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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. 15 minutes ago, LookABird said:

    If I were the belly dance client, I don't think I would be thrilled that an utter novice was cast for a paying performance.  It irks me that the discipline of all types of dance is treated with such disrespect on this show.  (Dance geek rant ended.)  :)

    If I were a serious (read: REAL) belly dance teacher, I wouldn't ask a first-time student to appear in a paid performance that is going to be me the teacher, one of my students and Miss First-timer. No. Just no. I can't imagine a serious (still reading: REAL) belly dance - or any other teacher - who would do that. TLC and their magic checkbook strike again!!

    • Love 19
  2. First, inspiration struck with the sticks and how "threatening" they'd look with STICKS. Now, inspiration strikes again and they're going to do swords?? What. The. Actual. F**k. 

    And HOW RUDE! Nathan tells her they're cousins and she can't get out of there fast enough. So what, you can't be polite? Talking to him is suddenly forbidden? You didn't kiss. You didn't get naked. You didn't swap any bodily fluids. GET OVER IT. You live in a (relatively) small town in the South. Be a F*king grown up and don't go running off screaming "cooties!" like Giggidy-Diggidy kindergartener. 

    • Love 23
  3. In the opener Twit says "I've never had as little an idea of what I'm doing as right now" regarding belly dancing in public with the infamous Very Short Notice. Is she kidding?!!?! She NEVER has any idea of what she's supposed to be doing. St. Paddy's Day Parade... Dance Battle... CrossFit "competition... ... ... duh. WAKE UP TWIT!!!! 

    • Love 14
  4. On 3/22/2017 at 10:49 PM, Alapaki said:

    Whitney just seems so pathetic whining about the Dance Competition.  "If you don't count our bad scores, we won!"  And does she not realize that by whining about ignorance of the rules and lack of preparation she's only indicting herself?


    But this "I'm the bomb at EVERYTHING!! I know ALL the dance!! I know ALL the EVERYTHING!! I'M FABULOUS!!!" cry to instant "Wait, what are we doing? What are the rules? How does this work?" confusion (she did it when she and Buddy showed up at the "competition") is SO RIDICULOUS!!! And she does it OVER and OVER and OVER again... The delusion is SO strong with this one. It's almost baffling. 

    You know... except for the fact that I've never starred in a feature film, I won an Oscar for Best Actress. No really. I did. 

    • Love 2
  5. 53 minutes ago, bethster2000 said:

    (By the way, Mission makes a wonderful tortilla for those who are watching our carbs.  You can find them with the other tortillas in the grocery store.  There's a fajita size and a taco size.  I highly recommend them.)

    I saw those in the grocery store today but opted for the regular ones. I was afraid the Mission carb friendly ones would taste like cardboard or something. I VERY rarely buy tortillas but good to know there's a good low-carb option. 

    • Love 2
  6. On 3/21/2017 at 3:50 PM, operalover said:

    Very well said, Hana Chan! But the way these people carry on, they think getting the surgery is going to magically erase 400 pounds. Every single one of them says "I don't know what I'll do if Dr. Now says no to me- I will have no options then except to die".  "This surgery is my only hope to save my life". It's not true. You can save your own life! They really don't understand that the surgery is only going to help a little bit with allowing them to eat less each time they eat and  make them feel full. This will help over the long run so you won't have a strong hunger feeling trying to limit calories. But you still have to diet- it just makes dieting a bit easier. But the super obese don't eat because they are hungry anyway! I love when they say "when I wake up I'm starving". 

    It's like they think: step 1: be put to sleep and taken into the OR  step 2: some surgery voodoo happens  step 3: I wake up 400+ pounds lighter and I will never gain the weight back and can just keep on eating as much as I want of whatever I want, whenever I want. Good voodoo. And then Dr. Now lays the truth on 'em and some roll with (no pun intended), some need a come-to-Jesus moment for it sink in that there is WORK involved and others... James... just are so deep in the delusion that even Jesus ain't gonna penetrate that fog.

    • Love 8
  7. On 3/20/2017 at 8:45 PM, Lizz said:

    I remember on episodes in the past some patients rambled out or were rolled out of Dr. Now's office holding what looked like a prescription sized paper.  I don't know if it's ever been mentioned, but do they get appetite suppressants?  

    I don't know what meds (maybe differs based on co-morbidities?) but there was one patient that had a bad time and said something about not taking the meds prescribed because they couldn't afford them. But that may have been post-op. Seems like Dr. Now has mentioned meds pre-op before though on other eps. 

