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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. 21 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    We haven't yet reached the part where TLC buys the McMansion and sends Twit & Company on an all-expense paid trip to Hawaii or some other exotic location. 

    There is one mini-scene in the ads somewhere of Twit and Todd in NYC ('cuz ya know how well-traveled she is). I wonder if they drive or fly and if they fly... how many seats will Twit be required to buy for herself and will we get to watch her go OFF on the gate agents et cie OR will it be cut out and we'll all be led to believe that she fit just FINE in one of the narrow coach seats. Oh the suspense!!! The suspense!!!! Be still my heart!! 

    • Love 4
  2. 22 hours ago, Nowhere said:

    Whitney may consider herself to be a professional dancer but her dancers aren't and shouldn't be put in that position.  Whitney's class isn't a fitness class. It's a fun class for big girls. Can't stand Jiya.

    But it's that she can't be happy (it would seem) with just doing this class for fun and to give big girls (and the 2 gay guys and Buddy's gf and the tumbling teen and the partridge in a pear tree) a chance to move and have fun and get some exercise in a positive and supportive environment (which is TOTALLY not what Jiya's class is about - I mean, c'mon, it has FITNESS in it's NAME). It could be another in a long line of F**K You's to Whit from the producers after she keeps entering her big girls in these events/competitions. They could have gone to the St. Paddy's Day parade and danced and had fun and "who cares if we win or not because that's not why we're here or what we're about" through the whole thing. Ditto the Faux Folk Festival (self)Invite. This is just for us to go out and have a good time. But Twit keeps pushing her "dance career" and how what a disaster (I think she used the word fiasco) the St. Paddy's performance was (in no small part to her decided to dance last minute not knowing the choreo and not being dressed like the others - sooooooo totes professional!) and puts them in these competition scenarios that goes against -or at least doesn't align with- her self-proclaimed purpose for the BGDC. 

    Twit talks out of both sides of her mouth. Whatever will garner her the most attention/sympathy/fans/whatever... 

    And I loved how she and Todd and Tal went to Jiya's class (three people) and yet when Jiya and Ty and Tessa and Jazzie (four people) show up to BGDC they're all "Jiya and her posse" like she just brought a big ole gang of people to take over the class. Totally plants and yes, they did show out more than was necessary in the BGDC but that's likely what TLC is paying them to do. I'm kinda hoping that Jiya and the Trophy Wives wipe the floor with the BGDC in the dance off but Jiya does take the role of bitch-rival a wee bit too far. 

    • Love 8
  3. 4 minutes ago, AmyB said:

    omg who puts black lipstick on to go workout.

    I know!!!! What's up with the makeup????? 

    And the comments about no one having trouble or questions the first time learning a new routine. I call BS. Suck it up Twit. YOU can't keep up. That's all there is too it. 

    • Love 12
  4. Soooo.... her comment to Babs that it's her weight that is keeping her single and if she were skinny, she would definitely not be single. As it's been mentioned up thread, yes, at that weight the pool of men attracted to that or willing to look past that is a small one. Accept that and find your fella from that group or lose enough weight to appeal to more men. I have colleague who is Twit's size and she has a wonderful husband who adores her. So it's not just the weight. But then Twit has also complained about men who prefer a larger woman. She body shames and just outright shames herself. ... anyway, I wonder if she is afraid that maybe it isn't ALL about the weight. Maybe she loses weight...maybe she even gets thin and STILL no one is after her. Cuz... stellar personality there. Not. I think the narcissistic tendencies may be hiding a really low sense of self. Sadly, her obnoxious behavior is just going to drive people away and reinforce the low self image.

    7 minutes ago, AmyB said:

    because Whit is a well travelled individual and can't fathom people haven't been outside their home state.  

    And where, exactly, has SHE been?? A year teaching English in Korea is cool, but does not = well-traveled. Having been to NYC doesn't either. It means you've been to NYC.

    • Love 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

    Does anyone know where I can find episodes of Ruby's show? I don't remember jumping on the dislike train this early on with her. With Ruby it still wasnot a dislike as much as it was annoyance with her " forgotten memories " and refusal to lose weight.  I dislike Whitney and that happened in Season 2. 

    I'd like to compare and contrast.

    I'd like to know too. I've looked before and haven't been able to find it anywhere. I don't know who I dislike more Ruby and her "hacky" bs or Twit and her "noBS" bs. 

    • Love 3
  6. 9 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I don't think that Whit broke that chair. It made a noise, but, it didn't seem to be broken.  

    It sounded like a piece of wood breaking. I'd bet good money that she broke it. Maybe not beyond repair, but she broke it. 

    And Bab's comments on the ceramic cat "that came from hay-ull" ... Truth, Babs. Truth. 

