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Ok Here we go. Launching amphibs off of a carrier. Totally surprise attack. Lots of tension on the boats. Wolf hanging tough with Green. Reporter looking nervous. Ok this lady knows where to get good eyebrow waxing done on a boat in warzone. Flashback: Eyebrow lady “Chandler ur friggin mental” Chandler “yo you’re the one taking on the beach landing laters” Slattery looking in command, firing some shells into the horizon. We blew up a shed I repeat We have blown up a shed! Only killed a couple of hombres. Plenty more guarding this random undefended beach we chose to invade wtf. Helo in the air. Not a Cobra or Blackhawk. I think it is newschopper 5 with a camo wrap. Hitting the beach stay close to me. More random shelling. Ok we got a couple of machine gun nests on the beach. And armored landing craft. Lets do this. Lets get out of the armored landing craft and lay on the beach. Randomly firing uphill into machine gun nests is surprisingly ineffective. Whoda thunk. THe US with all of its residual might couldn’t muster some kind of coordinate airstrike? Napalm? Something. I guess not. Powell Doctrine is not in effect. OK the red shirt who was with the black chick who we found on a boat who was immune and led to the vaccine is now a delta force forward observer got killed RIP. Wolf leading the civil war charge. Hope your plot armor is as good as his! OK we moved 30 feet up the beach. Newscopter 5 in with the frontal attack. Flanking or hitting them from the back with air power isn’t sporting. Machine gunner on the copter kills at least a dozen. Copter is going down. Lets stand up and run into machine gun fire. Probably OK tho cuz their machine guns are just laying down suppressing fire. Oh crap a guy got one in the eye. It’s always fun until someone loses an eye. The guy with the embedded reporter got mortared. With the reporter, but she is OK I think. Not much shrapnel in Panamanian mortars.. Now the APCs’e moving up. Friendly driving accident. Make up lady taking charge like a boss. Mortar them back from a 100 feet away, no aiming or calibration. We are that good. 21st century armament, LAWS rockets, stingers, bazookas but give me a good old fashioned mortar and I am good. OK now we remember we have grenades, Toss one in a building you are standing next to. Lets just shoot everybody. Except these guys they seem cool. Hoverboats are cool. Bringing in the 8 wheeled vehicles. Tavo making a speech. Lets trace this. We have coordinates. Fuck tomahawks, this is persona. Tarot lady didn’t see this coming. Tavo wants to go mano a mano with Chandler. Battle stations! Get your RHIB out! Green has eyes on Tavo. Wolf is just going t walk it off. Launch torpedoes. Then missles. Helmets in combat are for wimps. . OK our torpedoes are useless. Just got a hit from … a battleship! Abandon ship! No one believed him but Chandler knew about the battleship. Told you so. Because arial reconnaisance is not a thing anymore, no one could have seen this coming. Except Chandler. Destroy everything on the ship before it goes down. Here are the pananmanian allies! OH Shi where is chandler. Is he going down with the ship? Wolf is dying? Dead? Make up lady caught Tavo. Can we just shoot the guy? No he only wants to be shot by chandler. OK he gets shot, but only after he went for a weapon. I think chandler is going to launch a missile or something. Slattery trying t talk him out of it. Flashback to him and eyebrows planning for the future. After the assault she almost looks flushed. Chandler rigging ropes to ram the battleship. Ramking speed. Not sure what the ropes were for. OMG did he get off the ship?? He did. All dressed up in Navy blues at home. With ghost Russians. And there is the doctor lady in a dress. He has got to be dead. Whatshis hump has legs? It’s like a gathering of peeps that have gotten killed on the show. Here is that mercenary guy, Tex I don’t remember the last time he was in the picture. OK this ending has a Harry Potter with Dumbledore in the Kings Cross Station limbo feeling. Navy whites with everyone dead piping in. Just floating in the sea, hearing your children as you watch an ATV sink. He’s not dead yet, swims to the surface. Here comes the RHIB. And that is a wrap.
