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Everything posted by hisbunkie

  1. True! But then again, she's only been on for seven episodes.
  2. Absolutely, it appears as though it is "the help" who is raising these children with the help of the parents. My point, I really did have one, is that you have to be careful when you go on reality tv with your kids. I get the feeling Jules likes to play "rich, cool and helpless" which may not be a good thing when you are going to Court to get primary custody. Family Court has changed a lot in the last couple of decades, mothers do not automatically get primary custody and judges are a lot more sensitive to fathers as primary custodians. Judges are also less likely to mix marital issues with parenting issues. Michael being with a mistress does not necessarily make him a bad father, Jules being on a "work vacation trip" does not make her a bad mother. There is the struggle of having to pay child support and having to receive child support- many judges take care of this issue by establishing joint custody (50-50) then there is no child support paid .
  3. Hold on now. I'm not about to take sides here, but Jules is not what a would call a hands on mom. I'm not saying she is not a good mother, nor is Michael a bad fat father. Jules does not dump the kids on her parent she has staff she cannot parent without. Jules has gone out of her way to show us how OTT rich and spoiled she is. She cannot feed her kids, get them to school on time, get them potty trained, care for them alone without intervention from a paid staff. Jules has a lot of mental health issues she needs to work on. Not sure she can address those while taking care of her children full time.. She probably can manage a staff that cares for her children and of her.
  4. But a bra does? Just wondering?
  5. Total BS. Again, she does not allow discussion, she lectures I acknowledge I love Joy, always have and don't see changing that sentiment. I have heard Whoopi put down Joy's parenting style many times to the point of having mocked Eve as "a perfect child", with a wink and a snear. Joy has just let it go because she has class and a strong ego. Whoopi does not seem to have enough insight to acknowledge that what she preaches to be her reality just doesn't add up. She talks about her mom having such control over her as she was growing up yet she dropped out of school at a very young age ( with a mom who was an educator), she became a drug addict and Welfare mom who left the East Coast and her support system. Her daughter also left school at an early age and became a parent before she was fifteen . All under the care/control of the matriarchs. Whoopi has said many times that she supports her whole family which leads me to believe that her daughter may not be able to support her own children i realize that one can say there is a lot of judgement, classism, etc in the above. I accept that, own it...
  6. Unfortunately, it appears as though Raven does not understand the difference between having a smart mouth and being intelligent. She seems to struggle with where she belongs...should she sit at the kid's table and have the smartest mouth or be at the adult's table and sound not so intelligent. It's a real dilemma ;she probably has not had to deal with in real life since she was the bread winner of the family for a very long time and was not challenged much. She was probably given a lot of respect for having a smart mouth. In many ways simila to Whoopi's view of life. I'm intrigued by how Raven acts towards Joy, someone old enough to be her grandmother. Raven becomes so angry, hostile and disrespectful...I watch dumbfounded. She has a difficult time having a discussion, her similarities in communication styles with Whoopi are quite interesting.
  7. A bachelor party a year before the wedding? Ok. Before the engagement party? Ok Someone " catches" Tom doing this the day before his engagement party and he is deemed 'not the catch of the year'? But Bethany discussing passing this information on to Luanne makes her a "serious bitch"? The way I look at this, 'a serious bitch would have shared the info with friends and never said anything to Lu. Let Lu find out while watching on her tv, that would have been humiliating.
  8. I was so disappointed to not see Sunni or Joy this morning. I was looking for some intelligent, female/feminist discussion relating to the weekend Trump fiasco. I knew there would not be any without either of them. It was such a lost opportunity. The feminist/feminine point of view I was looking for was because of Trump pointing to Mrs. Khon (sp?) not talking when we can count on one hand how many times the present Mrs Trump has been heard in the past 14 months, is she allowed to speak? As far as Sara is concerned, I think she is too polite for this panel, she is not one to interrupt and out shout others which is why she is seldom heard. That tells me she may be smarter than given credit for. She seems like someone who listens and thinks before interjecting, it does not work well with the Fox crowd of " listen to me" and " who needs facts". in the past I found myself giving up the show for years at a time. There were hosts I just did not like listening to and found myself not willing to waste my time with,I also found I needed to stop reading the blogs in order to make a clean break. I would pick in when ill to prove I had made the right decision. I've never been able to understand why Whoopi was hired or chose to stay. It just baffles me.
  9. I'm with Sonja...although there was no future in the relationship with Tom, it was still a relationship. The way she discribed it -Tom was a keeper, a friend she slept with when they were between relationships during a ten year period. They knew each other and his relationship with Lou has to hurt. Not necessarily because she wanted to marry him but because he could have been more forthcoming . Imagine what we would be saying if the news was that Sonja was marrying Tom's brother? Know what I mean? There is a lot of shit stirring going on,though. AND Ramoa needs to get rid of the extensions. She looks so much better with a bob.
