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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. 4 hours ago, yogi2014L said:

    I'm also surprised that at 32 freaking years old and on a TV show  she needed a cosigner- she must have had some debt. And no money to put down?

    I could see her maybe not having the credit score or established enough credit to get a loan without the parental cosigner. It doesn't sound like she's had much of a career pre-TLC to establish any credit. And if mom and dad have helped pay for things along the way, that would be even less of an opportunity for her to establish credit in her own name. Now, for them to cosign on the loan knowing (if they knew and/or if she really can't afford the monthly payments) she couldn't make the mortgage - that's irresponsible of them. To help her get a loan knowing she can handle the monthly payments - okay. Fair enough and lucky her that she has parents willing and able to help in that way. 

    I think the description of this as a second-rate (third-rate?) side-show is pretty accurate at this point. 

    • Love 2
  2. 11 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

    It's very kind of people to hope that Whit did not have a miscarriage because of the emotional pain, but I don't believe Whit would have cared. If she had been pregnant, she would have used it to continue to manipulate her family, friends, and fans, but ultimately she would have been relieved to miscarry.

    I agree. I think she would secretly have been hoping for a miscarriage. She can't pay her f*ing mortgage!!! AND a baby would upstage her and as Todd said back when they were doing auditions for the big WERKout video - Twit will make sure that every knows SHE is the star. Ugh. 

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Tiramisu said:

    Personality wise, I think she is worse than Penny.  Penny didn't seem emotionally abusive to her family, just bossy and defiant with her weight loss instructions.  She also doted on her son.  I think Kirsten may have some sort of learning disabilities too.  There's something "off" about her.

    Could be damage from all the past drug use. 

    • Love 2
  4. 27 minutes ago, Kelly said:

    Very hard to feel sympathy for Kirsten.  She is just full of excuses.  Her parents contributed to this, and really "created a monster".  She really acts like a child.  Not a 38 year old woman.. 

    And yet she looks like she's in her 50s. 

    • Love 9
  5. 7 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

    Has she lost weight? I can't tell but she's saying she's been going to the gym all the time. She looks the same if not bigger.

    I can't tell either. In the talking heads she looks like she has a little more defined waist but in the other shots she looks bigger. 

    So she bought the house (and her parents had to co-sign on the loan) and NOW that she (and her parents) is legally obligated with the mortgage she's worried about Buddy leaving because she can't afford the mortgage. DUDE!! Maybe work that -ish out before you BUY! I'm surprised THAT didn't give Babs AND Glenn a stroke. 

    • Love 11
  6. On 8/20/2016 at 1:20 PM, ClareWalks said:

    Lennie has all the personality and raw excitement of a senior's knitting class. Hard pass.


    I have to respectfully disagree here. A senior's knitting class would have WAY more personality and raw excitement than Lennie. I'm sure he's a nice enough guy but so laid back you almost have to check for a pulse. Probably the ONLY thing that has gotten him through his "relationship" with Twit. 

    I will say this - I LOVED his "You called me 10 time?!?" reaction when they had "the talk" in her car about his not being home at 3am. Run, Lennie. RUN. 

    • Love 13
  7. On 1/8/2017 at 11:35 AM, spacefly said:


    If Whitney is bordering on Dx then she should be monitoring fasting and post eating sugars for a realistic picture of her overall Diabetic picture.

    It probably all depends on the doctor. I have a former boss who is now a good friend and when she was found to be in that pre-diabetic A1C range her doc had her meet with the diabetes educators in their group and a nutritionist who gave her tips on what she needed to change in her eating habits to try and get that number down. And this is not a woman who is/was overweight or ate crap or was sedentary. But she followed their instructions, made changes to her eating habits (mostly revolving around restricting the amount and types of carbs she ate) and by the 3 month follow-up, she was back down within a normal range. At that point, she was advised to keep up with watching carb intake, and they would continue to monitor her A1C in case, at some point, it dipped back into that pre-diabetic range. Unlike Twit's "I'm no longer pre-diabetic" spoken as if having gotten her A1C down that ONE time means that she's out of the woods for good. 

    She just delusional.

    Spacefly - glad that you have found a doc that help and put all of the pieces together for you! I've always gone by A1C as well (my Dx of T2 was in 2010) and I've been lucky so far that I've been able to keep the A1C under control with diet changes and haven't had any complications. But just getting the Dx was enough to scare me into a mindset of "I'll do whatever I need to to be healthy". 

    • Love 2
  8. I've always wondered about Chantel's parents. These are people she lies to because she is afraid of what they'll think of her being engaged to Pedro who she's gone to the DR to visit on apparently numerous occasions. BUT they have no problem with her living in a one bedroom apartment together. ????

    And why was the bed in the living room??? 

