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Posts posted by Maggienolia

  1. Can I just say that I've been half-craving Chinese food since this episode aired. Though looking at the nutritional info for General Tso's chicken, I may never eat more than hot and sour soup again. I LOVE the idea that was mentioned upthread by a poster who opens up the egg rolls and just eats the insides. Brilliant! 

    • Love 3
  2. 6 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

    One thing I am curious about.  Lisa said that James would yell if she didn't bring him food.

    That's not what I observed.  Mostly she was offering him food, even offering second helpings using her sweetest voice.  Instructing Bayley on the exact manner in which he enjoys his gargantuan breakfast - doused in gravy.  Quickly running to get Chinese food.  Bringing him huge portions of dessert while cooing, is it good?  Do you like it?  Are you pleased? How 'bout that pie?

    He didn't need to put up much of a fuss for Lisa to excitedly deliver the calories, like he's doing her a favor somehow.  She was abjectly submissive.

    I'm guessing she was so beat-down when they met that he really only had to pitch one or two "fits" with yelling to train her to just bring him food -as much and as often as he wants- to avoid the conflict. Just the threat of his yelling and throwing a tantrum is enough to keep her "in line". If he's happy and being coddled then that keeps the peace (sick, twisted, unhealthy, oppressive peace) and she doesn't get yelled at (which having been abused by her husband, would be a huge thing). 

    • Love 6
  3. 15 hours ago, steff13 said:

    It was fried rice, though.  You know frying removes all the carbs.  

    OMG!! IF. ONLY. What a beautiful world it would be! French fries = carb free! Fried ice cream = carb free! Fried macaroni-cheese balls = carb free! Can we get a study going to investigate this?? 

    • Love 13
  4. I got the impression that he was "afraid' there wouldn't be enough food to go around (when dad remarried and there were suddenly all these extra mouths to feed) and so ate at every opportunity as a kid. Like his weight loss and great progress, it was all in his head, a false perception. 

    • Love 6
  5. 1 hour ago, Awfarmington said:

    Dr Now is pissed again. For a second, I thought he was about to pull out a club and start beating some sense into him. But I guess that's frowned upon. 

    I just imagine Dr. Now high-tailing it back to his office with his face all puckered up. Closing and locking the door behind him and just muttering aggressively to himself in his native language (farsi - brilliant!) complete with gestures and eye rolls. 

    • LOL 1
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  6. 3 hours ago, AVM said:

    Funny you said that years ago before bypass surgery ,doctors  would wire the jaws shut  of obese patients   all food thru a straw  ...It worked

    Pretty sure he'd find a way to stuff cheesecake through even with the jaw wired shut. But maybe it would cut back on the whining? 

    • Love 7
  7. 7 hours ago, operalover said:

    Lol at "ONLY 9,280"

    It would be interesting to interview some of the YouTubers that have done the 10K challenge (where they eat 10K calories in a day or as short a period of time as possible) and see what they think about if they ate that many calories EVERY DAY. I can't imagine. 

    • Love 2
  8. 21 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    but because my organs rupture regularly

    Wow. Just. Wow. I had to read that a few times just to make sure I was reading that right. Sorry... I know... off topic. Just. Wow. 

    • Love 3
  9. 11 minutes ago, spacefly said:

    "James is a self proclaimed expert in the female persuasion" or so the pop-up says. He advised the EMTs on the trip to Houston.

    I saw that too. Nearly choked on my tea. Yeah. I can see where he would be a total lady killer. Uh-huh. Irresistible. Mmmmhmmmm. Yup. Gonna go throw up now. Why do I watch this crap??? Why??? 

    • Love 10
  10. 22 hours ago, Ivylady said:

    I'm trying to figure out how ordering food is cheaper than getting a cab/Uber/Lyft each way to the grocery store once a week. No matter how you do it, the math doesn't work. 

    I'm on a budget right now because of financial reasons, and the first thing we cut is takeout. I miss it, and I'm tired of eating my own cooking, but the math doesn't work out.

    There was a grocery store chain where I used to live... can't remember if it was in Minnesota or Tennessee or Florida. Anyway. They had a series of commercials where they would show people spending $20 max and in one case it was a single mom and her daughter and for $20 they bought enough food to makes dinners for a week for the both of them. One was a group of college-aged/young adult kids who made a huge party feast for 10 people (apps, sides, a couple of mains, desserts, drinks). And a few other examples of how far $20 could go shopping at their stores. It takes planning and thought and a little effort to execute but way, way cheaper than eating out/ordering out. And they could all benefit from a healthier diet.

    • Love 2
  11. 4 hours ago, sATL said:

    They (the judges) probably drew the short straw at a staff meeting. these things tend to be discussed and decided upon at higher levels.

    I'm guessing for Jerome that meant automatic tenure and a promotion to full professor. 

    2 hours ago, Runnergirl said:

    No no no no no no no............she cannot taint bellydancing. This woman jumps from thing to thing, from "competition" to "competition" without fully appreciating the history behind the tradition. Just, NO!

    Appreciating the history?? Tradition?? She barely learns the f*ing STEPS!! And while I've never taken a bellydancing class, I echo your plea that she doesn't taint the art. Cuz if she cain't twerk properly (still can't believe there's a "proper" way to twerk) you KNOW that there is no isolating those hips. It's just one big mass of jiggles. 

    • Love 2
  12. 1 minute ago, SkinnyMinnie said:

    The wife needs to get a cheap life insurance policy on the fat fuck and push him off a cliff.

    Probably would end up with a hernia if she even COULD push all that bulk off a cliff. 

    • Love 7
  13. 2 minutes ago, Haenim said:

    So only rice is on the do not eat list, but not egg rolls so egg rolls are okay. Are these people stupid?

    But it's FRIED rice so it's okay. Apparently, the process of frying the rice changes it into something like a zero-calorie, fat-burning, miracle food. Cuz, FRIED!

    • Love 12
  14. 1 minute ago, DC Gal in VA said:

    A really good friend of mine has a great saying for when people do very bad things: "He/she is goin' to Hell in gasoline soaked drawers!" Well, I guess I'm a candidate cause I totally laughed out loud when Dr. Now walked up to them after the EMTs struggled to get him into the hospital all the while he's screaming and crying "my legs, my legs, they're going to drop me!" and calmly says "How are y'all doin?"

    *****Currently have multiple drawers in the sink soaking in gasoline*****

    Soak a few pair for me. I'm gonna be needin' 'em! 

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