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Everything posted by GettingGray

  1. I saw a different article on this show. It said that one of the couples from this season will be on the show. To me, that means Jessica and Austin.
  2. I watch couples couch with closed captions on. It really helps me. I'm surprised how much I enjoy couples couch. Not only their take on the episode, but the interaction between the married couples.
  3. Okay: 1. Brandon filed for divorce and was not invited to the reunion show 2. Michael filed an annulment the day after filming ended, stating he the marriage was not consummated (no surprise there!). He also said he felt the show knew it was a bad match and matched only for ratings. 3. Derrick and Seal Face. They stay married at decision day but are not together at the reunion. 4. Austin & Jessica. They are spotted at the same table in a restaurant in LA during the reunion show, so it is assumed they are the only couple that makes it through the reunion together. This show is a guilty pleasure for me. I'm pretty old and male, so not the typical viewer and have watched all the seasons. I'm not sure what that says about me!
  4. Since you asked, here is the scoop on various couples per the MAFSFan Instagram sight 1. Zach/Mindy get divorced at the end of 8 weeks. The reunion show takes place in LA where a picture of Zach/Mindy has been shown on the internet but they are not togther. Do you want to know other spoilers?
  5. If you really want to know the results of Zach's and Mindy's marital status, check out the MASFan Instagram account. As a hint, the reunion show was filmed in LA
  6. Yes, you hit the nail on the head, whether the toilet paper is over or under! It is obvious is it over.
  7. If my memory serves me correctly, they DID show up and Derek said he was willing to give the marriage another try, but Heather just scoffed.
  8. Several random thoughts I came up with last night as I tried to stay focus during last night's episode. 1. This season will probably have the highest percentage of couples who did not consummate their marriage, 3 out of 5 (60%). 2. I noticed when the four couples were having lunch that the four women really good make up on, especially Jessica. I wonder if the program provided make up people for them. 3. When Meka kept rambling on, I asked my wife if she talked too much. 20 minutes later my wife finished her answer which was "Yes". 4. This may be not PC, but I started grading the women's figure (neck down) and came up with this list base on my personnel criteria; 1st - Meka, 2nd - Jessica, 3rd - Mindy, 4th - Taylor, 5th - Katie 5. I'm really glad I DVR this program and have a 30 second advance button on my remote. 6. I'm starting to enjoy the Couples Couch program. 7. Even though this season is a disaster, I still watch enjoy watching the show and will continue. (Do I need help?)
  9. Regarding Brandon, when he was showing some of his guests the apartment, he showed a room that had his gaming equipment and he commented that he spent all his time gaming. I don't think Brandon is smart enough to say that comment as a barb of not being invited into Taylor's bed, but I think it is another flag to Taylor that when Brandon would be at home, that he will spend a lot of time gaming, not spending time with Taylor.
  10. I watched the Couples Couch last night and saw the cup. I'm happy they are still married. As far as couple couch, I've seen several and I thought I wouldn't like the show. However, I do enjoy some of the comments.
  11. Where did you get this information regarding the Reunion?
  12. Why is this show so focused on tooth brushes and having us watch couple brush their teeth?
  13. She looks more like Touche Turtle (older cartoon show)
  14. Seeing Zach wearing that hat reminds me of Boy George.
  15. I've watched every season and the most annoying thing each year is showing the couples brushing their teeth. I really hate it! Another random point; I don't believe the experts try real hard to find perfect matches. The purpose of most TV shows is to be entertaining enough to get advertising dollars. If all the couple were matched correctly, the show would have all Bobbys and Daniels and the viewership would go way down, then the show would be canceled.
  16. I"m waiting for the episode where Mindy is sad and Zack says, "Why the long face"
  17. I live on the west coast and went to bed prior to the extended preview for next week. I DVR’d it and watched it last night. I want to comment on the AJ at the gym piece. It is obvious that AJ is not a gym rat, more of a Pillsbury Dough Boy. I believe the producers came up with this idea knowing it would set AJ off because not only does having AJ go off is good TV in their minds and also, since AJ has criticized the producers, they are getting a little revenge. The warm up routine was obviously too hard for AJ, so I can see why he left. It does not feel good to look uncoordinated and out of shape not only to the rest of the people in the gym class but to the viewing public. Steph should have (and may have) realized this would happen. I sort of felt sorry for AJ. However, he DOES have a problem with his outbursts and if he wants to stay married (and not eat alone), then he needs to tell Steph that he knows he has a problem and will seek help because staying married to her is very important. Is AJ an only child?
  18. Kate’s speech reminds me of Sonya’s. Do you notice that when she speaks, the last part her voice is higher? That would drive me crazy. Also, she is not a mental marvel.
  19. Watching the preview of the 3 month finale and seeing a glimpse of Danielle's new cleavage, and the fact that Bobby likes the outdoor, I'm sure as Danielle's pregnancy progresses he will enjoy "motor boating" with Danielle.
  20. At the end of the episode two teasers were shown for the next episode. I believe the teaser that shows Jaclyn with Dr Pepper has nothing to do with Ryan. Dr Pepper says Jaclyn feels sad. I think this clip may have to do with Jaclyn’s ex. At the beginning of the show he had died one and one-half years ago, so this may be his second year anniversary of his death.
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