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Posts posted by PBSLover

  1. 3 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

    I just started watching this show.  It's on PBS - a big city surgeon becomes a small town doctor and has to deal with quirky neighbors and townspeople.  He doesn't suffer fools gladly - kind of a fish out of water.  But OMG!!!  The scenery is just gorgeous.  I've been watching Midsomer Murders and love that scenery as well.  If I win one of these lotteries, I am going to hide in one of those small towns...….LOL!!!!

    Damn. I am so off my PBS game. I haven’t found anything to grab onto since Downtown Abbey. Thanks for sales pitch. I’ll check it out!

    2 hours ago, Sister Tab said:

    I'm a total Tab-aholic and I always seem to be guzzling a can of the stuff on my way into church (or sitting on my front porch swing, or at my desk or anywhere else for that matter) so a neighbor christened me Sister Tab.   As to your earlier reference, unless James Charles is Jim Lehrer I'm clueless! 

    James Charles is a make-up YouTuber/influencer who uses the catch phrase “Sister” and puts it in front of everything. He was the guy that Cover Girl put in their commercials. It was a huge deal, groundbreaking, having a guy in make-up in their ads and commercials. He’s really silly.

    • Love 1
  2. 36 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

    Sorry to expound/expand on this topic, but I thought of something while on my run (hey, I don't run FAST, but I'm certainly not walkin' :P) Anyways, I remembered some were thinking that Kelli wanted more than 36 this year.  I could certainly agree with that, especially since she was keeping so many girls for so long and was refusing to make any cuts until the last moment.  Conspiracy theory-type thinking here: What if Kelli was doing her dangdest to convince Charlotte that a squad of 40 was the way to go?  She could use the arguments that there were so many talented girls this year, why not enlarge the squad and, if that wasn't enough, look at what happened last year with 8 girls gone by the time February rolls around AND the rumor that Keyra was likely to have been cut if they hadn't lost so many girls between Finals and the end of Football season.  Kelli was probably hoping for word of the approval for a larger squad (thus having an excuse to say that Victoria "earned" her spot on the squad), but was told that she couldn't have the larger squad she wanted.  Of the girls left, Victoria and Malena are the two obvious cuts and, though Kelli wanted to keep both, she had to cut one and there was no way Kelli couldn't explain keeping Victoria over everyone else as even Lily and Tara (as the two next "weakest" dancers) being miles ahead of her in just about everything.

    Now going off to hide until after the show airs (and I hope they actually cut Victoria in this episode instead of dragging it to the very last one).

    It’s been pretty obvious that Kelli wanted a bigger squad. Kelli confirmed it when she made that comment to Judy when the girls were on the field.

  3. 2 hours ago, rose711 said:

    Speaking for myself and not from experience as a dancer, I feel that pouring all that effort and an entire summer into training camp and then getting cut a week before the first game would be devastating.

    i know it hurts any time to be cut, but I feel the longer they are in camp and bonding with everyone and working so hard every day, the more it hurts to get cut.

    So I agree they don’t do anyone any favors by not cutting them when it’s been obvious for a while they aren’t going to make it.

    If the TCC gets cut than won’t they know the dances better if they try out again the following year? I would also feel grateful that TPTB gave me so much time.


    1 hour ago, EricaShadows said:

    I can't immediately tell if Kelli is talking about Tara's cut or Victoria's cut in this clip, but I'm leaning towards Victoria, especially since she said, "I've come to the conclusion. . . everyone has. . . I just don't want to say it."  She's had no problems cutting vets in the past, even if everyone loves them (blonde Hannah) or she's worried about them (Kaitlyn LeGrande) plus there's been a lot more talk about Victoria with a few people saying "yes" but far more saying "no" (both with good reasons, in their minds, to support their opinions) so I don't think that particular phrase is about Tara.  Kelli's waffled SO much about talking to Victoria about things, everyone's commented on it.  Kelli's softened EVERY criticism she's given Victoria, she's tried to blame other people, she's given Victoria options and chances that no other girl's gotten.  By putting Victoria's cut into words, she's made it real in a way that she doesn't want to think about.  It seems Kelli WANTS more than anything to put Victoria on the team and is TRYING to come up with some way she can somehow manage to do it, but she KNOWS there's no way (as in a snowball's chance in the hottest furnace of Hades) she can possibly do it because no other rookie candidate other than Malena was an obvious standout for being cut at this point and she knows that, if she DOESN'T cut Victoria, there will be repercussions beyond what she/they have already experienced.  Kelli's been doing her absolute best to get Victoria across the finish line and onto the squad, but Victoria's self-sabotage isn't helping in any way.

