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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. 19 minutes ago, Pers said:

    Back to "life circumstances" stuff and eating bad foods.

    "Dr. Now didn't give me a plan to follow" - it's the same frikkin' plan you had the month before! *BONK*

    Besides that giving someone a very detailed "plan" (eat 3 grapes at 10:05am, eat 2 oz of chicken at 12:15...) isn't going to help them learn to make CHOICES in order to maintain the weight loss. I see this kind of thing with some of my students. You have a set of parameters (Dr. Now's diet) and within those parameters you have the freedom to make choices for yourself because one day it's going to be YOU doing it on your own and for yourself. Take some responsibility and ownership of the process. LEARN how to make healthier choices. Grow the F*** up! 

    • Love 11
  2. On 3/1/2017 at 8:27 PM, 55Unicorns said:

    Her parents don't seem "all there"...

    None of them seem all there. I'd bet a year's salary that Charlie (though probably a good-hearted person) is seriously developmentally challenged. Whatever potential her parents had, I'd say the drugs just fried 'em. 

    • Love 6
  3. So little miss "professional dancer" who is ALL THAT is so stressed (read: scared) that she goes off and hires this Jenzi person? LOVE LOVE Todd's comments. Impending disaster. 

    And the whole "I'll take you for barbecue" and then takes her to a place she herself has never even been too??? wtf??? Can't wait to see how Whiney handles Jenzi being a bitch since she obvs didn't take Jiya being one too well.  

    • Love 6
  4. On 3/4/2017 at 11:53 AM, AZChristian said:

    Can't you just see him walk into the room and ask, "What do you think has caused you to get to ____ pounds?"

    Whit:  "I have PCOS."

    Dr. Now:  "PCOS doesn't have any calories.  You don't put PCOS into your mouth.  What do you EAT?"

    Whit:  "Almost nothing.  But I have PCOS."

    Dr. Now:  "I can't help you.  I don't treat PCOS.  I treat people who eat too much.  See ya."

    You left out the "Hey y'all doin'?" -that's my favourite! 

    • Love 6
  5. Okay. Is it me, or does Amanda kinda fight an eye roll in every scene? Like she's telling herself "just think about the money - just think about the money"?? And when she says "it's more than mutual" she's frowning like she's in pain. She maybe into the paycheck from TLC but ain't no way she's into Whiney. 

    • Love 7
  6. On 3/1/2017 at 7:57 PM, John M said:

    Right? It's actually kind of offensive. Has Whit ever mentioned having same sex attraction? She thinks because a gay person invited her to do something that it means they are trying to jump their bones? Is it scandalous that she kissed a girl? She has had such terrible luck with men she is just going to give women a try? That lesbians are automatically into big girls?

    I am doubtful that this is going to end in anything but offensive stereotypes.

    And not two episodes ago she was talking about her and Tal and how perfect they would be together except that he's gay and she's straight. She's made plenty of points of saying she's straight, not bi, not gay, etc. so this suddenly "lesbionic" ... ... ugh. 

  7. On 3/1/2017 at 5:04 PM, John M said:

    This is the thing that gets me, my life is way more interesting than hers and it sure as hell isn't interesting enough to carry a TV show. I mean hell I even do the stuff manufactured for the show for real except it is more interesting. You know how I spent last friday and Saturday? Let's see, I left my legitimate job, met friends for happy hour, went to go see a friend's brand new house, met other friends for drinks at the gay clurb, hung out, laughed, had fun, had a few too many cocktails in part because our bartender was drunk which was funny as hell, spent the night at a friend's house for sexy time, woke up and met my mom for mimosas and brunch on a patio at a park, then went to the museum and then we went to a fun consignment store in my neighborhood that has a bunch of fun vintages pieces, my mom bought me a fun vintage I'm guessing 60s vase set. And get this, I am a single home owner in his 30s and I didn't whine about how terrible my life is once or make up a fake relationship with my good friend with whom I am actually having sex with.

    That's like 4 episodes of MBFFL and my life is not fabulous, I guess because I don't weigh 400 pounds?

    Grow up Whitney, congratulations on not achieving the normal life of a single 30-something but calling it fabulous while you cry about the relationship that was entirely made up in your head not working out.

    I don't know about your life... but that sounds like a pretty damn fabulous weekend to me! :) And yes, it would be an entire season on MBFFL. 

    • Love 3
  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE that they have the mid-day DJ filling in for LauRen and didn't even ASK poor Twit. It seriously made me happier than I should be comfortable admitting. And when LarRen gets BACK from maternity leave... just what does she think she's going to have a chance at at that point? And the waddling down in the black dress and bad (or maybe no?) bra... 

