  10. One thing that I don't understand is that I keep seeing people say that Taran looked exactly like Cesar Romero's Joker.  Huh??   It was Jack Nicholson's Joker from the Batman Movie that starred Michael Keaton.   He looked exactly like him just like Bobby nailed Devito as The Penguin.  I just don't get where people are getting that it was a copy of Cesar Romero, who had a completely different look and style-- less sinister and more clowny. Basically Romero was all about the laugh.


    Ah, I can answer this! At first, Taran was doing the Cesar Romero Joker laugh. I grew up watching the 60s Batman, and that was it, exactly. He did morph into a Jack Nicholson Joker eventually. And Deilia Deetz and Otho were perfection.


    I find lately that I have to rewatch a lot of the sketches on Hulu before I feel comfortable to form an overall opinion about the show. I guess you'd call it a rewatchability factor? (That said, I think the Martin Freeman episode is the most rewatchable so far).  Anyway, the Michael Keaton monologue is by far my favorite of this season, and I love the Easter Greeting the more I watch it.


    Mike O'Brien's move back the writer's room was a good one. He now has time to construct those digital shorts. I've mostly enjoyed them all so far. The Prom King/Queen was a good one. 


    I also think this Weekend Update was also the strongest it's been in a long time, and I can't ever get enough of Jebediah Atkinson. I think that's going to be one of the all-time classic SNL characters.

    • Love 1
  11. Jen also comes across as a very positive person, which she seems to be bringing into her characterization of Emma, i.e. choosing to see the best in people. I read a piece she wrote on her parents who were band teachers at her high school and always worked to bring out the potential they saw in their students, and how she lives by their philosophy. I was very touched by it.


    Also, she's a homegirl of mine. She apparently grew up in the town next to the one I did.

    • Love 1
  12. Still sobbing from that Hook/Emma pic? Sob some more.


    JMo's face. :-(



    Ok, I'm going need another live thread for the finale for support. Along with rum, vodka, Ben & Jerry's, etc.


    That said, I'm not a fan of relationship angst, but with such a blah mess of a half season so far, I'm sort of happy there is some emotional stuff to look forward to.

  13. I think that scene is them arriving back to Storybrooke after the EF AU. They probably would end up appearing where they were when they disappeared. That's why Emma, Regina and the Aprendice are together. They think everything is fine and then some curse hits leading to Emma's sacrifice.


    Here is a short video from yesterday, with the moment Emma makes her sacrifice.


    A complete recount of the scene (yes, she does it to save Regina):

    Ow, my heart. I can't even begin to figure out what's going to happen, but is it too much to hope that either Hook or Emma says, "I will find you"?

  14. If it were at all real, then a lot of stuff would have had to happen in the meantime, considering that he has a left hand that has a wedding band on it. :-) (I don't think it showed in this set of photos, but was obvious in some posted earlier)


    And, as usual, there's our hardy Irishman looking totally comfortable in a sweater while everyone else is bundled up in coats.

    D'oh! That's what I get for skipping coffee this morning. I knew it was a rehearsal, but I usually see pictures of them in some part of their costumes. DIdn't even notice the lack of a hook nearby.

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