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Posts posted by ABitOFluff

  1. When you're sitting in the theater waiting for Star Wars: TFA to start and you find yourself wondering what it would be like if that was Killian's first time seeing a movie on the big screen. Henry's too, probably (in 'reality' rather than fake memories)

    Or, you're watching The Force Awakens and think what a coincidence it is

    that Killian Jones and the inspiration for his character both end up skewered.

    • Love 2
  2. I was really impressed with Star Wars, it was such good fun! Loved the new characters, especially Finn and BB-8, and it was awesome to see the old gang. I especially liked how they integrated some of the old special effects with the new, so everything blends pretty seamlessly with the earlier films.


    It was such a nice change from the prequels. I can't wait for the next episode.

    • Love 4
  3. Yay, another Luke girl! He was always my favorite, too, which always made me the oddball. Then again, I never had to fight over who got Han with my friends. I also have to admire Mark Hamill because he put his family ahead of really cashing in on fame. He had a recording studio built in his house and started doing cartoon voiceover work so that he wouldn't have to be away from his kids to work. He may not have had the kind of superstardom Harrison Ford had, but he seems to have had a happy life that he finds satisfying, and as far as I can tell he's still married to his first wife and his kids have turned out good, so good for him.


    Though, really, my heart belongs to R2-D2. I still have my Kenner R2 action figure from sometime in 1978 -- one of the ones where his markings were just a sticker, and the sticker is still totally intact. I have new R2-D2 socks that I will be wearing to the movie on Friday.

    I'm a Luke girl too. I stole my brother's 12-inch Luke Skywalker action figure when we were kids, and he still brings it up.Coincidentally, NBC showed Elf: Buddy's Musical Christmas tonight, with Mark Hamill doing the voice of Buddy's dad.


    I'm the same with R2-D2. I have my R2 thumbdrive, and the R2 I made at Disney's Droid Factory on my desk at all times.

  4. I haven't made any set plans, but I'm seriously thinking of going at 10am on Friday. I kind of work on own schedule, so it would be a good chance to beat the crowds.


    I've been ridiculously excited at least since Thanksgiving when my brother-in-law's brother asked me if I was excited, and I became a hyper 10-year-old again.

  5. I didn't know Charon was pronounced like "Karen". When Rumple mentioned it, I was waiting for someone to say, "Wait... who's Karen?"

    Ha, that's my name so I did a little double take. I kind of like it.

  6. Oh, how could I forget Zelena? She was awesome. "Hunter, Kelly, Pistachio...Oh, I just realized those would make great names."


    I'm glad if she had to go, she went back to Oz (yeah, I know we'll see her again).

    • Love 7
  7. I'm actually happy that Rumple is  back to being the worst ever. Like I said, he didn't deserve hero status. But Belle came back to him? Girrrrl...


    I loved how Snowing and Henry were just hanging out in Granny's with no one else there. "Yeah, we're all going to hell, but at least we have hamburgers and Yaz on the jukebox."


    Poor Killian really had a shit life. You can kind of understand why he would succumb to the darkness. Sometimes, you feel like no matter what you do, you're screwed.


    CaptainSwan's "I love yous" gave me life. Yes, Swan, you will find Hook...always. I'm not crying, you're crying.

    • Love 6
  8. This one will be playing on a loop until Sunday night. Love love love love it. Hook's mannerisms, his mocking of Imp!Rumple, his diction, the Dark abandon with which he detailed his plans for revenge: everything was perfect! Colin is DA MAN!!! 


    Same here! I think DarkHook is my favorite Hook at the moment. Definitely the hottest. I cannot wait for this episode now.

    • Love 4
  9. But even in this, Emma isn't the one paying the price. Hook is. Why does someone else pay the price for another person's magic? This is why Once is so fucked up. Regina gets a happy ending with her son and her soul mate because her father paid the price for her to cast the curse. Yes, Regina may be sad that her dad's dead, but Henry loses his life. I hope he's in the Underworld and pissed as hell. Cora is great at pushing all of Regina's buttons and I'll be happy to see her, but damn would I like to see a vengeful Henry.

    And this is what's going to piss me off is Rumple remains a hero at the end of this, He was terrible to everyone throughout season 4. If Hook is seeking revenge on him, it's because the guy deserves to get his ass kicked on behalf of the entire town. But, Hook is going to be the one battling the darkness and having to make the ultimate sacrifice.