    Agree with you @leighroda - I admit to being old and boring but this "clurb" BS... We're gonna need a group go fund me. 

    • Love 7
  9. 1 minute ago, AZChristian said:

    In my fun fantasy thought of the day, I wonder how it would work if Whitney and BooBear were side-by-side in a window/center seat duo. 

    They would probably be okay. As long as NO. ONE. was in the aisle seat. No way a third person could fit. With her spillover (I swear there's NO way she fits in ONE seat) and Buddy... maybe they could split the cost of the "extra" seat? 

    • Love 3
  10. 11 hours ago, AmyB said:

    So to go along with the flying convo, she shared this on Instagram about chairs. I guess the chairs are fat phobic as well. But she mentioned she was flying to LA tomorrow in the comments. But I was wondering if anyone else noticed that she is now putting all of her body shame info and book info on her posts. 

    And this is a doctor's office. I haven't been in any doc's office where there isn't one or two (or more if it's a larger practice) chair-and-a-halfs that would be just about right for Twit. And agreement with comments upthread - the world is under NO obligation to validate you, accommodate your vanity or personal preferences. Get. Over. Yourself. And my mother (who is 78) would have a REAL hard time with a chair with no arms. She gets around fine but needs that extra support when sitting/standing. 

    Ohhhh Twit is becoming more obnoxious and nausea-inducing with every episode. Gag.

    • Love 7
  11. 9 hours ago, Runnergirl said:

    It's plausible that someone used this doctor's letterhead to write the letter.


    It didn't even look like professional letterhead. Especially with the phone and fax numbers listed as ... oh what was it? Professional letterhead would either have the numbers listed or just not have any mention of them. 

    Fake. Fake-fake-fake. Fake-fake-fake-fake. Fake. I feel sorry for the doctor! If those fans of hers get his name/address he's gonna get bags full of hate mail and have NO idea why! 

    • Love 3
  12. On 12/27/2016 at 4:05 PM, PamelaMaeSnap said:

    Is it just me or is Nick the most annoying person ever? If I were a spirit haunting one of these houses and he came in with that aggressive attitude I'd stay quiet just to spite him. 

    Nick is okay. The most annoying person ever is that Zac "bay-ins" (as ZB liked to pronounce it) guy he worked with on Ghost Adventurers. Now THAT was one annoying a$$hole. As a ghost, I would torn between staying quiet in "nope, nothing to see here. No haunting here. Move along" and just outright F-ing with him. 

    I like Katrina - liked her back in the Paranormal State days. Not sure how I like the show yet. The jury is still out. It's entertaining for the most part so I'll watch when I catch an episode on. I really miss the Dead Files. 

  13. Okay, this may be considered "off topic" but what was up with his hair? I found it so distracting. The extreme slicked back look. His hairline looked like it had been tattooed in and was it the lighting or was his hair way thin like there was a lot of hair loss on the top and crown of his head? It was def not a flattering look. Even less flattering (at any weight) was his attitude and anger issues. I hope he continues with the therapy and is able to work those out. The anger flares will really hurt his family and their relationships with him but also, carrying around so much anger inside just waiting to go off isn't healthy either. I was really surprised he was able to get on board and lose the weight. Good for him but there's a whole lot messed up in that family that could really turn it back down a less successful path.

    • Love 3
  14. When Twit et cie are driving to the TWF class, why does Twit have her arm on Todd's neck? She does this a LOT when she's driving. At first I thought she just had her arm on the back of the headrest but then noticed it was actually ON the back of his neck. And then it looks like she has her hand on his thigh a little later. I get that she's too big not to spill over the center console but REALLY? Ugh.

    • Love 2
  15. 2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    I think Judy Milian from The People's Court would look at Whitney and say, "I wouldn't believe you if your tongue came notarized."  (Too much evidence that she is not an honest person.)

    Ohhh!!! OH!!! THIS!!! 

    So with the "doctor"'s letter - could she maybe take him/her to Judge Judy? Could we get JJ to come back and do a special TPC for Twit to have her "day in court"?? THAT would television GOLD!

    • Love 3
  16. 2 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    Actual comment from a Whitney fan: "I was called obese by two heartless doctors never went back to them!"

    Whitney's attitude may now indirectly cause her zealous fans to die because they so distrust and loathe the medical community.

