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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. He's totally going to be one of those "weight loss surgery is a magic pill" patients. If he REALLY wanted to get out of bed and walk, he'd stop filling his gob with enough food to choke an elephant at every opportunity! No. Sympathy. 

    • Love 20
  2. 3 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

    I'm sorry, he can't get up and they are enabling his eating. Don't feed him! He needs to be hospitalized and living in a controlled environment

    And the  daughter actually telling the mom "he doesn't need that much" and mom just ignores it. Count me in on Team #saveBailey! That poor girl! And she's in need of losing a few pounds herself. But then look at what she's surrounded by!! OMG - train wreck to end all train wrecks. 

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  3. 6 hours ago, Runnergirl said:

    Sounded like they were being sarcastic to me--making someone think you don't know what a word means and that person (Whitney) tries to explain it. It's another form of low-level meanness. People who work on the air are generally not dumb, but they sometimes pretend to be.

    And weren't they also making fun of her pronunciation of the word?? Pressy-puss or something like that?? 

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  4. 20 hours ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

    I liked how the radio station sponsoring the event didn't even bother to direct paid employees to attend. I wasn't paying close attention to Roy's explanation of why he wouldn't be there, but I'd assume that whatever it was actually translates to "my employer doesn't think this is worth paying me for".

    This may have been answered already but Roy said he wouldn't be there because he had to attend another radio event. I did notice that the producer was there in the crowd (I can't remember her name).

  5. I'm sorry but on what f*ing planet does a "professional dancer/choreographer" only have two or three rehearsals to prepare for a public performance and teach some of the choreography the night BEFORE a competition (fake or not)???? 

    And while she can certainly dance better than me, I don't see how Cameron is an awesome dancer. IJS. Twit clearly has DDS (dancer dismorphic syndrome). 

    • Love 12
  6. Watching the "super fabulous" cut now... and... well... I had to laugh when even Jenzi is looking at Twit like "you have NO idea what you're doing". 

    And is it me or is that necklace Twit has on at the BBQ place one of those twist-bead necklaces that were popular back in the 80s? Where you'd buy a bunch of strands of beads and kinda make your own necklace and you could change up the colour combinations? Nevermind. Why am I even watching this again??? 

    • Love 3
  7. On 2/24/2017 at 6:46 PM, Elizabeth9 said:

    I think, for me, getting off my own ass was a big start in recovery from both alcohol and bulimia.  I was always trying and failing, trying and failing.  I must be weak.  I just have  o self control.  I am a failure.  More reasons to use.  

     I did not feel like I was "choosing" either in the end of the addiction (probably about 10 years for bulimia, truth be told).  It was just something I felt forced to do.  I can't explain it.  It was ruining my life, I didn't want to do it, but I felt like mentally, I would not survive if I didn't.

    I guess you can say I made a choice to enter recovery.  But I feel like so much of it is out of my hands- like my Higher Power is helping me along (with psychiatric medication lol).  I feel at peace now- not under the gun of compulsive behaviors.  

    Saying addiction is not a choice doesn't mean I'm not responsible for my recovery.  It just means I can't just wake up one day and stop without serious medical, psychological and spiritual intervention.

    FWIW I have almost 14 years sober and a few months into this bulimia recovery thing.

    I think it's like the nature/nurture argument. It's not one or the other; it's both. Do addicts choose the behaviour that led to the addiction (taking that first drink, drinking the first cocktail, etc.)? Yes, and... it's more complicated than being a simple choice or a compulsion 100% out of a person's control. If there were no choice at all involved, then recovery wouldn't be possible because no one would have the power to choose to enter into recovery/treatment nor to continue to make the choices to stay in recovery (which are daily if not hourly). I choose to make healthier choices for this meal. I'm going to have to make that choice over and over for every meal I eat for the rest of my life. Will I always make the best choice? No, probably not. But I get to choose better the next time. 

    Kudos to you for your recovery and sobriety. 

