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Everything posted by love2lovebadtv

  1. Employment-wise - yes, they're both working. But they're not on equal footing in terms of household contributions. As Kristine mentioned, she's not a housewife. Yet, she's expected to do carry the bulk of the housework.
  2. Yes, true. I don't know who would have been a better match for Will, then. Stephanie is definitely into her job. Will seems family-oriented, which should make him a great catch. Now that you mention it, I'm not sure if Stephanie is interested in having kids. I know Will is. Surely there is a better match for him than stuck-up Jasmine? I can think of some single women who would be happy with a decent guy like Will - 50/50 and all lol. The issue with Kristine & Keith is not so much the number of hours that they work/study. It's that Keith doesn't know how to do anything around the house + the fact that he specifically wants a woman with domestic skills + Kristine's income is 3x Keith's income. So, you have someone who wants 3 cooked meals a day, doesn't know how to do housework, and doesn't make much money. It's bound to cause resentment - even if he's working and going to school. If he were going to school and working but could afford meal delivery and/or could also cook sometimes, it would be a different situation. I'm not even sure he would want that sort of thing. There are plenty of guys who will not go for pre-prepped meals. I can't imagine what would make Keith apply for this show. He acknowledge for day 1 that he's spoiled and I guess he thinks that's acceptable.
  3. I have nothing to say about Jasmine any more. At first I thought she was misunderstood about the finances discussion. I understand being independent when you're single because you have to be and not wanting to be independent when you are married. I get wanting more traditional roles if that's what you prefer. I didn't like that she based all this on her parents and not what she wants for herself. But Jasmine has insulted Will's background and shown herself to be a real snob. There was no reason for that bad attitude. I don't think Will and Kristine would have been a good match either except that he's more physically active and into sports. She is a little too upbeat for Will and also wanted a breadwinner. Will may have a good job but it doesn't seem like that's a role he believes in fulfilling. I respect that and there are plenty of women who would want to split bills 50/50 with him. Maybe Stephanie and Will? I don't think the struggle is about the weekly cleaning. Kristine is the breadwinner here and doesn't want to have to do the bulk of the housework when she's done. She'd probably be fine with different meal options but Keith wants a wife who can cook. Some of us were raised in families that put a lot of emphasis on a woman's ability to cook. It doesn't mean that the men don't know how to cook, but it's something we are expected to do and do well. If kristine and Keith had dated first, things would have been different. Keith would probably be fine with paper plates but nothing about him tells me he wants frozen nuggets or fish sticks. If he did, he could certainly prepare them. Maybe not, he did injure himself opening a can lol. Jasmine showed herself this week. Kristine is sweet and definitely not a snob but she wants a breadwinner. Will is not interested in that role. I think Kristine was willing to give Keith a try because she was matched with him and she has a great attitude, but also because he's in school.
  4. I read somewhere that the makeup crew used contact lenses for that effect.
  5. I don't know if I'd consider Rebecca to be a higher social class once she was married to Jack. She was certainly raised differently but seemed to have long left that behind by the time jack died.
  6. This has been bugging me about Kristine. Keith not liking to work out is a difference in interests. But why she keeps talking about a 6 pack is beyond me. She has a pouch that was visible even in her wedding dress. Keith doesn't go to the gym but is going along with it. And to be honest, he does seem to have some natural muscle tone. I never would have thought she worked out, which is not an issue. But I don't know why she's shaming Keith's lack of abs.
  7. Kristine said she wants a man who earns more than she does. I don't know how she feels about the actual handling of finances though.
  8. I must have heard this wrong. I don't remember Jasmine saying she wanted Will to pay all the bills. I thought she suggested a 70/30 split as opposed to the 50/50 split he suggested. With a 70/30 split, Will would still be the provider. In order to do that, Jasmine would still be working and contributing financially to the household. I also am surprised to see how many people have a problem with a woman who wants a husband who is a provider. It's not for everyone just like a 50/50 financial split isn't.
  9. Better to live with family than to be unnecessarily house poor.
  10. Jasmine suggested more like 70/30. Will expects 50/50, like a roommate.
  11. I didn't think about that possibility. I assumed that she was afraid that he freaked out over something small and that anger management may be an issue for him. I also hope he's not someone who is rude to people when they have these public temper tantrums. I like Stephanie a lot. She seems really cool and also invested in this marriage. I think AJ is sweet and I hope he doesn't prove me wrong. But he did say there's a lot of stress from the cameras. I can see that making people a lot more tense.
  12. Yes, he's got this smug smirk look on his face like he's enjoying himself. I never watch unfiltered but I caught some of this one. Did I hear pastor Cal refer to his behavior as manipulative? If so, he's spot on. Telling her he's not attracted to her and then crying so now she has to manage his emotions.
  13. It may be a nonprofit or something similar. Or maybe something in health care. Those are industries where that kind of title is common. But either way, she has a graduate degree and owns her home. I do wonder how people can get on these shows and not have it affect their jobs. At least this came up with Jon a couple of seasons ago. And I do understand some if the participants habr jobs where this wouldn't matter. I remember jepthe was nervous on his wedding day and mumbled about he's a teacher. But everything that happened since then was so public and inappropriate, yet it seems to not have interfered with his job.
  14. I once read an article about strong, independent women who want to be taken care of. It was quite interesting and I think the some of the women who feel this way don't always know how to explain themselves so it comes across like a contradiction. But I get it.