The most valuable seeds in the world. In an unguarded fridge in the sick bay. Is this a plant that is still grown somewhere or are these the last seeds of an extinct plant? If the plant is not extinct then send in what remains of seal team 6 and the marine to get it. WHat are the alternatives being sought by the world? Does the Red Plague affect algae? What about trees? Potatoes? Very vague, you wonder why the world already isn't reduced to cannibalism. Maybe they are. But you couldn't keep the seeds in the safe of the captain's cabin with two armed guards outside? Or maybe split them up. To get the genetic information you would need from the seeds you would need a minuscule amount of seed to assay. All we know is the plant is resistant. One seed would be enough. So you get the DNA for the gene, stuff it into corn, wheat, sorghum and start growing. Ok, I get that Greece spent the most on defense of all the NATO allies as a percentage of GDP. But after the plague, they can muster 5 warships to harass our one? Oh well, the seeds are safe with the English, and some free-lance Greek warlords.
Donna's behavior has made her the villain of the show. Bos wanted the early out on Rover, to pay off his debt. Then Bos gets Cameron to write the algorithm. Or Cameron does it to screw Joe and Gordon after they didn't listen to her. Meanwhile, Donna is boosting a search engine play to shaft he daughter. Not hiring four programmers and reverse engineer or figure out the algorithm is just dumb. I do think the programming team at Rover overplayed their hand. Donna knew something and the chick programmer was demanding that they get some respect. So what is Donna going to do with the hot potato algorithm? I wonder if Cameron will free source it or something. But Donna is the villain, prim in her stylish outfits, making people squirm. I wonder how her relationship with Diana will change with now. The whole time at the dinner Bos was sitting there like a possum that snuck up on a porcupine in heat. Or whatever folksy colloquialism Bos would use in that situation. Gordon clearly stated Haley was 14 years old. I think they shaved off a few years from the girls because they were 5 and 6 when they built the Giant in 1982. I get why he was burning the journals though. Let of the past.
Simcoe is my favorite character on the show. The whole passive-aggressive way he always speaks, combined with his utter ruthlessness is amazing. I don't think Woodhull's joining the Tory militia would have been that strange. A man would have wanted that military service to further his career after the war. Hewitt, how we have missed you. Evidently, he was able to put Simcoe's treachery behind him to become the intelligence officer. Such a good post for a man of his curiosity and intellect.
Exactly. I seriously doubt they will kill of Ramse. He is one of the main 7 characters. There is always a way. We saw him shot and bleeding out. But was Ramse dead? Or will he get the Deacon treatment - rest and recuperation and then he is released into the time stream again? I also like the traitor guy in Titan. I think he might be doing some secret agenda work for the witness behind the main guys back.
I love Jennifer Goines. She is a breath of fresh air in the series. That scene a few years ago on the lunch date was one of the best ever. Her antics in Paris were amazing, Just like the original movie, where Brad Pit was my favorite character, she astounds. So glad to see he back on the team.
I like the fact that this is a prequel, and we know how the game ends for everyone (well not Saul, as it is not clear from the flash forward last week when he was on the floor of the Cinnabon what happened after that). BCS is about setting up the pieces on the chessboard for BB.
Dave got a black-eye from the encounter. However, the next day when they went to check out the frozen lake that feeds the operation, it was gone. All those guys getting mushy and emotional made me think they were mining Brokeback Mountain. Plus they talk about guys going home with gold in their pocket. I would think that most of them work for wages. I do really like the guy who (supposedly) made the road alone by bulldozing all night. Why didn't they do that in the beginning and just have one wash plant going for both operations? Tonys second dredge is stuck. Gosh, he could have gotten a helicopter and airlifted the bucket line and the important parts out a long time ago. He is tearing most of the barge apart anyway, why not just reconstruct the bargey part and insert the mechanical stuff? Plus they lost a week after they parked the 1st dredge, then came back and started those operations again to get 200 ounces. If they would have used that week then they could have more than doubled that. Parker got his 4000 ounces. Had to push pay to the plant with a bulldozer, which increased fuel costs, seems a bit counterproductive to the goal of mining the gold with out going over, which he did, so he ended up having to pay increased royalties on 200 ounces by burning more fuel to get it, just to beat the 4k goal. Is he going to get his own land now? Still not sure about the actual profits these operations turn. I will assume the Hoffman operation is a money loser (look at how dirty their water is, if you see shots of the operation it looks contrived like it is run for an hour while they film). Parker had a nice pile of gold (although I would think for security purposes you would want to cart it into town at regular intervals to pay your bills. Tony was dead set on getting 2000 ounces (although he would have been better to use the time to clear the ground for next years operations, he said that is what he did in a previous season) I do hope the show comes back next year. They seem to have a good fan base and ratings.