    • Love 4
  7. Watching this again (I know, masochistic of me) and I'm just wondering if there are hoarding issues there too. When you see shots of her apartment there appears to be crap stacked up and filling the living room (maybe why she could only be in the kitchen or the bedroom?). 

    Like most here have already expressed: I feel sorry for her but also totally understand that her siblings are over her whining, complaining, do-nothing-but-eat attitude. I wonder if she's actually manage to lose the weight. I don't think she will. 

    • Love 3
  8. On 2/11/2017 at 3:41 PM, Nowhere said:

    And another thing. Why can't Babs have Henchy? Why does Whitney insist upon keeping him when she doesn't even take care of herself and last season when Tal came over he almost sat on cat shit on the couch. It's not like Whitney would never see Henchy again. They live really close. So while Twitney is living her fabulous life, why not let Babs keep the damn cat? She obviously loves him more than Whitney does.

    Twit mentioned that she got Henchy in Korea when she was teaching there and that Henchy was there when she was all alone (or something to that effect). So in that case, I see her not wanting to give Henchy up, even to her mom just down the street. My cat has been with me for going on 13 years, three states, a bad relationship and break-up and no, I wouldn't give him up for anything in the world. He's my pywacket. He stays with me. Period. But then I don't have the kind of fabulous life that Twit does. So.


    My question is: what happened to the dog she had? Tori? Is it living with Babs now? 

    • Love 2
  9. On 2/11/2017 at 9:15 AM, pbutler111 said:

    There's no doubt in my mind that Lennie was completely in on the entire thing, as he has been since the beginning.  I find it interesting -- and telling -- to note that Lennie Alehat's real name is Nathan Lee.  Lennie Alehat is actually an anagram for Nathan Lee Lie.  I think that about sums it up.

    Wait - what?? I think I missed something, when did we find out his real name is Nathan Lee? I totally see him having (maybe) answered Twit's online dating ad and being approached by TLC to be hired on as paid-bf. "Only if I can change my name and wear a disguise" says Lennie-Nathan. "Cool" says TLC. Yup. Can totally see it. 

    • Love 1
  10. On 2/9/2017 at 9:41 AM, hutchbunny said:

    Roy is also on his own weight loss journey, something Whitney isn't interested in.  He's lost a hundred pounds so far.


    I feel like this is the story Twit's story/show was supposed to be. But she's only interested in talking about how fabulous she is and how fabulous her fraudulent life is than really doing what it takes to be healthy (which would result in weight loss).  

    • Love 4
  11. On 2/8/2017 at 11:26 PM, mamadrama said:

    You know, thinking of how she acts around others (especially Roy) I am starting to wonder if she doesn't have some sort of learning disorder or personality disorder besides narcissism. (No offense to any of you that do. I have ADHD myself.) I mean, she seems totally unable to read body signals, tones of voice, etc. She also seems to be ignorant of manners one usually applies in social situations. 

    I don't know. I'm thinking her inability to read body signals, etc is more willful ignorance and a by-product of her self-absorption rather than a learning or personality disorder. She doesn't give a f **k about anybody else and refuses any reality other than the one where she is fabulous and capable and adored and desired by all.  

    • Love 5
  12. Love (and by that I mean HATE) how she pulls the shocked face to Glenn when he confronts her about announcing her "pregnancy" on the radio for all of Charlotte to hear. Then she tries to play it off like "I never said I was pregnant - we were joking about IF..." and says she "hasn't told anyone" ... ummm.... wonder if that whopper of a lie is going to come back and kick her in the teeth when mumsy and popsy see the episodes where you've told THE WORLD that you ARE pregnant and where you've put out on SM that you ARE pregnant. 

    The level of low class just keeps sinking here and the level of disgusting excuse for a human being rises. 

    • Love 2
  13. 22 hours ago, Katydid said:

    That Skyping scene with Roy was awful on so many levels! I loved his deadpan, "My girlfriend doesn't come to work with me" response to Twit carrying on about meeting her. 

    I KNOW!!!! He's trying to get across to her THIS IS WORK NOT A SOCIAL OUTING but she just DOESN'T get it. OH MY GOD she's so DELUSIONAL!!!!! The whole love him then feels all "betrayed" by him and now... the delusion is strong with her. 

    22 hours ago, preciousperfect said:

    Kudos to the doctor for being somewhat blunt about her weight. 

    So... this guy was supposedly her REGULAR OB-GYN???? Because he acted like this was the first time she'd been in. They didn't act like she was regular patient. And yes, kudos on the weight comment. 

    • Love 4
  14. On 2/2/2017 at 2:37 PM, cpcathy said:

    Her top looked like a scrubs top to me. Dental profession, maybe? Phlebotomist?

    That's what I thought too. Something in the dental or medical profession. If she were a nurse that could bring in a healthy income. 