    • Love 3
  9. 2 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

    Those aren't tears of happiness pouring from Anfisa's eyes.

    She's thinking about the $45K dress + the ...what was it almost $100k diamond ring. They really kinda deserve each other. Jorge wants a little wifey. Well. He got one. Though I don't see her cooking him dinner and keeping the house clean. 

    • Love 4
  10. This may not be the place for this question but I'm not sure where else to ask it. In the opening sequences there is a snippet of Alla throwing a chair off a 3rd floor balcony. What episode was that from? I thought I was all caught up and don't remember that scene from any of the episodes. ??? Just a tease clip from TLC or ...??? 

    • Love 2
  11. 23 hours ago, Trace said:

    RUN Azan run!!!  Coming to America is so not worth it honey!! It's not an Eddie Murphy movie.

    Amen!!! I get the feeling it's more his family that wants him to continue with the relationship even though it was clear when they finally met that he didn't find her attractive and didn't find her attitude and lack of respect for his culture attractive. You get the feeling that every time he came back after a fight with "I'm sorry. I really do care about you" that it was something his family had pushed him to do. I'd say he's probably already earned his green card after 5 weeks with Nicole. 

    • Love 17
  12. I feel really sorry for Pedro and Azan. Pedro seems like a genuine, really nice guy who does love Chantel. Sadly, she is an immature drama-queen. Azan also seems like a really nice, caring person who is maybe getting a little pressure from his family to "play nice" with the American for green card reasons. He could do SO much better - either a nice Moroccan girl who will respect his culture and family or a more mature (emotionally) American who is more interested in learning about his culture and language. Nicole doesn't even bother to learn how to say "thank you" to his family after staying there for 5 weeks. 

    This whole season has been the biggest train wreck!!! These couples!! Jorge seems like a nice guy (though looking for a stepford wife) and then gets tied up with Anfisa who is... wow... a white hot mess. Narkia and Lowo - are you serious?? It's these "we met through an app" couples that are going to make the visa process that much harder for those couples who Do really have a relationship (beyond internet apps and phone calls) get the visa. 

    What's the deal with Matt's speech patterns? Is he trying to mimic Alla?? He's just creepy. Run, Alla. Run.

    • Love 4
  13. On 11/18/2016 at 6:24 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

    I hate to say this lest people run in the wrong direction with it, but I'm starting to wonder if there's something going on with Nicole neurologically ~ like perhaps she had some kind of a head injury when she was little? Something is wrong, with the voice octavation, the way she goes from zero to 60 and cannot stop herself from yelling and interrupting. The way she was getting sooo touchy-feely with poor Azan and they practically had to threaten to cut her hands off to get her to stop. Telling her it was illegal didn't make a difference. Blatant social cues didn't make a difference.

    Also, the way she views the world is very lopsided somehow. She's ready to recite Azan's list of failings, knowing full well that it will build her mother's case. But she completely omits her own as if she doesn't even SEE how obnoxious she acted. Like the tape recorder in her head is running but it doesn't record her own behaviors.

    Something is wrong.

    It's not all  neurological though. A big component of it is willful. Nicole getting her way, over and over again. Acting like a huge brat.

    I could see something being not quite right with Nicole. I mean, her 16 year old brother is WAY more mature than she is. She looks and acts like a 12 year old. I just can't believe she's 22!!! The meeting with the lawyer - she just giggles about the lawyer saying they don't have much to make the argument that it is a legitimate relationship. Nicole just takes this WHOLE thing with such a flippant attitude. The cultural differences and religious differences. It's just a big joke to her. Super immature and God help her poor little girl!! 

    • Love 7
  14. On 8/20/2016 at 9:21 PM, Barb23 said:

    Whit mentioned that Buddy had been to Tokyo in her auctioning rap thing she did of him. Was his trip a vacation? Was it to visit Whit when she lived there? Just seemed like an out of the blue comment for her to say about him. 

    I thought she lived in Korea? I can't IMAGINE what the Japanese would have thought of her!!! Oy!! 

    • Love 2
  15. 7 hours ago, M.F. Luder said:

    I understand why it's annoying, but honestly, someone telling me to smile actually does make me smile. I've taken it less as men acting sexist toward me and more as a stranger wanting to interact with me for a few seconds and going for an easy default line. I enjoy these little interactions with people (men or women) that I pass on the streets. Makes me feel like people are friendly. Now, if they try to talk to me further and don't leave me alone when I ask them to, then I'm annoyed.

    I think for me it would depend on HOW they told me to smile. If it's a friendly "smile" that you can sense is more a way of just interacting or trying to be friendly or cheerful, that wouldn't be so bad. But the more sexist, command-like "smile" or "you'd be prettier if you smiled" would probably land me in jail and the dude in the hospital. But maybe not. Maybe I'd just think about it. And smile. A really. scary. smile. 