    • Love 3
  10. No matter how much I re-read JMO's quote, I just cannot think she's referring to anything BUT in Camelot, since there are two parts to the Dark Hook twist: it happening and it being revealed to have happened, and JMO is pretty clearly talking about it happening.  It also would make sense for him to go full-on evil then, because that would provide enough reasoning for Emma to launch a curse that takes away everyone's memories, especially his.


    Once he sees all that happened in present-day Storybrooke, I think he'll be playing Nimue and the other Dark Ones, and working toward making himself the sole carrier of the Darkness so that Emma can be saved and he can be killed in order to save the town.  That, however, won't be revealed until 5x11, so expect a full episode where it looks like Hook in the present day is just evil like he is in the flashback.

    I agree. She's referring to his initial reactions to becoming the Dark One. Like I've said, I have theories of what happened after that, but he's a baby Dark One in Camelot. I don't think he's going to be on his best behavior.

  11. Remember when SDCC rolled around, and they were doing their interviews, and how all the questions were directed at Jen about Dark Swan?


    Those 2 already knew there would be 2 Dark Ones, didn't they?

    I kind of think they did. Jen did say "Maybe she'll suck him into the darkness with her".


    I get the feeling that the guest stars don't know much beyond their own stories, but the main players do have a inkling of the overall arc.


    As a big fan of his character, I'm just excited he's getting any focus at the moment, and the fact that it's such a huge and integral twist to the show's mythology has me straight up excited and giddy for what's coming up next. There's so much to explore between Emma's guilt and mixed emotions over turning her boyfriend into the darkest villain ever and Hook having to face his inner demons that it's hard to not be excited about the show again. Yes, I know this feeling might be fleeting, but I'm going to freaking enjoy it while it lasts.

    Thank you! Exactly. He's not a prop. He's probably the most complex character on the show, and he's going through the hero's journey. That is not an easy journey for any classic hero to go through. When all is said and done, this is going to be a really cool story.

    • Love 3
  13. Hello, fellow seekers of ye old bright side! I had to come over here, because I realize that some of the other threads were feeling a bit like it did exactly this same time last year. Funny.To avoid any possible spoilers:


    True. for fans of Hook and Emma, 4x11 lacked the payoff many of us hoped for. Nothing can make up for that particular episode. But, the writers did give us some good moments in 4B and some incredibly awesome moments in 5A. And, I think there's more to come.

    • Love 4
  14. Maybe it's all the Star Wars promotion out now, and knowing A&E's love of it, I can't' help seeing them doing a parallel with the UW rescue. Hook = Han, Emma = Leia, Charon = BobaFett, Hades = Jabba. So maybe Hook has been frozen and being used as a coat rack in Hades' den.


    But that begs the question, who is Luke? Henry? Ew.

    • Love 1
  15. admittedly. ..with strategic editing and a carefully worded voice over those promos can lead you to think something happening on screen for a few seconds can vary wildly from what is actually going on.

    Funny, I was just having the same thought. Like in last week's promo with Killian telling Emma he loves her no matter what. Then, surprise! Cool, cause I made you a Dark One. This week's line about "I want to hurt you as much as you hurt me"  could have followed something like "Of course I love you, but RIGHT NOW..." It could be exactly what he said, but the powers that be do like to use misdirection in those promos for maximum impact. Who knows.


    Also, I don't remember seeing any spoilers of DarkKillian and DarkSwan running around Camelot. I have so many different theories of what happened there, but I'm sure they're probably all wrong.

    • Love 1
  16. I don't really know what to think about Regina here. She was definitely in character, but she was not being a friend to Emma there. She was impatient and wanted to get things done already. If A&E weren't trying to shove the Swan Queen friendship down our throats, it wouldn't have been as grating as it would have been Regina just being Regina.

    Regina was a complete asshole in that scene. It's one thing to get your friend to confront their fears, but you do it in a supportive manner over drinks or something, not wielding a dagger that removes their free will. But then, Regina just seems to be that kind of friend. Jesus, I'd hate for her to throw me a milestone birthday party.

    • Love 10
  17. With that being said, I am completely confused by Hook's 180 turn at the very end because it seemed incredibly out of character, even if he is technically a Dark One. That better be a bait and switch and he's playing Zelena or something.

    No, I think it's totally playing Zelena.

    • Love 4
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