  15. 8 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    The National Folk Festival is a very well-established event, and has been for years. But Whitney must have been referring to the September 2016 festival, no? She said the invitation was "last minute" and she didn't have any choreography or costumes planned, when she told the class and Todd they were going.  So I'm guessing she wasn't referring to the September 2017 event which is still eight months away.

    Edited to add: Hah! I knew the whole thing was fake. There was no way Whitney would have been invited as an actual performer in such a prestigious event specifically dedicated to preserving and sharing folk music and dance traditions! Here's a news clip - notice third line of the article!

    The fakery is just becoming so pathetically obvious! From the moment she mentioned the "invite" I kept thinking Why would the National FOLK Festival invite a (basically) big girl zumba class to perform (Has Zumba been moved into the canon of American Folk dance??) and Why would they wait until the last minute to do so (not being a fly-by-night, sh*t-show kind of festival, but a well-established and well-run one) and Don't performers have to apply to be festivals like this and are then selected? Unless you are some really famous, expert in the area of the festival where you might be approached/invited to be a headliner or something (and Twit is NONE of those -even in zumba) - none -NONE- N-O-N-E of it added up for me. The News clip Ketzel shared explains it all. Makes perfect sense now. Just kinda sad that the NFF allowed TLC to make sound like Twit had been invited and was being a part of the festival. 

    • Love 4
  16. 23 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

    Are we actually to believe that Glen can't handle the idea of her being a single mom, but he is A-OK with all the crass behavior she puts out week after week? 

    It's probably more the fear of her being a single mom moving back in with her parents and them having to raise their grandchild because the single mom has defaulted on her mortgage and can't be bothered with a baby - someone who will NEED attention FROM her and not GIVE attention TO her. 

    • Love 5
  17. 6 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

    And it's not to say that heavier women can't belly dance properly - the dancer in this video is about my size and she's pretty amazing. But then, she takes it seriously and isn't just bullshitting for a reality show.


    Wow - the dancer in that video obviously has been dancing a while and -as you said- takes it seriously. Twit thinks she can just pick it up from scratch without any real training and  "if I move my arms a little and jiggle all my fat, I'll be belly-dancing like a pro!" ... uh. No. It doesn't work that way. I'm pretty sure the dancer in the video woke up that morning and thought to herself "big girls can do anything skinny girls can do so I'm going to put on a belly dancing costume and go belly dance in front of this audience". Pretty sure it took a lot more work and dedication than that. Notice, in the BGDC when they do the "circle" all Twit ever does is get out there and move her arms and jiggle her fat. That's NOT dancing. Not. Dancing. 

    Buddy does a better job at doing yoga than Twit does at dancing. That's all I'm saying. 

    • Love 2
  18. Okay. Just finished the episode and reading comments and here's my 2 cents: 

    Faked or not, the "mother/daughter" talk Babs had with Whitney was priceless. Go Babs! And really, Twit, your mother is there telling you in no uncertain terms that she loves and accepts you whether you are straight, bi, lesbian, or whatever and all you can do is make that face and act like it's the most SCANDALOUS thing in the world for her to use the term "bi" instead of saying "bisexual" (and I LOVED Babs th "I don't know if it's hyphenated or not"... uh-huh. Twit underestimates how sharp her momma is, and sometimes her momma plays into it). The comment of Whit not FITTING in the closet wasn't lost on me either... Babs has some claws when she wants to. This is someone I'd love to take to lunch and say "Okay, just between us, dish." You KNOW that would be fun! 

    Buddy. Despite his flaws and times he's been a jerk, I felt kinda bad for him in the episode.

    -He was supportive of Twit when she told him she the pregnancy news. It may have been a little awkwardly done, but he was trying to be a good friend and be supportive of her.

    -At least he is HONEST and AWARE of his need to lose weight and get healthier. And since when does expressing that he feels (bad, unhealthy, like a "wooly mammoth" didn't he say?) and that he is growing more concerned about his health and the desire to do something about it rather than just buying bigger clothes = "I hate my body"???? He didn't say he hated his BODY but he did clearly express that he doesn't like feeling like crap all the time and not being able to breathe well and having the fear of a heart attack before he's 42. His concerns were all focused around his HEALTH (HER big catch-word) not about the aesthetics of weight. But wait - if he actually DID start eating better and exercising and MAKING those changes to IMPROVE his health... hmmm... that would cast a pretty sharp contrast on ole Twit. Can't have THAT. Oh. No. Good for Buddy for being that self-aware that he is at least to the point where he wants to try and make changes. AND GOES TO THE F*ING YOGA CLASS! And Kudos to him for FINISHING the f*ing yoga class. No, he should never have started out with a hot yoga class (even a beginners one) but he did TRY and do what he could and when he had to step outside (I had to do that too the first time I took a Bikram's class) he didn't just sit outside and wait for Tal to finish - he went back in and finished the class. Maybe he hated it and maybe he'll never try another yoga class, but props for going and sticking it out. And he did it with a pretty good attitude too. He even says that he felt like a "bull in a china shop" but you see him trying and even laughing a little (at himself of the situation) and being a good sport about the whole thing. That's WAY more than Twit would have done!! 

