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Posts posted by ABitOFluff

  1. Love his hair and scruff length in the season 3 finale, my favorite.

    That was my favorite too. Same with the Prince Charles look.


    I wished that when Emma fixed him up she could have given him a little trim. Someone here speculated that maybe he was growing it out for a role as an 80s rocker, but what he's got now is kind of a reverse mullet. They could still keep continuity with a little bit off the top.


    I don't mind the hook, but something other than the leather would be nice when he's resurrected. Colin looks pretty good in blue jeans and a light v-neck.

  2. I think that was the most disturbing part of the episode. I really don't want to learn more about Belle and Rumple's personal lives if it somehow involves a dummy lookalike of Rumple.

    I remember reading Ronnie Spector's autobiography. While she was married to Phil Spector, he made he made her ride around with a mannequin of him in the passenger seat of her convertible. So...

    • Love 4
  3. No wonder no one has been interacting with Belle since she arrived in Underbrooke. Who would want to deal with her? Bye, girl. I really did want you to have some friends that weren't Rumple. That whole scene with the dagger and Gaston is going to bother me for awhile.


    Does anyone find Killian's reaction to the squiggly lines rude now? Yeah, no hopefully or maybes with that plan.


    I would have liked most of the show to be CS, Snow and Regina. That's the stuff is actually relevant to the plot. Sucks that they were the B plot.

    • Love 8
  4. This forum hasn't always been a single ship forum. I would argue that it still isn't, as I certainly still ship Snowing and I was at least interested in Rumbelle until his dagger lie shenanigans. It's not impossible that I could be interested again, but Rumple needs some work before that can happen. I was open to Outlaw Queen until they totally butchered its execution. I maintain that Regina should have found out he had the tattoo in the missing year then forget about it and fall in love with him before seeing it in the current timeline.


    Shipping Captain Swan does not mean those shippers aren't interested in anything else. I am certainly still interested in the whole show and would be open to discuss its wide array of characters with anyone. My only anti-ship (well besides Wooden Swan but I never thought that would happen) is Swanfire and I was anti-Swanfire long before Captain Swan seemed like it was really going to set sail.


    That said, I don't think anyone here needs to justify why they ship anything or why they anti-ship anything. 

    I agree that this forum is definitely not a single ship forum, but there just happens to be a lot more members talking about CS than any other ship.


    I hate the thought that anyone feels left out because they don't ship CS, so it might be nice for ships to have their own thread. I know relationship discussions technically belong here, but shipping involves so much more than the canon relationships, that I personally would love to hear more about why others ship who they do and why. 


    And as it's been pointed out, shipping doesn't necessarily mean romantic partnerships, but also friendships (CaptainCharming, anyone?).

    • Love 2
  5. Based on his reaction, I honestly don't think he did. This all probably happens in Offscreenville: "Hey Hook and Emma, go on top of the freezing cold roof and keep watch for any of Hades's minions." "And what are you guys going to do in the library all night?" "We're going to come up with an awesome plan to get back to Storybrooke." "Okay, want to fill us in on what that plan is?" "Well, Regina thinks she might have a vague idea, but it's going to take a few hours to complete, so leave that to us and go stand guard." 

    My thoughts exactly. He and Emma have been up on the roof for who knows how long, looking out for who knows what. Emma's freezing, and when she finally gets some shut-eye, she has a bad dream. He's probably at least hoping they come up with some solid, tactical plan for taking Hades down.


    When he sees the door, he's probably thinking, "Oh god, please say that's not another portal."

    • Love 1
  6. I saw Zootopia over Easter weekend with my niece and nephews.Ginny was great. I noticed Judy cried just like she does, so she must have inspired the animators. 


    My 7-year old nephew loooved Flash the Sloth. During the ride home he and I reenacted the DMV scene with me doing Judy's voice. Over and over again.

  7. I respect everyone's CS headcanon, because frankly, I too would like to see an intimate, romantic scene like that. But I also like to think they have a healthy adult relationship, sexy times and all.


    Also, if someone like Milah asked me if I had been with her ex lover, I'd be like, "Us? Oh, we're more like really close friends. Yeah...totally friends."

    • Love 2
  8. Ok, first the nursery now all the baby toys in the kitchen. Whaaaaat?


    It looks like babies are going to be a big theme, at least in the second half of the arc. In fact, was Hades still holding Rumple's contract in some of the BTS pictures of Firebird?


    As for the sneak peek: oh look, Charming has something to do. Of course, Cruella is getting it on with James!

  9. I'm liking all of the episodes so far.


    A lot of feels, especially in the first half. The writers did good redeeming Milah's backstory. I wish we could see more of her and Emma ogether. Strangely, I could see her as a better friend to Emma than Regina. But no, Rumple continues to be a selfish dick. Poor Milah. Milah and Killian's first meeting meeting was a nice touch.


    The CS reunion was too short, but so glad it finally happened.


    And the fact that Hades is making Rumple his bitch makes me like him more and  more (except for the hair).

    • Love 1
  10. I'm nervous this is going to be another freaking Lily situation. Remember the episode Lily? No? You know, the one where Hook, Snow, Charming, and Henry were all ditched in Storybrooke for an entire episode, and we were excited because that meant that they'd finally interact with each other without Emma present? And then they never even shared a scene together, and instead we got the pointless Emma/Lily/Regina plot? Crap, I think I just joined RadioGirl27's negative party. :P


    I need new spoilers. Like, now.

    LOL, Okay, so to add the opinion of the eternal optimist (that's ME!), let's say this is part one of the finale, and not part one of the next arc. If Snowing, Hook and Zelena are sucked through a portal, I can actually see a fun AU/Time travel adventure rather than a  #SaveSomoene situation.


    According to spoilers, this group is sending residents of the Enchanted Forest back home. So if they were sucked in, neither Snowing or Hook would be completely be lost (again ff that's what happens).  If so, I can see some comedic potential rather than dire straits.


    Filming will continue next week. I hardly think this is is the absolute final ending of the season.

    • Love 1
  11. Of course Colin likes that it's dark. Gives him room to stretch. But let's not overdo the darkness guys.

    I had no doubt that as an actor Colin loves these meaty scenes. I have to agree with him  because I also like the darkness. It's the first time in a while I've felt real menace and high stakes for the heroes, even as one who follows spoilers. Greg is doing a pretty good job as Hades. Yes, he's mustache twirling, but I'm liking it better than Rumple's.

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