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Everything posted by raindancer

  1. ....am I seriously the only one here that doesn't think it's unreasonable for a mother to not want her child to move away to boarding school, 2,000 miles away, in New York City at the age of 12? To presume that Tina Kalina is some kind of a monstrously selfish, crazy overbearing stage mom seems extremely unreasonable to me. She has been crucified repeatedly for everything from the comments she made about Chandler (who is adorable), to her exuberance, to pressure she is presumed to be putting on VK to "follow her footsteps." I just don't have the same interpretation about the way she is presenting. For instance, regarding her comments about Chandler, I didn't read it that she was trying to be cruel or thoughtless. She sounded very much like some of my very dear friends, whom I love with all my heart but who also wouldn't know tact if they met it on the street. I would bet she was probably horrified and puzzled about the interpretation of the grandma comment as hurtful. It sounded to me as though she was being matter-of-fact about an observation she had about Chandler's expressions and the way she wrinkled her forehead when she was being earnest or anxious. I find TK endearing and kind of adorable - like a super goofy aunt who is ridiculous fun to go out and have a cocktail with, even though you know she's going to embarrass the life out of you. I could see her listening carefully to how sad you are about not having a boyfriend that loves you, deciding to help, and standing up on her chair to call over a group of cute and puzzled men to your table, while she loudly talks about how great you are while you have your palms pressed firmly over your face and are hoping the floor will be merciful and swallow you up. I loved her presentation of those wilted flowers to VK - it was just really sweet. The air guitar with VK was absolutely cringeworthy, but at least they were cringeworthy together. My mom insisted on my sisters and I all wearing hideous denim shirts in our family pictures. It was truly awful, but we suffered as a family. They do air guitars. We did denim. Both captured on film for posterity. ?? I see TK's focus on DCC with VK as a means she has to connect with her, to include her, and to support her daughter in something she feels passionate about. That kind of engagement can mean the world to a child, and VK has plenty enough energy and "extra" of her own to not be overwhelmed by it. TK seems to be funny, bubbly, and all kinds of extra, and I've always liked her. "Extra" people can be all kinds of fun, and it's not her fault she doesn't have the sophistication of someone like Marshall (whom I also love - can't wait to see what he does with Jalyn's hair!).
  2. Some thoughts: I'm holding off a bit on my final opinions about the VK situation, since there are a lot of heavy implications involved. Whatever my thoughts there though, what really stays with me is that she is just 18 years old with stars in her eyes. My heart hurts for her, as it does for Tara - I absolutely loved her last season, she seemed like such a sweetheart, and whether or not she and Savannah knew each other well before they came down together, it was clear she really cared about how she was doing and that she found joy in her friend's success. That's the kind of girl I love to see succeed. Whatever the backstory for each, I'm really appreciative of @JohnGalt and @NotaDCCheerleader for joining on, as well as our other dedicated insiders. I am always so interested to hear anything they are able to share, and different perspectives are seriously engaging. Kelli's facial expressions are everything. I wasn't sure at first about Jalyn, but one of my favorite posters here really liked her, so I was watching for her in the first episode, and she was right (as usual) - Jalyn looked beautiful, and it's clear she's a strong dancer. Really rooting for her now. Malena was one of the girls I was cheering on from the beginning, and I am even more in her corner now, seeing what an amazing dancer she is - am also so happy about Briana and Gabby. I know Kelli mentioned she wasn't as much a fan of Gabby's feet, but whatever issues were there, she looked like she was killing it in the semis dance. JINELLE ??? She is and will always be one of my absolute favorite DCCs. Just love her, and love it that Kelli and Judy do too. And when Judy teared up saying goodbye, I seriously just lost it (again).