    • Love 1
  8. On 3/18/2017 at 1:20 PM, wings707 said:

    I expect to hear of his death soon.  He is on the verge of an amputation, heart failure or systemic infection.  Aside from the cellulitis he has not bathed in years.   

    Gasoline pants firmly in place, who gets him out of the house, is he too big to fit in the cremation furnace, who pays for it?  

    Maybe another house fire? I mean, it would kinda be fitting since he seems to have been prone to having more than his share of them... somebody pass me another pair of gasoline-soaked bloomers, please. 

    • Love 7
  9. On 3/18/2017 at 11:02 AM, Trees said:

    I just clicked "Report" on this campaign for reason "factually incorrect information".  She alleges "James needs a lot of medical attention that he cannot receive.", however, we all saw that he DID receive help and threw it away.  Urge others to report if this campaign bothers you.

    Must have worked because the campaign isn't there anymore. 

    • Love 5
  10. This is really one of the very, VERY few patients I've actually wished I had an address to send encouraging cards to to try and give them additional moral support. Go Tracey!! You can do it!!! 

    • Love 23
  11. 1 minute ago, Awfarmington said:

    But it was the mattress. 

    Maybe she can tell him what kind of mattress the hotel there has and he can get one of those. Then *BOOM* he'll be a shredded Brad Pitt look alike. Cuz it's all about the fried and the mattress. 

    • Love 8
  12. 3 minutes ago, SkinnyMinnie said:

    I always wondered why Dr. Now doesn't let the patients eat fruit. I thought fruit was good for losing weight. I never see any of the patients eat any.

    I think it's because he's doing VERY lo-carb/sugar and fruit (while a 'good' carb so to speak) is a lot of sugar (some fruits more than others). I think Atkins starts off with no fruit as well. Kinda go "cold turkey" then at some point Atkins adds some fruits back into the diet. 

    • Love 5
  13. @PsychoKlown (slightly off topic)Mandy Sellars was the UK lady with the huge legs. She has proteus syndrome (same condition John Merrick had). There's a good bit out there on her since that show aired (can't find the name of the original show).

    And this YouTube 

    • Love 6
  14. 1 minute ago, MJS said:

    At least she smiles and doesn't constantly complain out loud. Give her credit for that. 

    And when she's getting out of the back of the car at the end of a long day on the road, she's NICE and PLEASANT. Imagine THAT! 

    It's official. For not (at least) I'm rooting for her and for her marriage. I'm hoping he turns out to be solidly with her and not JUST with her because of the weight. We shall see. 

    • Love 20
  15. Just now, PsychoKlown said:

    I could be wrong but wasn't there a show a while ago about a woman from the UK who had legs like Tracey who opted to have them amputated and essentially "start over" with prosthetic legs? 

    Considering everything else that might be the only option.

    Yes - I remember that show. She was TINY everywhere else and even said something to the effect that her legs basically took all the nutrients from what she ate so the rest of her looked even thinner (or something like that). She did come to the US to talk to a specialist about amputation. I don't remember how it ended. It seems like she didn't go through with it but kept it as a possibility down the road. 

    • Love 4
  16. 13 minutes ago, 55Unicorns said:

    Oh boy...an enabler that "needs to be needed"...this doesn't sound good...

    I don't know. Could end up being a good match. She may still need him even if she is able to lose a significant amount of weight. But when he said that first sentence about loving being a care giver... yup. He's gonna be in the market for someone like her. Hopefully he turns out to be a good guy and just a "needs to be needed" guy. I'm pretty sure he's the one behind the eating at the table and the house being clean, etc. This is where he feels valued and worthy - in being a good caregiver. Not just of her but of the household. He may end up being too much of an enabler but he does seem to genuinely care about her and enjoying caring for her.

    • Love 18
  17. 8 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

    Physiologically speaking, how does it happen that you gain so much weight in your legs and not other parts of your body?

    I know! I mean, I get it, we all gain weight/store weight/hold weight/carry weight differently but this seems very odd. I wonder if a doc has ever checked to see if there is something else going on to cause it. Plus her eyes, they look so sunken and hollowed-out. 

    • Love 3
  18. Okay. I'm watching this again (because it's on and... why not) and I have only JUST realized that Todd is saying "battement"! I thought he was saying "batma" and there some kind of move. And then Twit is asking how to say something in French on Instagram. Just stop. Please. Stop. Leave the French language alone. Don't go there. Don't contaminate that. Please. Step away from the French. 

    ETA: I'm confused. WAS he trying to say battement? Because in the version of the dance that whats-her-face and replacement Todd did there wasn't a battement. So... either batma is something totally different or they can't say OR DO a battement. 

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