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Everything posted by hisbunkie

  1. The hell he does. And he put off some illustrious career to work in a daycare? Andrew is FULL OF SHIIIIIT He can very well have a couple of Degrees,it doesn’t mean he’s employable. He may be a person who enjoys being a student and does a good job at it doesn’t mean he wants a career where he has to be competitive
  2. I refuse to lay blame on the show. It’s Jovi who has a commitment with Jara.
  3. Natalie is so painfully mentally ill it makes me feel awful just watching.
  4. People died you selfish pigtailed cow I’m going to give her a pass on this because during the first couple of months many did not know what the heck was going on. In addition to the fact that her area of the country wasn’t burning up like the coasts.
  5. You are right,of course, he is a triple a hole.But holy mother of lemons that girl is so sour, I can’t stand her. Yes, she gave up everything and yes she is pregnant but enough all ready.
  6. Why does Stephanie have such a potty mouth? Not very attractive at all.
  7. That whole place is a shithole I’m going to respectfully disagree. Looks like a hobby farm and they mentioned Va. just closed down so it’s mid March. It’s the end of winter just the beginning of spring. Things aren’t green yet. As far as the worth of the land, it’s all about acreage. That land can be developed.
  8. We live in Baltimore County, husband and I had our second vaccine about three weeks ago. All was done at the County Fair, very well executed. New to Md. (2yrs) impressed by how well it went. And I totally agree I felt so relieved.
  9. First- Joy looks great today. Looks like she’s had a professional blow out and her earrings are right on point. Damn! She’ll be 79 this fall. Boy oh boy, it appears as though MM is threatened by Sarah? Sarah appears to have come into her own since COVID. Looks like by having to take turns and being better prepared to make her point she’s shining through. I always liked her and found her to be pretty bright and intelligent. She also does a good job with the fluff. She seems the one most like Meredith.
  10. I’m not disagreeing, just my lifelong experience with a Hispanic Immigrant family. Friends brought friends, usually drove together so it would end up with a couple of extra families, children included. We had a large yard and my father was a master griller (we’re from Argentina). Guests brought meats to grill, their “special family sides”,desserts, wine and lots of Italian bread (wider than French baguettes)etc. No one ever overdrank, the men grilled, the women served and rarely drank alcohol the kids ran around and there was a Method to the madness of eating. In a way it makes sense that this is how immigrants from the same culture meet each other and network. Some fifty years later some of those people who were brought to our family home by friends are now part of our family. It’s difficult to explain as time passes on, we married and had children and grandchildren. AND is considered rude to tell people when to arrive, what time dinner is! My ex husband could never grasp this concept. In addition to not mandating an arrival time or a set dinner time you WAIT for the people you initially invited to arrive.
  11. Except that this is totally correct in this situation and not some boyman’s dribble. To me, Brandi appears to be in a mental health crisis. Not sure what the aftermath of the release of her Instagram video was (the cruelty of people can be shocking) but she certainly sounds like someone experiencing PTSD- actually, actually may not be in the P stage yet. I’m relieved that she is moving on. Kari seems to have a very unhealthy relationship with alcohol, it’s painful to watch. Every time she mentions not being parented by her alcoholic mother I cringe. No insight. And I have been to Morocco, that’s not it! Tiffany’s voice pattern hurts my ears. I really like Kam’s husband ,what a terrific Girl Dad he turned out to be! And he doesn’t just preach it, he’s supporting his daughter. I’m thinking that young girl will be taking over the family business.
  12. It was 18! But Sunny did also mention she also brought food! They laughed about it. I don’t want to generalize BUT...that is such a Hispanic/Latinex Immigrant thing. Bring other friends and food. It was such a big part of my childhood experience.
  13. Whoopie doesn’t seem to understand that the reason why there are age requirements for vaccinations is because there aren’t enough doses to give as per requested. She seems to be under the impression that White,older, Republicans not wanting to be vaccinated is keeping her daughter and son-in-law from getting theirs. Sometimes she’s so thick it makes my brain hurt. I agreed with Kamala Harris at the time she made it. Had the former administration remained in power I’m not sure I would have gotten it. The lack of information, erroneous information, conspiracy theories etc. would have kept me away although I’m a huge researcher.
  14. Nah! He is not that petty. I think he was being gracious enough to credit his fiancé.
  15. If he had cold feet, he could have ended it before the feet turned in to ice blocks. I give him a lot of credit for not going through with it. I’m also glad he did not break up on camera, that he kept it private.
  16. He can come on a visitor visa for 90 days. All those tourists you see in large cities across the US, with kids and cameras, speaking foreign languages? They are here with visitor’s visas. Not a big deal.
  17. I don’t think so. I don’t recall her ever mentioning his age.
  18. Not sure how difficult it would be for a French citizen to come to the US to work.
  19. Get them out of the house, now. Don’t make me have to go over there. Now! I mean it!
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