  10. I totally believe Whoopi is 60 which makes her 13 years younger than Joy and old enough to be Barbara Walter's child. Whoopi seems to see being old with being hip. Same with not being attractive or feminine- it's hip! Whoopi likes to talk about "the good ole days" as if she is a peer of Joy's when she is not. This is just her way of agrandizing herself and wanting to come across older and wiser than she is. She certainly is not young, but her lack of formal education shows through in many arenas. When I'm not angry at her, I feel sorry for her because it must be difficult to sit at that table surrounded by very bright, educated and well read women (with the exception both former child stars). Whoopi is out of her league which is why she is not able to move the discussion along, she usually stops her with her "look here" statement. It doesn't appear to me that Whoopi sits around with friends discussing politics, news and giving opinions. Whoopi probably gives advice and hangs up the phone ( to her LAN line) JMHO* *and yes, I am a few years older than Whoopi
  11. I like to hear the women's different views on money matters. I was first married in the 70's was a student and then a sahm - both my ex and I got "pin money". It was our personal money that we did not have to explain how we spent it ( or not). These days I'm in a relationship where we have personal money and a household account we both contribute to. i was raised being told women should have their own money( at a time women were not making their own money). When a relationship comes apart who gets the couch is probably the least of women's issues.
  12. Whitney appears to have an eating disorder (as does Jules on RHONYC) and perhaps your friend's daughter at 300lbs. And needs intervention. I can't help but be a bit disappointed by some of the comments, they totally support Whit's point....words like lazy, smelly, dirty.....I feel sorry for her because she needs treatment We do have fear and loathing of the obese in America. Parents have been polled and would rather have an anorexic child than a morbidly obese one knowing that there is a higher incidence of death. But back to Whitney, this will not end well.
  13. New to this blog....kind of new to the show... Yes, Whitney's eating is out of control, looks like her life is unraveling and she is the only one that can change that. The one thing I will say about the comic is that she sure is full of herself- is she considered a morbid smoker? Just wondering?
  14. I don't think being educated precludes one from being insecure. I kind of like that about her. She seems sincere when talking about having to deal with big breasts- same with Sara. I'm a returning viewer and do not find her to be as annoying as the comments I've been reading here. Sunni can be very expressive with her face, I like the fact that she can express herself without having to shout over everyone.
  15. I'm fascinated by the "bond" discussion. When I heard that part of the speech I thought it was an interesting choice of words for someone with ESL . It made perfect sense to me that Melania did not write those words. Interesting, though, how Trump seems to have a need to embellish the backgrounds of his wives and family members. Melania is not a college graduate, Ivana was not an Olympian, his father was not Swiss etc,etc. This may be a good discussion topic I heard someone mention how smart Milania is and how she will be able to discuss issues with world leaders in their own language.
  16. Don't buy that the show was behind her paying cash. It doesn't make sense for the production to get involved in such a thing Sorry but I would say it is not a good business practice. There is no paper trail with cash. When things go wrong, and they often do, you don't have the same recourse as you do charging something (paying it off without fees or interest).
  17. He also didn't know he wasn't a US citizen. Never looked at his passport. Who cares? Mind your own business.
  18. Totally agree. I just began watching after years of boycotting (could not take combo of Whoopi + Sherri + Eliz). I like Sara, a lot. I have not found her to be an "airhead" in the least. But due to her not being loud, intrusive and rude she may not seem to be as " high energy" as some of the others. She contributes well. I enjoy watching a discussion not a lecture or fight. That's why I don't like it when Whoopi moderates. Whoopi lectures and closes the discussion. She demands to be the final word. She sees herself as having that role due to her age and stage in life,I think. Which is interesting because Joy is about a decade older, well read and educated -yet she will often give her opinion and ask, " what do you girls think?" while moderating, she does a good job of including other points of view. As far as the Playmate twitting (?) the picture of the "not picture perfect body" in the gym shower.... There is your definition of women who belong in that SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL RESERVED FOR WOMEN WHO DO NOT SUPPORT WOMEN.
  19. Firmly tongue in cheek ZW. I used to write regularly in a previous site, however things got so nasty I decided to bow out. This issue was a perfect example... Tre supporters refused to look at this red flag/lie. Macy'S buyers and assistant buyers are very competitive,well paying jobs. Theresa does not present as someone who has worked corporate. I got a lot of push back for saying that - you know- everyone knew someone who had a corporate job and was not very smart, well spoken, well educated etc . I just stopped caring. I do recall Dina's sister saying she met Theresa when both young women worked at Macy's cosmetic counter.
  20. Newbie to the board. I read regularly but founf myself glad to not be able to give an immediate opinion. Having said that, today is the day! I acknowledge having my biases when it comes to the Guidices, I also have a good memory. Have people forgotten that Tre is a former assistant buyer for Macy's? She went to college and has a degree in a related field (this is is all according to Tre). Assistant buyers do -PAPERWORK!- How could she possibly be so vacant. Enough said.
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