  3. That bikini is nowhere close to being a thong ? you can see the line as it curves around - it's not even a particularly scanty style, although she's def rocking the hell out of it. Good for her. I honestly don't understand all the speculation about whether or not she's some kind of hypocrite because she's (reportedly) not featured in the calendar, but posts bikini pics on social media (also, unless I'm missing something, I don't recall anything but speculation about that rationale, and the subsequent accusations of hypocrisy). I seriously doubt that kind of "logic," but even if that was the case, so what if she's comfortable posting bikini pics on her social media, but not in posing for the calendar? There is an enormous difference in perspective between the performance and the modeling aspects of being a DCC veteran, snide comments about uniform coverage aside. Whatever else may or may not be true, it's clearly self-evident that 1) Kelli and Judy support Lauren 2) they are perfectly well aware of Lauren's social media, 3) Lauren has a reputation for being a team player, and 4) if Lauren wasn't pulling her weight or doing what she should be doing as a DCC (either as a performer or a model), Kelli and Judy would have addressed it, not just calmly taken her along for the ride. Therefore, whatever the rationale may be for her exclusion, if Kelli and Judy aren't clutching their pearls about it, I'm not going to bother clutching mine either.
  4. hey all, so I wasn't sure if I should post this here or in Small Talk, but if anyone here is in (or traveling through!) Chicago, and wants to come out to a watch party, PM me and let me know. Super excited about the new season, and if you're down to check it out together, would love to meet some fellow DCC fanatics ?
  5. Nerves. Definitely nerves. I have actually forgotten my own name out of sheer anxiety while being questioned in group discussions. Also, my cold dead heart may or may not have cracked in half just now seeing Malena and Dayton in the preview ?
  6. I'm still feeling salty about Amy's cut ? I just loved her - she's gorgeous and a great dancer, and put her heart into it completely - she would have been a loyal and devoted DCC, and such an asset to the squad. I can't watch her cut, I still get upset about it (I clearly need a life lol). Loved Kyndall, too - she seemed like such a doll, and she's funny and smart. I'd have loved to see her make it.
  7. I believe Kitty said that to Briana (Titans) during last-minute rehearsals last season. She really was adorable, always wondered what had happened to her.
  8. So much this. Also, when you've been insecure about your weight, and then you finally lose it, it feels kind of unbelievable - both in the sense of being positive, and also in the sense of "is that really me"? It took me a long time to get used to being slimmer after I'd lost a lot of weight. It's not so much a vanity thing as it is that you feel like it's suddenly going to come back, and you're worried you can't really be that small, and that you look silly in your clothes. I'm sure that since weight was the basis for her cut the previous year, it was the kind of thing she couldn't help hyperfocusing on. Also, she went through a difficult breakup just before training camp, and for a girl as emotional as she is, I wasn't surprised she was having problems. I can't remember who said it, but a year or two back an insider mentioned that Vivian was really a sweetheart, just really, really "extra". I was glad to know that about her, and it made me like her more. I was such a fan of hers the first season. That said, where she lost me was when she started trying to throw other girls under the bus during her final cut. I'm sure she wasn't thinking straight, but I hate it when people do that kind of thing. And Melissa RS's response to Vivian saying she was insecure ("you hide it well", in a very dry tone), was telling - and hilarious ?
  9. Woah. This is not a good picture. Her face looks so different from her body I don't know if it's the filter or the flash with the makeup or what, but girl has a bit of an ombre effect going on here between her face and her knees. It's seriously too bad cause it's a truly gorgeous pic of her otherwise - eyes are amazing, body is rocking, and that is one beautiful smile.
  10. I actually like these tops a lot and I may be the odd one out but I really like the addition of the goldish pewter bronze color. LOL I don't know what its called, but last year I liked it on the costumes- as Kashara calls them.... I just didn't like the style of the top. I really like the criss cross across the chest tops on the years they wear these it's just....the placement of the star.... ?
  11. RE: Roots Could totally rock the inverse version of that look.....white-roots-dark-hair instead of dark-roots-blonde-hair. That could be a thing, right? No? *sobs* In other opinions: VK's smile is gorgeous. Whatever other problems she may or may not have, I seriously don't think the look is one of them. Kelli and Judy's commentary regarding smiles are necessarily contextual for each girl, and each girl is going to rock something in an individual and different way. Individuals are responsible for their own presentation and attitudes, and whether or not something is a fit for DCC isn't the determinant for whether something is beautiful, or interesting. It just means it's not a fit for DCC. That's all K&J are assessing. The fact that VK's mother made a comment about one young lady looking like a grandma has resulted in a lot of vitriol for VK about her smile, which I find very strange. My mom is absolutely amazing, but we are individuals with our own opinions and it would be exceptionally weird if I was bound by hers (she loves mustaches on men. Tom Selleck got to her early. I, however, find them to be alarming in general). I'll venture a guess that's pretty much the case for everyone (opinions, not mustaches or smile preferences).