    So what do y'all think?? Is the next campaign gonna be a no medically-obese-diagnosis campaign? #noMOD! How DARE the medical community call a spade a spade (from a MEDICAL standpoint). /sarcasmfont

    I finally started following her on Instagram (y'all are such a bad influence! ha ha) and I don't know how much of it I can stomach. The continuation of all the delusional fantasy world + the horrendous English! Typos are one thing (guilty of that often enough myself) but ohhhh... the fan that wrote "you're an inspiration ON me" (at least it wasn't YOUR an inspiration...) and Twit's bad grammar... it just hurt. It hurt too much. 

    Okay, one more thing - does anyone else find it funny that her campaign is NO BS and she's nothing BUT BS (bull sh*t AND body shame - as long as she's the one doing the shaming). 

    • Love 4
  17. On 2/24/2017 at 1:37 PM, Madding crowd said:

    I know that vegetables and beans are healthy than cake. However, when Dr. Now just says No carbs at all and doesn't explain what it means, how are we (or the patient) supposed to know it means healthy carbs are ok? Why doesn't he just say that? I also find it really annoying when he assigns a weight loss of 50 pounds and then is annoyed when a person loses 46 or even 30. 

    There was one episode where a patient asked if she could eat strawberries - just a few a day. And he said no. No. Carbs. I don't know why either. No sugary drinks, candy, potato chips, etc. Yeah, duh. But even a piece of fruit or some black beans (in a reasonable portion) doesn't seem that big of a deal. It must have something to do with prepping the body either for surgery in the "shrink the liver" strategy that has been mentioned before or in a "you're about to have everything re-routed in there causing an incredible amount of trauma to your body" kind of way. My SIL had gastric bypass years ago (before she met/married into our family) and she apparently lost a large amount of weight but never reached her "goal" weight (or if she did her goal weight is still way above what would be considered healthy or height/weight proportionate), she doesn't seem to eat much at all though (or at least when there are people around) and she's talked about certain foods -red meat in particular- that will make her sick (throwing up sick). She drinks a fair amount of coffee and carbonated diet drinks which Dr. Now tells patients to stay away from. I don't know if this is something she's reintroduced into her diet over time or not though. 

    All this to say - I'd like to see more about the diets (pre- and post-) and the reasons and rationales behind the various restrictions. 

    • Love 2
  18. 22 hours ago, Geekygal16 said:

    I am so confused.  No way Buddy is 340 and Whit is 365.  Even if he carried all the weight in his gut, she still looks like she's twice his size.  How is it that Whitney looks like she's about to die during Jiya's dance class, but looks like she's training for American Ninja Warrior against Buddy during Will's workout session?

    At a guess, I'd say it's about speed and agility (or lack thereof). In the dance class with Jiya the moves were fast-paced beyond anything Twit does in her own class and she just didn't have the agility or speed to keep up or even DO half the moves, nevermind that since she isn't the professional dancer that she thinks she is, she just couldn't pick up the choreography either. all that added together = train wreck witnessed by her adoring and non-adoring audience members.

    With Will, she's either on some type of stationary bike or rowing machine or she taking a sledgehammer to a tractor tire. Not really something that requires her to be quick on the uptake (choreographically speaking) or agile. The sledgehammer isn't lightweight but then, how long has done that with him? Long enough to know how to do it. Rarely do we see her doing something with Will for the first time (so we don't see the learning curve) nor do they do anything that requires speed or agility. 

    • Love 2
  19. 5 hours ago, AmyB said:

    I didn't find the video (yet) but did find her one instragam pic about flying 

    Notice how she's sucking in her stomach and her entire right leg is in the aisle (along with half of her ass no doubt). Unless the poor soul stuck sitting next to her is dangerously underweight and tiny, tiny boned, and a child! No way is it tight but comfortable. And if the armrest CAN'T be lowered? Time to buy a second seat.

    • Love 2
  20. 43 minutes ago, Elizabeth9 said:

    If it's a choice (and some people believe it is), then why is Dr Now performing surgery?  Isn't this a strange belief for him to have?

    I think there is certainly choice involved in the beginning if not all the way through. She chose to eat whatever whenever or just chose not to pay attention to eating/exercise and effects thereof. Addiction - particularly food addiction - choice or beyond choice? Not as clear maybe there. From Dr. Now's (possible) perspective, they make the choice every day, every meal, to overeat or they make the choice to stay in their addiction, to stay in their mindset OR they make the choice to change, to pay more attention to what/how much they eat, to be more active, to get weight-loss surgery, to follow the doc's orders or to just treat the surgery like a "magic fix" and continue to do what they want. There certainly IS a lot of choice throughout the process so not so strange a belief for him to have. 

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