    • Love 4
  16. On 8/20/2016 at 7:47 PM, amacmom said:

    Not sure how to quote here from other threads, but the for those done with Big Whit the question has been asked on what to watch next.

    My husband says I watch too much "murder" TV (because you know it's always the spouse). And we had a long discussion with friends on how you can kill your spouse and get away with it (but don't try the same thing with the the next one). He knows it's all in jest. The guy's a saint. 

    Anywho, It was Toddlers & Tiaras that took me down the TLC rabbit hole and I'll watch the new season. I watch MBFFL & My 600lb life as cautionary tales. 

    I love all the murder and crime shows, too. LOVED Forensic Files when it was on regularly (I think it's still on in reruns?). But for something a little more positive versus the train wreck that IS MBFFL, I really like Born This Way. 

    • Love 1
  17. Another example of Whitney talking out of both sides of her mouth: she agrees to help her mother become more tech savvy ON THE CONDITION that she teach her how to sext. When mom then DOES THIS, Whitney hits her repeatedly with a magazine and calls her a hussy. If she finds the idea of her mom "sexting" so gross and disgusting then WHY did she INSIST on teaching her how to??? And it was ALL Whitney's idea. Babs never brought it up. 

    I'm with several others who have said they're done with the train wreck. I'll tune in for the final My Big Fat Fabulous Funeral though. Maybe. Maybe I'll just go hit the treadmill or try out some vinaigrette recipes.  

    • Love 9
  18. 5 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

    In another thread, CarolMK posted this:

    This is just my personal experience.  But, several years ago I gave up refined carbs and added sugars because adult-onset diabetes runs in the family.  I'd say I make about 90% of my food from scratch now (including dressing and condiments) to avoid added sugar.  My default diet is low-glycemic foods.  If I go off it occasionally, I'm not worried, but low-glycemic is my normal eating pattern.

    And the first few weeks after I gave up all of added sugar and refined carbs, I feel like I went through a withdrawal that was as bad as nicotine withdrawal (when I quit smoking).  Although, once I did get through the withdrawal, I don't really have cravings and I find it fairly easy to stay on my diet (or eating pattern).

    I'm pretty sure there are studies out there (solid, medical studies) that have shown that sugar (the refined kind - not so much the naturally occurring sugars in fruits if I recall) IS addictive (physically) and toxic. I've seen a few books that talk about carb addiction and how that addiction plays into a growing number of people with insulin-resistance and diabetes. I'm sorry I can't cite any specific sources off the top of my head. 

    For my own experience, I've cut out adding sugar to anything 100% and keep high-sugar foods to a minimum (I should but haven't gone so far as to make my own dressing and condiments - kudos to those who do!) and I can say that not only do I not crave those foods (I don't know that I ever really had cravings though so...), I really don't miss them and the thought of having a really sugary beverage or food item isn't appealing. Well, except for creme brulee. I do have a weakness for a good creme brulee. Mmmm.... I miss creme brulee... :( 

  19. OH!!! OH!!! And Kerryn's apology to Whitney where she did try and say genuinely nice things about her and then WHITNEY! Disregards ALL of that because Kerryn didn't say that she respected her. NO ONE IS REQUIRED TO RESPECT YOU, WHITNEY!!!! Loved Kerryn's "golden ticket" comment. And I think Whitney is confusing the word "respect" with the word "worship" (which is also not required). People should treat you with respect but that isn't the same as respecting you. Nothing Whitney has shown me this season (maybe it was in the thousands of hours that DIDN'T make it on air) is worthy of respect. She lies. She manipulates. She belittles. She whines. She is delusional. I don't respect people like that. And I may be able to pay them compliments similar to what Kerryn said to Whitney without respecting them. 

    • Love 21
  20. 29 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

    Whitney's friends and family are actually sitting there calling Kerryn names. THAT is pathetic. I would've walked off, too. And that host allowed them to do it. 

    And was it just me or when Kerryn came back on, she looked like she was about to cry and was really hurt by what the enablers said. If she was acting, it was a FAR better job that Whitney or the others have done so far. But I get the impression that she was genuinely hurt. The times she laughed at the last was more of a "cover up the hurt" kind of laugh. And you have to wonder if TLC lead her to believe that she was being brought on for a real conversation but secretly primed it to be this sensational walk-off/blow-up. She did make a few remarks that were unnecessary to a conversation but then the name calling from the minion gallery was even more over the top. 


    And Twitney's walk-off --- um... where did the flip-flops come from?? She's on the couch barefooted and then gets up and stomps off wearing flip-flops. Staged much?? 

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