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  1. The irony is that Teresa has bragged about being a New York Times best selling author and she is neither informed, nor educated enough to articulate this. I question how she even got into college and wonder about the quality of her public school education. It is not just her mangling of every day English which may be somewhat remotely feasible if her mother tongue is indeed Italian, but her profound ignorance of simple concepts as ‘analogy’ and ‘hypocrisy’. She may be laughing all the way to the bank by “playing a character”, but she appears genuinely befuddled by many conversations. Does she speak fluent Italian? Is she better spoken in that language? Aside from her linguistic ignorance, her gross and crude display in public places has me questioning her upbringing altogether.
  2. Well, in this article there is a photo of the gown Teresa wore for the vow renewal she had with Joe eight years ago… https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/mariah-carey-nick-cannon-renew-wedding-vows-in-paris-2012274/
  3. An unattractive and charmless Ted Bundy.
  4. Vicky looks like a giant butternut squash
  5. I will preface this by saying that I do not totally support Braunwyn and yes, I do like the name, my great grandfather is Welsh, and my daughter has a derivative of that name. While I cannot fully support Braunwyn (as a parent of four children I question her choices about what she is revealing to the public at large).She must know as a child of someone who put her own needs first how damaging that can be. That said, from a purely reality show viewing perspective, I applaud her, if for no other reason, that she has out Tamra’d Tamra without being vulgar and trashy in the same way as Tamra and Vicky have been for a decade. If the level needs to be raised, then Braunwyn Is the ideal individual to do it. Vicky and Tamra have been coarse, vulgar, ignorant, and rude for far too long. With Braunwyn, Kelly’s behaviour seems to be toned down Lose Vicky and Tamra, and hopefully the tone will go up.
  6. I think Tamra has seen the writing on the walls, hence her little tête-à-tête with Andy as Vicky departs the set. She was all gung ho for the tres amoebas for two seasons, but now she is seeing that decade long double teaming with Vicky is no longer going to work. Well I did not feel sympathy for Vicky, I thought she really looked pathetic and sad as she sat there screeching. She has behaved deplorably for almost her entire run on the show.... Now that she’s 57 and a grandmother it’s time to raise the level?!! She’s never felt it necessary to call out Tamra on her behaviour.Either Steve is a real Svengali or this is Vicky’s desperate Hail Mary. Sadly, Shannon is too far up Tamra’s bottom to see the same writing and will continue to follow Tamra’s lead. I never thought I would cheer Kelly on,But have appreciated her not kowtowing to the tres amoebas. I think she, Emily, and Braunwyn seem to enjoy a good friendship. With a little therapy and continued anger management, I think Kelly could be a tremendous asset to the show. I’ve always appreciated her intelligent approach to some of the fabulous trips to which these women have been treated, her curiosity and respectful treatment of the local people. In my opinion, she has always demonstrated far better behaviour in the situations than either Vicky or Tamra. Shannon would do well to remember that you are the company that you keep. And I will never forget that Kelly was Vicky’s only friend a few seasons ago, when everyone had rightly called Vicky out on her cancer scamming. Vicky filled her ear with all kinds of gossip and innuendo, setting her up nicely to do Vicky’s dirty work. Vicky promptly dumped Kelly as soon as she saw her opportunity to have Tamra’s friendship back again. Shannon is too self-absorbed to see Tamra’s manipulations. I never ever thought I would support Kelly, but seeing these three in action this season really made me change my point of view. In my mind Tamra will never be able to redeem herself and Shannon will need a great deal of work to do so. I wonder how Vicky feels after seeing tonight’s show and If she is under the illusion that her indignant anger came across as anything more than ignorant and hypocritical.
  7. And as much as I never thought I would support Kelly’s argument, I can no longer see Shannon’s continuous support of both Tamra and the cancer scammer. I believe that Shannon has replaced David with Tamra I really can’t believe I’m saying this because I’ve always thought Kelly was deplorable, but having seen her hazing in Ireland and the cancer scammer’s supposed redemption arc I am truly disappointed in Shannon for having done a 180 to go wholeheartedly on the cancer scammer’s and the forever despicable Tamra‘s team. I really gave her credit for more intelligence than that. I have always gone back-and-forth on Shannon. She is desperately neurotic and I believe both she and David brought out the worst in each other. I’m just disapointed that she cannot see the truly awfulness both Tamra and the cancer scammer demonstrate. I’ve watched this franchise from the beginning, but I am very disappointed in how it has devolved. The cancer scammer should have been terminated long ago, along with Tamra. Gina has been a terrible addition. Bring back Jeana, the real OG, and start from scratch. JMO
  8. No offence to all my lovely American friends and family but I would take the whole lot of foreigners over the locals who seem to epitomize the cliche term”ugly American”. Everywhere there is a crashing sound as glass houses splinter everywhere. These judgemental morons are truly delusional.