I saw the cleanliness of Parker's gold and then Jack came out with his jars. They were full of black junk. Looked to me to be 50% trash. Also, Freddie needs to put on some sunscreen. That high altitude is baking him. Todd not so much, because manning the grill, driving around the site then going to take a nap is easy peezy.
Todd sends his cousin to find the pay. Logan goes where Todd pointed send a bunch of worthless sand through the plant. Blame Logan. 'Find the pay or else...nothing cuz' so Logan goes a-panning. Finds an area with 8 small colors (I couldn't see them so they must have been awfully small). Weird how they found the good pay on a high point, but it was in with some big rocks so they are good to go, 2 wash plants running. Muddy water. I would have thought Todd would have gone around and panned the claim a bit instead of having run a bunch of sand as the top guy, but no, just have your cousin load whatever then blame him when it doesn't work out. At least now they have a shiny conveyor to load up double-trouble. Clean-up time, lotsa gold. But with all those guys on board, equipment, fuel, new conveyor lease, I don't see how the operation can turn a profit. It can't we know that. Every show they (all of them) are preoccupied with gold total. I would like to see a breakdown of ROI. We had these costs, ran for this long, here is how much we made. I guess Parker did this a bit when he realized he was just breaking even on the boundary cut. But yes, knowing Tony, he will want to scratch every grain out of the played out ground, which works out fine for him as long as someone else is breaking even. It was nice of Parker's parents to drop by.
Fowler was the most interesting to me. Plus he left in fair shape. When I graduated High School I was 6 foot tall and 160 pounds. Not very muscular but I was in good shape. Carleigh had to be helped onto the boat. She looked like she was going to collapse. There was one flash of her abdomen in the hospital and she looked awfully thin. Maybe everyone got an IV when they got back to civilization, who knows. But she was straight up in the hospital bed, weak as heck. Fowler, when he got back to Maine, drove there, looked good, got right back into living normally. And that after just a few good meals and a couple of days rest. Not 5 months. I think Megan had a really good chance but she boned it with those Rose Hips. She was the forage queen with the mushrooms and greens. That tripe with being a mother and boo-hoo was just silly. Her cracked tooth is what took her out. As far as food drops I am against that. For one, how do you determine who gets how much. 500 calories to a 100-pound person are not the same as to a 200-pond person. So how would you balance that to make it fair? I think it is bad enough that you can take rations as part of your gear (or double rations even for two items) which everyone did except Fowler. I was kind of surprised that no-one tried to eat grubs or more insects. You watch Bear Grylls out there and he is scarfing them down like candy. That may me unfair though because he drinks his own urine. Once he even did a seawater enema to hydrate on a raft ('Do it for England!' he cried). People lasted a lot longer than previous shows. Maybe better location. Fresh water was definitely was a bonus. Maybe better people. It just contrasts so much with Naked and Afraid, which is just fakery. Camera crews all around, people drama, basically just a long camping with no clothes on.
The young guy who cut himself in the beginning only weighed 140 pounds maybe for the show. I think it would behoove a person to pack on some pounds before they get on the helicopter. Like, as many as you can. Fowler lost 83 pounds by the end of it. That is like a pound a day. And he still looked good. Walked out, I mean he was beat, but he didn't look that bad. The showed a pic of him jumping in the water and he wasn't showing ribs. Not compared to Dave (concentration camp) and Carleigh (straight to the hospital, kiwis for a week & 5 months to recover). I liked the clumsy guy. He admitted he was making dumb decisions. Dan, if he wasn't so lazy (I will not call his strategy smart IMO), might have caught more fish and kept more his mind more occupied with more activities. But he was a douche so everyone else and I pretty much was glad to see him ball. Caleigh left on her own terms. I admire her for overcoming the spiders. That is pretty hardcore. Fowler's structure was solid looking. Warm even. And he was so crafty. I wonder if bringing the saw helped. He was able to cut bigger pieces than other people. Plus that shovel/ax thing.