    -In the bar, when Twit walks in and he "announces" her... is it just me or did he sound a little salty there? Like "ooooo, everybody, it's the Big Fat Fabulous Whitney! Bow down" in a really sarcastic kind of way. Move out, Buddy!! Move on!!! Go get healthy!! You can do it!! You have the potential to be a really likable guy!! Get away from the black hole that is Twit before it's too late!!! 

    Lennie. Oh, Lennie. Bless your heart. Good on you for asking those questions when confronted with the news of her alleged pregnancy. She's proven she's got a little of the stalker/crazy girlfriend in her ("you called me 10 times?!?") so yes, fair questions. And kudos for being a mensch about the news and the comment "what are WE going to do?". Well, okay, kudos to him OR to the writers who had the presence of mind to paint him in a slightly less -as Buddy put it- "punk b*tch" light.  Total agreement with all of you who have posted that it's crappy of her to tell him she's "pregnant" based solely on a (few) home test(s). And was it me, or did two of them look totally blank? Whatevs. And did she not look totally aghast in the preview when he talks about finding a crib on Craigslist? IF there is a child from this (please God no, have mercy on the potential child!) AND it's Lennie's (I'd insist on a DNA test to prove paternity if I were him) then I hope he steps up and does the right thing by the child but for the love of God and all that is holy, RUN as fast and far from Twit as you can! The TLC checks may be good but they can't be that good! 

    NC Folk Festival invite: gotta be fake. There is NOTHING remotely FOLK about her faux-zumba pseudo-class. And yes... the "my dance career" comment had me almost gagging. Uh-huh. Yeah, I can hear the cries of despair from the artistic directors of the ABT, Bolshoi, and Paris Opera Ballets that this might mean a derailment of your *stellar* [cough cough gag] dance career. Sigh. Oh Twit, the delusions are so strong with you. Did anyone catch in the first episode of the season (I think it was that one) where she talks about Tal joining the class and that they (I think she actually said "none of US") weren't real dancers - but not to tell her big girls that. So which is it? No, no. We all already know the answer to that one. 

    Sorry for the long rant, just had to get that vent out. I don't know that I'll make it many more episodes into this sh*t show. The pregnancy storyline is just beyond the pale. And the touching the belly and the radio show and the vulgarity that seeps from every pore of her being. But so goes it in My Big Fat Fraudulent Life. 

    • Love 16
  19. 22 hours ago, Cherpumple said:

    They're not even trying to hide the fakery on this show. Last week they made a big deal showing Whitney's new decor, and this week all the old furniture was prominently shown. So, apparently we're supposed to believe that Buddy and Whitney's fight (which was partly about the new decor) is now over, even though in the "let's make up" scene the new furniture hadn't even been purchased yet. God know when all the other storylines fit into this timeline. My head is spinning.

    I'm not sure it's editing issues. I think there are probably two living areas in the house - like maybe a "formal" living room space and then a "family" room or keeping room off the kitchen. 

  20. On 1/30/2017 at 6:34 AM, LocalGovt said:

    The only "-sexual" she seems to me is "self-sexual".  It's all about her, and making her feel good, through sensual body massage, or foot rubs, or compliments, or make believe crushes, or whatever.

    YAASSSSSS!!!!! This. So. Very. Much. This. 

    • Love 4
  21. 1 hour ago, CarolMK said:

    I missed this - 4 two liters of soda a day? Can someone tell me how many calories this is? I would think that if she did nothing else but cut out the soda, she'd lose a lot of weight pretty quickly. I guess this really contributes to weight gain. Often, I'll wonder how in the world people can eat enough food to get to 600 lbs in the first place. But when I realize how many calories are in soda and juice, it makes sense if they're drinking a lot of these. 

    I have a friend who was very heavy when she was younger (before I met her) and she would drink 3-4 two liter cokes a day. At one point, she had to have her wisdom teeth out and couldn't tolerate anything but water. She ended up replacing all the coke she would drink pre-surgery with water and the weight just melted away. I would imagine that much soda/sugar cut OUT of a diet would, in and of itself, have a big impact. 

    • Love 5
  22. On 1/11/2017 at 10:02 PM, eejm said:

    Good point, and you're right.  I hope in this case Daniel really is committed to Ashley.

    I hope so too but they said that he doesn't drive/can't drive and did he work?? It sounded like he was as dependent on her/her family as she was on him. 

    And yes, how tall is she??? DANG! She has to be at least 6'.

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