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  1. I know on Talking Dead they talked about how Termites (is that what we are calling them?)
  2. I allow myself 1 soap opera per year, and Nashville is it. Plus, the songs are great.
  3. "Bad News" is one of the great episodes that made HIMYM into more than just a sitcom. That last scene was especially impressive:
  4. What I think season 2 will reveal: Whether the blahness of the first 2/3 of the first season was due to the fact the show runners had their hands tied, or whether their handling of the characters in those first 15 episodes is what they think the show should be like.
  5. I'd have thought they'd submit the Mother-centric episode as that was the best one of the entire. year.
  6. I kept looking for Abigail's missing ear, but it seemed like she had both of them? Pretty sure they DNA tested the ear Will threw up and confirmed it was hers.
  7. My reaction: Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Hannibal! Holyyyyyyyyyy shiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!! Ahem.
  8. What it it's not about Will, but Alana?
  9. So what was that meal at the beginning of the episode? A songbird?
  10. I think a lot of us thought that those "original" characters we saw was backtracking on a lot of character development we saw over the last 4-5 seasons. That's why people were mad the show spent a season on a wedding that turned out to be pretty meaningless because the characters just reverted to what they were years ago in a few short scenes.
  11. I wasn't pointing that out to explain why Chilton ran (most anyone would). More that why would a meticulous and intelligent killer like the Chesapeake Ripper (as Chilton is assumed to be) suddenly be so messy and chaotic?
  12. I am hopeful for the new movies, but I think nothing will ever really approach the original trilogy. There was something magical about that cast and the special effects and the music...
  13. By Will's hitman, you mean the orderly? This may be a spoiler, but I read somewhere (AV Club Walkthrough?) that .
  14. And why would he kill them like that and flee? Not very good at avoiding detection with blood everywhere like that.
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