    • Love 4
  8. On 3/3/2017 at 8:47 PM, Jeeves said:

    @Awfarmington, even if they had Section 8 housing assistance in Ohio, it wouldn't have "traveled" with them to Houston. Someone upthread pointed out that they'd have to get on a lonng waiting list to get Section 8 assistance in Houston (that may be true in pretty much any big metro area). I know that Section 8's a federal program, but it's administered locally. EDITED later: See below; I was wrong. It is possible to move and keep a Section 8 voucher - if you do all the proper paperwork, notices, and interviews. I do doubt this family was getting Section 8, if only because of dad's felony drug conviction.

    SSI disability (via the US Social Security Administration) benefits would continue no matter what state the recipient moves to. WIC benefits are administered by the states, so if Nicole got those in Ohio, she'd have to cancel her Ohio benefits and reapply in Texas. 

    I think their problem in finding a place to rent was the number of people, the number of animals, and perhaps dad's felony conviction. And they could have lacked the required deposit. Shoot, even if a landlord were to agree for a tenant to have, what, four cats and a large dog, the pet deposit alone would be steep. I can't imagine any apartment complex even allowing that many animals in a single apartment anyway. 

    I agree, I think the number of animals, humans, and the felony are bigger challenges to finding housing than anything. Most complexes have a 2 animal limit (and a pound limit on each) along with a person limit. A 2 bedroom apartment in most cities would have a 4 person limit. Though most of the more "ghetto" apartment complexes aren't all that vigilant about those rules. 

    • Love 1
  9. On 3/8/2017 at 8:41 PM, agnesnitt said:

    Cravings: yeah, they do come out of the blue. Sometimes it's easy to figure out where they come from (see something on TV or walk past a restaurant). Most of the time, a stray "hmmm, some ice cream would be good right about now" pops up and latches on. For about a month, I had a craving for donuts (I don't even LIKE donuts). I could not stop thinking about them. I've had therapists tell me that cravings go away in a few minutes if you distract yourself. I find this laughable. My cravings generally last for days, and in the case of the donuts, a full month (that turned out to be related to a BC implant--once the implant was removed, the craving went away. I've taken one bite of a donut since then and remembered why I don't like donuts, threw the rest of it away). I distract myself, I do work, I take a nap, but it pops back up. Sometimes, having whatever I'm craving ends the craving (chocolate cravings are easy for me to manage--a square or two of good chocolate and I'm set). Sometimes, it sets off a craving spiral for days. Generally, though, the faster I give in, the faster the craving goes away. But that's led me to being 100 pounds overweight.

    My brother and I once had a conversation that went something like this:

    Him: I'm hungry, are you?

    Me: No, I'm not, but I want something to eat.

    Him: What's the difference?

    For him,  "being hungry" and "wanting food" are synonyms. For me, they're two totally different experiences. They're not quite antonyms, but they are distinct, and the rarely go hand in hand.

    I put cravings into two categories: what my body craves and what my mind craves. I have learned to listen to what my body craves (salad when I'm a little dehydrated, orange juice when I'm coming down with a cold or need a vitC boost, etc) because it's usually tied to some nutrient that it needs. I've also learned to listen to and deal with what my mind craves (that "ooo a hamburger from the Collegiate would be good right now" or "chocolate - where is there chocolate", etc.). I can try and figure out why my mind is craving whatever it is and then either "no, you don't really want that even if it does sound good" or negotiate a compromise with myself. 

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  10. On 3/13/2017 at 9:18 AM, Brooklynista said:

    And this explains how a person gets to Whitney's size. By deluding themselves about what they are putting in their mouths.

    And are we talking about a PIECE of this pizza or the whole bloody thing?? 

    And just a question: IS pizza intrinsically unhealthy? Like the pizza @MegD described making. I think it depends on the pizza - how much crust (thicker bread crust = more carbs), toppings, how much of it you eat at a sitting, etc. Not to say that Twit is making the healthier pizza options (or portions) but is it fair to say pizza is always unhealthy? Or am I misunderstanding the original question. 