I am still not sure if it is legal exactly to put your kid up for adoption when they are 9. I think the rule is you are stuck with them after they are 1 year old. Lenny confessed to an African priest who doesn't speak English. The not he passed told all about the Nun's transgressions. So he calls in the wrath of God to punish (kill?) her. Then, someone (at the Vatican) whacks the Kangaroo. Are the two things related? Or Voiello sending a message?
Spenser, looking so smug, thinking he is going to get the Papacy. Yo Spence, you're not even in line to be third banana anymore. You got played playa. Dussolier. Not a lot of shows depict male rape. How common is it for a Cardinal to show up back at the Vatican at 4 am in their skivvies after a hard night of partying? I guess he is just not a social drinker. Looked like the Italian GILF had been doing double duty at the pilates and spin classes though. I feel for you though Duss, whiskey-d gets the best of all of us. But yeah when her son tried to stuff it to you in the car on the way home, well that was just rude. I mean buy a guy dinner first ffs, plus bring a hottie Italian chick and then game on. Maybe. Like what kind of ID do you have to flash at the Vatican to get into the Apartment complex. "Wait a minute dudes my wallet is in this sack with all my wet clothes. I accidently fell into the Trevi fountain" "No problem excellency, we got your back". Just another Saturday night in the Swiss Guards. Nice of the Pope to drop by Esthers and hang out. I wonder if they let him say the before dinner prayer. I would. Seemed like they were thinking 'Just be careful changing that baby there butter gloves' oh f it he can just grant another miracle baby amirite? So the drug lord was pissed at the Dussolier for banging his wife. Excuse me, Carlos it takes 2 to meringue. Dussolier should have said 'Carlos your wife is a slut. But I forgive her. 17 Hail Mary's and she is good to go on the adultery. I swear to God I won't bang her again. Unless she wants me to, cuz like a said, she's kinda a slut'. But noooo, he gets stabbed and she gets off scot free. So much for devout religiosity Carlos. You are going to hell on that one, over and above being a Narco. Didn't get that part at the end with the girl and the black statue of Mary and child. I just chalked it up to the persistent weirdness of the show. Which keeps getting weirder. Voeillo still rocks as the antagonist. The switching plates part was cool, including his response.
So Parker is not getting enough gold out of the Boundary cut. OK. The ground is petering out. Ho-hum. He hires a guy then fires the guy 10 minutes later. Even though he knew the guy couldn't run a loader let alone an excavator I mean really is that the only guy you could set on the job mucking around near 600k of sluicer and whatnot. Ffs maybe the guy could have drove a rock truck for a day then had some time to f around on a loader to get him up to speed, I mean a guy to fuel and maintain the gear could be good to have around. Just didn't seem like he got much of a chance, being as he was hired as a mechanic after all. Although he didn't have his own tools for the big trucks I mean what do you expect when you hire the guy from jiffy-lube. Whatever, get off that crappy claim double down on Indian River, start clearing for next year, pan in the cut, drill some holes. Tony found a barge to get some gear up to the new dredge. I know there is a lot to these dredges but wouldn't it have been easier to just salvage the few vital pieces like the bucket line and just build a whole new dredge around it? I mean he already constructed for $10k a barge he can't use, plus an unusable tug, plus another tug with no pilot. Heck he could have just helicopter slung loaded out the bucket line and whatever else out of the sticks and built a new dredge around it based on pics of the salvaged dredge by this time from new material. Maybe. The Hoffman operation is a joke. They did get $130k of very dirty looking gold. Not sure what the take was after you factor in all the additional running. Lat time it was $20k profit after 3 days. So now after a week, more guys more fuel, et cetera, times 5 guys, carry the 2 net profit $20k? So Dave gets the job of fixing up the double trouble washplant. They put in that custom built pipe-sprayer and from the footage I saw the nozzles were spraying about as well as my garden hose. And everyone was complaining about how crappy that wash plant was. Gosh, we had a nice wash plant we brought down from Alaska that was left in Oregon, no f that lets go with this piece of junk. Although, to be fair, they built ish friggin solid in the fifties and it broke down just 2 years ago, so Dave got it fired up pretty quick. The re-done electrical looked pretty slick I bet that was about $10k of electrical work there because it looked brand new with bells and whistles all new after they were done with it. Are they even off the grid there? Hoffman operations are always a money pit with no end and some gold gets got sometimes so full speed ahead! OK though at the first mine it literally looked like tailings were bulldozed to make a nice parking lot for the show.