    Yup. I feel exactly the same. Holding on so tight until she just couldn’t any longer. 


    1 hour ago, LaurenBrook said:

    I don’t want people to think jenn and kash were like the sharks and jets lol I think a better way to put it is like, jenn cares a lot about maintaining the legacy of DCC as world class, and she cares about it more than she might another DCC’s feelings. Does that make sense? I don’t want to start a rumor that jenn hated kash and tried to ruin her DCC career. It was more of, this girl doesn’t sound like a DCC, she sounds dumb, I sure wouldn’t put her on appearances. Which pisses me off because it’s so judgmental but then again, I wasn’t offended by kash’s remarks on game bird and clearly a lot of people were. LOL I just need to keep my mouth shut ? 

    I’m hardly a member of the royal family (opinionated New Yorker with a potty mouth) but Jenn making a judgement call over someone’s accent is prejudicial. And fucked up.

    By the way, you are describing Cassie Trammel as well here. Those words came out of her mouth over and over.

    And don’t keep your mouth shut. God gave it to you, use it!


    1 hour ago, LaurenBrook said:

    aww...well, i just never ever want something i say to bloch someone's reputation or make people here write them off as terrible humans. i try not to share anything that i haven't heard from more than one or two different people but i know from my own life how more than one person's word doesn't make something fact.  no one is 100% terrible. 

    It’s okay. I always thought Jenn K was a bitch so you didn’t ruin her rep with me...:0]

    • Love 8
  4. 10 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

    I'm a Doc Martin fan if that counts!  I love how he is mean to the dog but in truth he loves dogs.

    I wanted to know how @Sister Tab decided on that name. :0]

    I don’t know about Doc Martin. Who is he?

  5. 6 hours ago, Lolfordays said:

    I just watched the preview for tonight’s episode featuring Jen K, and man she never ever manages to not sound like the worst. I will never ever get the love people had for her.

    I am also convinced she has some sort of personal beef with Brennan lol. All of that crap out on the field to cut, and Brennan is who she goes for. Come on.

    Never liked her. Ever. She always sounds condescending and a know-it-all.


    4 hours ago, LaurenBrook said:

    But her definition of 'pop' and even her rude judgment of Kashara based solely on her accent...I lose some respect for her and take her overall criticisms with a grain of salt. 

    ????? She criticized KaShara? I don’t remember that. But I believe it.

    • Love 3
  6. 7 hours ago, Sister Tab said:

    And since I work at our local PBS station I'm particularly fond of your user name @PBSLover!

    Well, hey, thanks. And are you a James Charles fan?

    • Love 1
  7. 1 hour ago, SSAHotchner said:

    The Jackie O book task was given to Megan Flaherty and not because of her etiquette. She wasn't mixing in with the other girls in the bonding events and Kelli told her she needed to develop grace. I found the whole thing odd. Megan tried out 3 times and got into training camp all 3 but always ended up getting cut because she just couldn't learn the routines. After she was cut the third time she told Kelli and Judi off for bringing her back and cutting her again. 

    I bought the book after watching the episode and tried to do the assignment myself...and I couldn’t. Neither could Meghan. The book didn’t offer examples of graciousness. So dumb.  

    • Love 2
  8. 3 hours ago, Jess14 said:

    ou know, the more think about it, I think my perception is clouded by the "I hope they cleaned it out" comment, which was not made at the table but to the camera. It may be unfair for me to consider that, but it clearly made me view the earlier comments as snarky and not, IMO, at all diplomatic. Unfortunately, I can't un-hear or unsee what was aired, but I may well have a different opinion if I never saw that comment about cleaning it out and it was just the..."it's a game bird....tastes like a game bird," even though I still think thats closer to snarky than not (and again, I don't mind snark, I just don't think its appropriate at etiquette class).

    It’s a delicacy. I don’t know what that restaurant’s specialty is but expensive restaurants offer it. I’ve always found quail to have very little flavor so I don’t order it.

    @vivianspoetry, @parrotfeathers, @woodscommaelle gives me a giggle every time I see they have posted.  