    • Love 1
  11. On 3/13/2017 at 2:25 PM, M.F. Luder said:

    If I'm being very generous with my interpretations of the body acceptance movement, I would say that it's about just accepting who you are and not hating your body. You could want to change things and make it better in whatever ways you can, but you shouldn't hate it just because it's not what you (or society) would think of as ideal. Not everyone is going to be thin, and if you're fat, your life shouldn't focus on trying to become thin. It's about just being comfortable living your life in whatever body you have.

    At its most basic, that's a pretty good sentiment since there's basically no other choice than to get through life in the body that you have.

    Where it gets more controversial is when Whitey and others blend the concept of Health at Every Size, or the notion that "real women have curves" into it and try to say that fat is just as healthy as thin and you better think it's sexy as well. That, to me, is when it becomes delusional and detrimental to everyone who embraces that message.

    I agree with both the idea that "body acceptance" tends to apply more to accepting what can't be changed. But also that there are various interpretations. I keep thinking about a concept a therapist  friend of mine has talked about: the idea of "radical acceptance" (if I'm remembering correctly). Basically it means accepting yourself (your body, your life, whatever) as it is right now. BUT it doesn't mean accepting and doing nothing. So you accept where you are right now as being okay. It is what it is. BUT (and here's the key), you resolve and work to change where you are right now to where you want it to be. Whit weights 360 right now. That's okay. But it's also okay to work to lose the weight and improve the health issues that bother her. It avoids shaming yourself or getting trapped in a negative "I'm not worthy" space that can sabotage changing for the better. Being okay and enough in this moment doesn't mean you can't work and improve and be okay and enough in the next moment. 

    From whatever perspective or label you choose though, Twit isn't about any of it. She's all about staying right where she is and demanding that everyone agree with her that she is fabulous (even though all evidence points to the opposite). It's really quite sad and pitiful. 

    • Love 4
  12. On 3/9/2017 at 4:11 PM, John M said:

    Right, the Whitney is an idiot option and repeatedly referred to Jenzi as a woman when he does not identify as a woman.

    The "Whitney is an idiot" option applies in almost any situation so... ... ... I'd say it's a good one regardless of how Jenzi identifies or doesn't. :) 

    • Love 4
  13. On 3/9/2017 at 1:53 AM, Dot said:

    Anyone else notice that neither Caitie nor the skinny teen were around for the dance battle practice? I think a number of others were missing, too. Was Heather there?

    Well, she got all shame-y on the one woman who expressed her desire not to participate when Twit first announced it to the class and practically begged the student to stay. Then there was another scene later in the ep where her phone rings (or she gets a text notification) and she says something like "oh no - I hope that's not another student dropping out". So I wonder how many of the class really did (or tried to/wanted to) opt not to participate. 

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  14. On 3/7/2017 at 11:07 PM, Dot said:

    Exactly what I thought. I guess it's all a part of the fiction that Twit is not eating food that's fattening, therefore she couldn't possibly know about a BBQ joint.

    Here's the thing though... even if she DIDN'T have one - maybe she's not a BBQ fan (I know... not bloody likely but work with me)... say she isn't a big BBQ fan but she lives in an area where BBQ is a "thing" and something that would be appealing to a tourist/visitor. She has promised said tourist/visitor a taste of the local flavour... what to do? Well, she should get off her enormous a$$ and FIND the best BBQ in town/the area and try it before said tourist/visitor arrives so as to make sure said location is all it's cracked up to be. But you know... Twit is SOOOO busy... she probably just didn't have time. Her life is just too fabulous. 

    • Love 4
  15. Back to Dr. Now's after basically saying "screw this" and gaining 41 pounds and STILL comes at him with an attitude. She's headed in her mother's footsteps. Sad but with that attitude and unwillingness to change and blaming EVERYTHING on stress... yeah... she's headed (sadly) for an early grave.

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