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  1. Well, mulling it over, I think Dubrow should transfer to RHOBH and Dorit can head over to the OC. She can rent a townhouse next to Gina.
  2. I think Dorit made a huge mistake this season. Her world has been crumbling for sometime and she really needs her Bravo paycheck. I think Kyle saying that they really weren’t close friends shook her and she realized that she may be expendable.When Sutton offered to help Dorit through her divorce, Dorit should have grabbed that offer and begun cozying up to Sutton. Having Boz as her ally isn’t going to secure her another season.
  3. OMG, I LOVE Sutton. Upthread someone mentioned the roller thing Sutton used for her anxiety a few seasons back. No roller now. She’s taking absolutely no crap from these ladies anymore. The older crew have been pretty smug. I think they are slipping and I’m not sad about it.
  4. I want Reba’s dog. Boz said on wwhl a couple of weeks ago that she hadn’t had the fibroid surgery yet. No doubt next season Kathy will be wanting a baby.
  5. So why isn’t there a rolling cart? It could stay near the elevator and be loaded with the prepared foods and plates and a stew could accompany it up to help serve and then return to the kitchen. Another stew could stay upstairs to make drinks, etc., and send the cart down with the dirty dishes and use the walkie talkie to coordinate and advise of special requests and other issues. Didn’t Jason say that the lift was to be used by the kitchen? At least everyone on the crew seems to be willing to work hard. That’s a change.
  6. I don’t think the ladies are naive. This is their second season and they should know how it works. I also think that Brynn went way past the line. However, there seems to be a lack of accountability from the others. Banding together against Brynn at the reunion made it easier to justify their own behaviors. They gleefully enjoyed Brynn’s gossip especially the bit about Jessel. And since Jessel didn’t find out what was said about her until she viewed the show, none of the other ladies filled her in. The ladies also consumed and passed along Erin and Rebecca’s prank. Heck, gossip can be fun, but you’ve got to recognize your own role in it.
  7. Everyone admitted that they think Brynn embellishes. My question is if everyone believed that, why did they believe the stories coming out of Brynn’s mouth? Why didn’t anyone ever counter with a Ok Brynn, what’s the real story? Or, c’mon Brynn! Or, Hey Jessel, Brynn just said this about you. It can’t possibly be true? Am I crazy or a couple of episodes ago, didn’t they show Brynn on the phone mentioning the rape?
  8. Or, Garcelle believed that Kyle’s private and vulnerable conversation with her was just a ploy to try to bring her over to Kyle’s side. And Garcelle’s on camera comment was a way to let Kyle know that she wasn’t buying it. Shades of Kyle asking some of the girls to the restaurant to explain herself. No one bought that either.
  9. It seems to me that if Mauricio did not commit infidelity, then all Kyle had to say when asked was… no Mo never cheated on me. If she was concerned about people thinking that she was a lesbian, all she had to do was say….no I’m not a lesbian. And if she was worried that no one discussed the text she sent to Dorit when Dorit and PK separated, she could’ve said on camera…. I also sent you a text.
  10. A couple of days ago, I turned on my local PBS station and there was a show called To Dine for with host Kate Sullivan. She was doing a one on one interview with Boz. Other episodes included people such as Ken Burns and Richard Branson. Boz was asked about her background, education, and her rise through media and marketing giant companies. I gotta say this…Boz is very, very smart and extremely savvy. She did say that whenever she joined a new company that she took time to really listen to her colleagues and staff. Of course, that’s what Boz said about Dorit. That she, Boz, likes to listen and Dorit likes to talk. I wonder if any of the other ladies took the time to really talk to Boz. If not, perhaps that’s why the two of them bonded. Or perhaps she also evaluated the situation and decided an alliance with Dorit was the smart thing to do. Or maybe it was a combination of the two. Frankly, I don’t think any of the other ladies, other than perhaps Jennifer, could out strategize Boz if Boz really wanted to play.
  11. It was very interesting and slightly odd to see Boz on WWHL. Dorit was in the audience acting bitter as usual as well as wearing truly heinous long gloves. Is there something wrong with her hands? Boz and Dorit are still besties. The really odd things were Boz’s answers to a bunch of Andy’s questions. Boz said best at business was Dorit. Best dressed was Jennifer and biggest ego was Sutton. It was reverso world. So, Boz and Dorit are now a team. Kyle and Erika are a team and Sutton and Garcelle are a team. Jennifer is Sutton’s friend, but she doesn’t really get into the fray. I’d be very surprised if Dorit is let go.
  12. I recall a member of the Foster family being asked if Yolanda really had Lyme disease. The answer was yes, not for three years. Also, didn’t Yolanda say she spent six months in bed after giving birth to one of her kids? And she thought Gigi and Anwar also had Lyme disease. David Foster admitted in his memoir that he’s been a bad husband because he is obsessed with his work. He probably gave her a lot of attention when she first became ill, but lost interest when she went on her worldwide crusade to cure herself.
  13. I am totally enjoying Kyle being in the hot seat even if it means hearing Dorit nonstop. The trade off is well worth it. I think I may have just cackled to myself.
  14. God bless Sutton and Garcelle. I laughed out loud over the infidelity and lesbian comments. Finally! Boz and a baby……plot line for sure. If true, she was probably thinking of carrying the baby, but using a donor egg. However, I’m not buying it. Classic HW nonsense.
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