    • Love 5
  9. 3 hours ago, pompom said:

    Long time lurker here (all of your knowledge of DCC impresses the heck out of me). I have been wanting to comment for awhile that Victoria reminds me of a younger Stassi Schroeder from Vanderpump Rules. No one else may agree with me, but I feel better getting that off my chest. lol

    Welcome to the insane asylum!!!!

    1 hour ago, sleepyjean said:

    Speaking of....

    okaaaaaay dayton...

    Well Hello, Dayton!!!

    • Love 9
  10. 4 hours ago, Gottodance said:

    It was posted earlier that VK was telling everyone the reason she was cut was because she is too popular and had too much air time, I wonder if this will come into play

    From what I remember, it was what VK told a girl at The Star gym when asked why she was cut from the team. Not sure how many others she is saying this to. The girl she told knows someone on this board and they posted the story.

    • Love 4
  11. Here’s what I am thinking: since the episodes were listed wrong on our tv sets, CMT/the producers are re-editing the shows because of whatever is going behind the scenes, things that we don’t even know about or because of what has been leaked. It will be interesting to watch what WILL be shown after all the behind the scenes drama this year.

    • Love 4
  12. 2 hours ago, SSAHotchner said:

    I believe there was something else going on that we didn't know about. The only other explanation would be that Kelli didn't like Hannah or is just plain mean. Hannah got the axe while they went out of their way to find diet solutions for Veronica. That was very odd to viewers because we couldn't understand why one girl got cut and another girl was given the entire training season to get in shape. I was never a fan of Hannah but I have to admit (without more information) she was not given the same chances as her teammate. 

    Someone posted that Hannah saw Kelli like a year later (all the weight was off), approached her and said hi and Kelli reacted like she didn’t know her. I was never more disappointed in Kelli.

    • Love 15
  13. 6 hours ago, tinabee1967 said:

    Halloween costume! DCC uniform with extra fake arm sewn at a 90 degree angle resting on your head. 

    OMG!!!!  HA!  I can’t.

    6 hours ago, mdcx said:

    How Kourtney Kardashian speaks.

    And Paris Hilton (I think she started it), and Kim Kardashian did it as well (though I never hear her speak so don’t quote me) and another colleague I worked with did it sometimes, and many of the girls on the Bachelor and Bachelorette.

    I will find a good YouTube video of vocal fry.

    • Love 1
  14. 35 minutes ago, Lily80 said:

    Imagine wearing that thing in real life at the beach or the pool. In glaring sun. Your boobs would fry. And you’d blind anyone in your path. ? 

    Also, it’s ugly as sin. 

    And it didn’t fit!

    • Love 5
  15. 1 minute ago, mdcx said:

    I have watched this show forever and Kelli has really dropped her whole "you're fat, you're off the team" thing she used to do. I mean, girls were shamed for their weight like nobodies business. Maybe they are scared of being sued or called out on social media for body shaming etc? Because Victoria is visibly "fat" in DCC terms and was asked to lose it and hasn't and nothing further has been said to her.

    What about Hannah? She was cut. And Kelli wasn’t nice about it. That didn’t happen all that long ago.

    • Love 6
  16. 11 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

    What is vocal fry?

    Vocal fry is when women (and men) talk below their normal voice so it sounds lower but there is a crackley annoyance to it. Some believe it to be sexy. It’s not. It’s annoying AF. And I am of belief it makes you sound stupid.

    I was on a conference call and one girl was doing vocal fry the entire call. I finally told her she does this (weeks later) and she had no idea what I was talking about (so she said). I told her she does it when she is tired so doesn’t notice. I was being nice. It’s an affectation and it BAD.

    • Love 3
  17. 1 hour ago, Pink-n-Green said:

    According to the September, 2017 issue of Forbes, the Dallas Cowboys are worth $4.2 Billion.  If they had to pay for more cheerleaders, the franchise would surely collapse.

    The Cowboys and Manchester United are tied as the most $$$$ sports franchises in the world. 

    42 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Both Judy and Shelly have said that 36 is a good number for the formations, triangle, etc, and then 9 girls at each corner works just fine as well.  What did Kelli say the DCC revenue was - $1,000,000?  I still find that hard to believe with the show, merchandising, calendar, paid appearances, etc.  

    I bet that number has gone up. Kelli said that many years ago.

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