  9. Jesse is what Tim wants to be when he grows up.
  10. WE don’t want her! Omar maybe ( I love my dentist, but he is retiring soon), but not smug, useless, insufferable, ignorant Avery!
  11. I had to laugh at Brandy’s talking head when she refers to Leeanne lying 70% of the time and telling the truth 30% of the time. One of my (many) pet peeves with Leanne is her Response when somebody responds incredulously to a statement she has made with “100%!” “200%!” To me, it begs the question how valid is most of what she says? 60% on average? Or maybe just 45%;... Leanne is going to milk this pseudo friendship with Kam for all it is worth, not just financially, but for Kam’s continued défense of Leanne’s indefensible behaviour. And Kam, despite what she thinks, is extraordinarily ill mannered and completely lacking in etiquette except for very superficially.
  12. Like other posters, I am bewildered by the heat directed at Aladin. While true he probably has ulterior motives, he seems to be decent and kind. He treated her and her obnoxious son well, despite their behaviour. I don’t know how Laura could expect to flout the traditions and customs of the country to which she chose to move, without some backlash. Bored? Why not arrange to take Arabic lessons, or a cooking class to surprise her new husband, demonstrating her willingness and ability to adapt to her new culture. She made a big deal about his response to her going for coffee, but perhaps it was more than disrespect, maybe he was genuinely concerned for her safety in what was still an unfamiliar environment for her. He and his family treated her with a great deal more respect than she has treated him {and certainly more that Akinyi’s family has shown Ben!} I question whether he was as keen to seal the deal with a marriage as she seemed to be. The haste would seem to be on her part in anticipation of the “jiggy jiggy” to follow. I don’t believe he was as keen to consummate the relationship because, well…. At this point, Aladin is the only one I am rooting for, well with the exception of Jeremy #demoday. Now if Jeremy would like to participate in 9O Day Fiance, I am single, available, and foreign {north of the border}, but it would have to be The Other Way, because as much as I love many of the beautiful states in the USA, I would prefer not to move there at the moment. Go Aladin!
  13. Lol! I just came here to say the same thing... fast forwarding Caesar (who, if it is all an act, is a dreadful actor and not at all entertaining) then I saw Jeremy #demoday and fell over myself trying to find the pause button on the remote. He seemed genuinely concerned about his friend but helpless to do anything or try and knock any sense into Caesar.
  14. Having given up on NJ years ago, OC when the Cancer Scammer tried to rewrite history, and BH early last season, I have tried very hard to engage with Dallas, but between Leanne grifting her way through “high society”, her coarse and vulgar expressions {Although Brandy comes close to beating her in this), I realize this is not why I tune into these programs. Leanne clearly has a lot of unresolved issues and should not be on reality television. The hustling for wedding gowns, flowers, and having friends pick up the tabs for the various parties is really disturbing to watch. Please let these storylines go Bravo: more over the top baby showers, ski vacations, and house renovations. I give credit to Kary for doing her best with a fabulous Mexican vacation, complete with polo match, luxurious accommodations, and fabulous dinner parties. It may be her delivery was sometimes poor, but ultimately that is why I tune in to the real housewives franchise .
  15. Yes to this. Darcey is the epitome of vapid. She shows no real interest in the historic cities to which she is exposed (other than diamond and jewelry shops...and wine bars) Cathedrals, I am guessing, would only be of interest as possible wedding venues. She simulates interest by utilizing the same superlatives to describe everything, to the point that words have become meaningless. Her inability to dress appropriately for a walking tour or walking the dog, but standing barefoot in public streets to change shoes and worse, a public washroom to tart herself up, is just bizarre. Darcey kept the driver waiting 45 minutes! Her lack of consideration for others (driver, bar patrons, etc.) is just sad. Jesse was blunt to the point of rudeness, but he was not wrong. Tom, to his credit, tried a tactful approach in the beginning, but now I suspect he is just taking the piss out of sheer frustration with Darcey’s antics
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