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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. OH BOY!!! I think we're actually, MAYBE, possibly seeing a moment of TRUTH from Twit. Sadly, it's not going to lead to any real aha-moment for her. Todd was harsh and I think (maybe) angry with himself for getting sick during the workshop he'd come to NYC to participate in. Add to that Miss Twit being her typical selfish self. I don't blame him for the snark. 

    • Love 6
  2. 1 minute ago, Brooklynista said:

    Well if I were him I wouldn't want her sitting on my whole left side. Friend or not.

    True. But since when does what anyone but TWIT wants count?  *shudder* Todd. sharing a bed. with Twit. *shudder* I hope was given hazard pay. Because as he so eloquently put it "you don't wake up from that nightmare". 

    • Love 11
  3. 1 minute ago, AllisonWonderland said:

    I really hope this isn't out of line to say, but the.... "codeswitching" he does when talking to black people kind of squicks me out, considering he isn't black himself. Like, ok, he had his little cutesy, casual way he spoke with Princess, fine, they have been really close for several months. But he slipped straight into that same voice with the two male nurses who came in to tend to him and his layyg, and I realized at that point that, dare I say, it sounded a lot like a white person doing speaking doing an impression of a black person....? 

    I noticed that too. I just wanted to slap him upside the head. 

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  4. 9 minutes ago, baileylucas1216 said:

    If I had to guess I'd say it was because he was already in a hospital, and maybe they provided medical transport to protect themselves from liability

    And the were willing to do just about ANYTHING to get his 5'-wide ass off their property. 

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  5. 11 minutes ago, 55Unicorns said:

    Hang onto your "gas soaked underwear", guys and dolls, lol.

    I'm pretty sure that I can just drop the underwear and soak myself in gasoline and y'all can just toss a match in my general direction. 

    This guy needs a nice dose of sedation and pillow over the face. You may now toss that match. 

    • Love 15
  6. 21 hours ago, Alapaki said:

    You're something, but it ain't "senshus".

    No no no no no no no.... I've figured it out. We're all just not getting it. 

    She's saying SCENT-ous. As in full of scent. SCENT like BO because she hasn't showered yet this decade. 

    See?? She IS! She IS scentous. Silly us. We should quit scent-shaming. 

    14 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Can't wait to see the New York episode. You have to do a shitload of walking when in NYC. It wears me out every time I visit and I'm not any where near Whit's size. It should be interesting. 

    I know. I predict a LOT of camera cuts and lots of taxis and metro-tube-subway-whatever they call it rides. Please God not a horse and carriage though. Let's not see another poor horse tortured on this shit show.

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  7. On 3/16/2017 at 2:20 PM, sATL said:

    1- Director of ShowTime inc. Emanuel Mallete (he's the one in the tie). 2- Daliana Simons - director of daliana dance. 3- D. Jerome Wells - NC school of the arts.


    Emanuel Mallete is also on the faculty of Daliana's school. Hmmm... and his "bio" mentions that he's " also had the opportunity to perform at the John F Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, The Monticello, Vybez Showcase Atlanta, and at many other respectable places. Emmanuel has also worked with television networks, such as TLC, ..." (copy/pasted from her dance school website). Interesting. Very. Interesting. 

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