  15. But Luke likes women of color and seemed more attracted to Jasmine, who isn't thin.
  16. Jasmine isn't looking for a sugar daddy nor did she say she was going to be a housewife or SAHM. Not being a breadwinner/provider doesn't automatically mean you're not working at all. Did I miss something? I thought Jasmine wanted a different split of the finances, which would not be the case if she didn't have an income. Bobby was proud of Danielle having a great job because he's a great guy who loves his wife. He's proud of her and happy for her. But I seriously doubt there's some huge salary difference. Danielle's job probably costs more in either commuting time or living closer to her work. She's a few years older than Bobby and I honestly think he would want to advance professionally and be the main financial provider. I'm curious to see how they manage when their little one arrives. If Jasmine wants her husband to be a provider, that's fine but it shouldn't be just because it's what worked for her parents. And she'll need to be flexible to some extent because (1) she just met her husband and (2) that's life. So true. I also thought Jasmine's parents got married after she was born. Not a big deal but maybe they had time to work up to this great scenario she witnessed growing up. I am pulling for AJ and Stephanie this season. Neither is perfect nor are they expecting perfection. Stephanie has legitimate concerns about two vibrant personalities being matched but she's keeping an open mind. And AJ is so happy. I want this to work. Each season, I ask why I keep watching this show. It's this kind of cuteness and hope. I don't recall Jasmine wanting to be financially dependent on her husband. She has a job as an Assistant Director of something. She just doesn't want to be the breadwinner or have bills split 50/50 like she's a roommate. I think Will, like many other people, are confused when a professional woman prefers more traditional gender roles.
  17. Your setup sounds super simple. I like it. It wouldn't work for me, though. And it wouldn't work for a lot of other couples, either - for a lot of different reasons like stepchildren, student loans, aging parents, differences in money management ideals, resentment (it happens), trying to avoid parents' struggles, wanting to duplicate parents' setup, wanting to feel like a spouse provides for them (Jasmine) or wanting to provide for a spouse, thinking that 50/50 makes sense since both spouses are earning professionals (Will), thinking that 50/50 is more of a nickel & dime/roommate setup (Jasmine), feeling uncomfortable with spouse knowing just how much they spend on frivolous stuff (Amber from last season) I could go on and on. This is just off the top of my head. And that's why the experts need to stop going in people's underwear drawers and spend more time discussing money, earnings, ideas about gender roles, and what not.
  18. I agree this is often the case, which is why I wish the experts would match black women with men who have something in common besides skin color. Will seems fine. But I get the sense that they checked off black guy and stopped ther because this is such a basic question. In Jasmine's case, though, she said that's how she grew up. I've never really liked being the only reason to insist on something in a marriage because there are so many different factors, not to mention a generational difference. And this is not to knock Jasmine's preference either. I see nothing wrong with it.
  19. I thought the issue was that Will wanted the household bills to be split 50/50 and Jasmine wasn't ok with that - not that she had an issue with doing the budgeting or managing the money. She said she wanted her husband to be a provider. He was confused because he thought she would want to be independent. I have no issues with either of their preferences because everyone is entitled to have them. My question is exactly what is on that supposedly exhaustive questionnaire the experts give them. This is a fundamental question to ask and they were both clear ok their expectations. The experts didn't know this? I had hope for them but this is part of a larger conversation about what each partner expects from the marriage.
  20. Interesting convo here. I've lived in a small, poor town not quite like Lanford but similar enough that I can relate. If you've never encountered people who can't seem to reverse their situation, it's easy to think of a person who has overcome their situation and wonder why the Conner family can't be more like that. They're just not those people. Plus, they're not actually real 😁 But there are times I yell at the TV, too. I want that beautiful house. I don't understand why Becky wasn't living at the house before Darlene moved in. Wasn't it just Roseanne and Dan living there? I wonder why Dan doesn't drive Uber or how Roseanne afforded a car new enough for Uber. And I especially wonder if Darlene has ever heard of the internet. It's ridiculous that someone in her field is only searching for local jobs in Lanford. It would make more sense to see her struggling to get her articles published or getting a copywriting business off the ground. But it's tv so mostly I just laugh and enjoy having the Conner family back.
  21. I prefer to think he remembers her because she's gorgeous, even though she's not his type. Her hair is fine and her boobs don't seem so huge that she'd be remembered specifically for that. She would have been a great match for his speed dating guests. As an organizer, it would make sense to remember her and reach out to her.
  22. I don't think Kate is awfully chubby. And I have no idea whether she's fit or not. For instance, Kristine likes to work out but I would not have guessed that since she doesn't have an athletic build, just as I would not have guessed that Keith doesn't like to work out at all. I think she commented on his having an athletic build, which she learned is from genetics and couch surfing. I can't really say someone's unfit just because they have a larger frame than someone else. And anyway, Luke was apparently checking out Jasmine, who's definitely thicker than Kate. So there's that.
  23. I do hope he calms down a little. He does seem to be a nice guy who really wants a companion.
  24. I don't think it's summertime so it makes sense that he's taking a parental leave that coincides with the his family's needs and not wait for the summer.
  25. Shawniece does cry a lot. But I'm not so sure her crying turned him off. I thought it was more like she cried when he showed his lack of interest.
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