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Posts posted by ABitOFluff

  1. I admit I died little when it was revealed that Emma's house was Killian's idea, but talk about a complicated relationship. At least now some spoilers of the future episodes make more sense.


    I couldn't get into the second hour at all, but it was good seeing Ruby and Mulan. Merida, girl, I'm glad your story's over now.

    • Love 4
  2. Going back to the SQ bad apples in particular, it pisses me off that they consider any fan of CaptainSwan or OutlawQueen to be homophobic, when that's far from facts as can be. Yes, there are homophobes in this world, but if there's one thing I can take from years of observing online SiFi/Fantasy fandom over the years, is that you'll find some of the most accepting and open fans in these genres than you will anywhere else.


    So, here I am, a pansexual woman--and really, where are the cis-female/transmen/transwomen couples being represented--with several gay family/friends/coworkers. And I'm homophobic because I'm a fan of a canon heterosexual couple like CaptainSwan? Please, sit down and have several seats.

    • Love 9
  3. Hooks seems to be getting free in one of the pics where Arthur is forcing Merlin to choke Snow. I guess Hook gets the broken half of Excalibur away from Artie and gets mortally wounded by Merlin (?) in the process. 


    Is that ornate box the next deus ex machina? 

    Thanks, I was going to ask if our more eagle-eyed members can confirm that! I also thought the box was the sorcerer's hat box.

  4. So let's see, a Ghost & Mrs. Muir suggestion...has no one speculated that they could clearly be trapped in some sort of Christmas Carol situation? Regina and Robin obviously represent the Ghost of Christmases yet to come and are showing Killian his grave (because he's obviously Scrooge).

    I'll be quiet now.

    I can see that. Or we can go with the tried and true, Yet Another Alternate Universe.

  5. That tombstone is way too old and faded to be for a recent death.


    Unless maybe it turns out he's really been dead all along, and that's why he seems to be a "survivor" because you can't kill a dead man -- and then they find his ancient grave, brought over by the curse. He's just been a corporeal ghost (yeah, I just made that up) all this time.

    You know, I had that same thought. Single mother in love with a deceased sea captain? Very "Ghost and Mrs. Muir".

    • Love 2
  6. In my teens-very early twenties, and still living with my parents, I used to carve fancy jack-o-lanterns each year. I never thought much about it. Then the year I moved into my own place, my mother told me the neighborhood kids who came to the house Halloween night asked her what happened to the cool jack-o-lanterns. One toddler was even a little pissed about not seeing one.


    If I had my own house, I'd be one of those people that goes all out for Halloween. But in my apartment, I have my year-round artificial tree lit up with orange and purple LED lights and various spooky stuff scattered about. I haven't decided to go out or stay around for trick-or-treaters. I doubt I'll get many, but I actually enjoy giving out candy and seeing the kids' costumes. 

  7. Hook was fine With Cora Massacring a Village, Hit Belle Repeatdley and shot her in the back almost killing her and once tried to Kill Emma. I love how He got so easily forgiven. Oh that's right he's hot(NOT) so he gets a pass. It just angers me that Bae gets so much scorn when Hook did worse deeds

    No one here has ever painted Hook as a choirboy in his pirate life. The writers, however, seem to be doing just that with Nealfire, and it's not working for some of us. 

    • Love 10
  8. I might have heard wrong, but I'm pretty sure she actually said 'in a can'. Which, are cans a thing in Camelot? A lot of Spaghettios and tuna there? Stuck out as wonky to me when they easily could have said exactly what you did instead.

    That stuck out to me. I don't think canned food became a thing until the Napoleonic wars. But then I thought Camelot, timelines, fairytales, blahblablah, suspension of disbelief. Still, no I'm pretty sure there was no canned food in Camelot.

    • Love 5
  9. I was mostly bored, but I will also echo the appreciation of Merlin eye candy. He's just gorgeous.


    I did note the mention of Henry being a hero, but I don't know how it's going to affect the story. I think we're pretty sure he's not going to be the one to pull out Excalibur. I did kind of  like the Henry/Violet stuff, but if a 13-year-old's tears is powerful enough to counter -act dark magic, then tween me would be the most powerful wizard of all time. And I did chuckle at the suggestion of "Harold and Maude" being a good date movie. I love the movie, but it's a good date movie for goth kids maybe.


    I was actually okay with a lot of the Emma/Regina stuff. Yeah, Regina lecturing Emma on being self-righteous was ridiculous, but she was upset about Henry seeing what happened. I can understand that.

  10. Still trying to figure out my Halloween costume this year. Every year my office does a Halloween spooktacular with food and costumes. Last year, I won second place and a $50 gift card with my two-headed circus performer costume. This year it's weird, because a lot of people were let go with restructuring.  I work at home most of the time myself, but I think it would be good to go to the office Halloween party.


    So, should I do Wicked Witch Elphaba or demon warrior--basically medieval gear with horns, fangs, and green face makeup, since I have green makeup already?

  11. As someone who was a fan of a Moonlighting back in the day, there was a lot of "will they or won't they" around Dave and Maddy finally getting together. The entire series was based on their UST. Well, they did, and the series went downhill pretty quickly after that. I even remember the episode. The fans all went "SQUEE" and then, "eh".


    So, I'm in the group that's pretty sure that CS has been intimate pretty regularly between 4a and 4b, because I like it like that. They're both worldly adults who have worked out their issues together. They've become more comfortable with each other, while remaining or even becoming more attractive to one another than ever before.


    That said, or because of that, I wouldn't have minded the Camelot kiss to have gone a little farther.

  12. You know, I know there would be no show without some conflict, but I get the feeling if everyone just stayed home and let Hook handle things, there wouldn't be a Dark Swan. So, yeah, the best parts for me were Captain Swan. I even loved when they spied on Henry and Violet.


    Proud that Snowing didn't fall for Arthur's tricks, but then get a spell put on them. D'oh!


    I really liked Lancelot. Hope to see more of him.

    • Love 9
  13. Well, regarding the CS stuff coming up, I can only say, "Ouch, my heart". But I have hope (your words, writers) that it's still true love. I have to say, while I don't like relationship angst as a rule, I prefer it over boredom. So, they got me there.


    As far as exploring Hell, it's funny because for the past year I've been working on a story dealing with a protagonist from Hell. My idea of Hell and the Underworld is an amalgam of various theologies and personal hells, though. But, I'd be on board with Once doing the Greek mythology of the Underworld..

    • Love 1
  14. ETA: Maybe Hook is the one who went "full hero" in Camelot. That's why Dark Swan/Mindworm!Rumple immediately jumps to him as the first choice to pull the sword from the stone (that sounds dirty--heh).

    And that's what I'm thinking. If you go by the writers' language, Regina might be the "saviour", but all the hero labels of recent have pointedly been used on or by Hook.

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