  12. I loathe that. Seriously, these girls are already incredibly nervous and it's just not fair to play with their feelings that way. I think it's especially traumatic for girls who have spent years growing out their hair, and who might end up seeing nearly 10 years' worth laying on the salon floor. I'm definitely biased about this though: my hair is very dark but I went too blonde with some highlights and it got really damaged. It was nearly down to my hips and when I went in to trim off some of the worst damage, the stylist cut it to just below shoulder length. I'm not willing to admit how long I cried over it for, but it was really, really hard. I've been growing it back ever since, and that was almost 5 years ago now and it still hasn't gotten anywhere close to being that long again. I remember poor Jinelle when they were talking about lopping off so much of her hair, and she was so afraid - I seriously wanted to jump through the screen and give her a hug lol
  13. I didn't even realize at first Heather wasn't a GL, and that makes me sad - she seems like she's fantastic though, I wonder if perhaps she has some extra things going on and maybe doesn't have the resources to devote right now. So glad Khalyn is a second this year - she is one of my favorite DCCs, and always very humble and sweet. Also, she rocked the hell out of the shoot, and if she doesn't get serious calendar time, I'm grabbing my pitchfork ?
  14. Interesting that Kalyssa made the edit considering the direction her IG has taken. I guess that's considered invincible too. How did I not know Ashley Williams (#121) was trying out?????? She is a PHENOMENAL dancer, I wish she would have made it to TC ?
  15. Oh wow....I didn't get that at all honestly. We def got a lot of Kashara but I wasn't annoyed by it - I felt as though her position had less to do with her overall standout dance ability (although absolutely, she is solid), and everything to do with her charisma and leadership. I feel as though if it was purely a dance-driven position, there would be another girl at point (no disrespect to Kashara for that, or to any of the other girls). What I think was the difference for Cassie was the other points she brought into play beyond being a decently solid dancer - she's beautiful, she never seemed to have weight issues, she tumbled, and she is actually a beautiful singer. When I first started to watch the show I could see the first three things but I didn't think there was any way she could sing - I never watched the links people posted because I was certain it would be painful - and then I did, and I was laughing at myself because she is actually an amazing vocalist: I haven't seen any DCC vocalists for quite a long time, and I think it might play a smaller role overall than it used to - but it was definitely a thing for a while, and I'm sure that was a part of what played into Cassie being a fixture on the team for so long. Beyond that, I am with @sleepyjean on this one completely (and it's one of the reasons I love Kelli), but there is also a business reason I don't buy it that either Dayton or VK are going to be DCCs without earning it - Kelli cares way too much about the quality aspects of the team to do that. She's been devoted to the DCC since she was a very young woman, and I feel as though she sees it as a point of honor, no matter how much she cares about the girls she has had to cut. While MTT might be a thing for now, DCC has been around long before and will be around long after it's gone. I don't see her losing sight of that for the sake of ratings, or deliberately hurting a girl she cares about to do it either.
  16. Malena reminds me of Gabrielle Union....and Gabby (second photo in the blue dress) is GORGEOUS!!!!! Really beautiful girls this year ?
  17. I would have been unhappy about that too! I get what Kelli was saying though - and that's not to say that Keyra isn't or can't be sexy - but the girls all have different kinds of appeal or projected image, and I always got more of a Kashara-style, life-of-the-party vibe from Keyra. That's awesome, but it can be hard if you're not as vested in fireball as you are in bombshell. I feel as though it's the same principle as it was with Lauren when they dyed her hair red. It absolutely looked amazing, and much more flattering and sexy than the blonde she'd been rocking to that point (as well as maybe more in keeping with her "sharper" style of dance), but it wasn't what she wanted for herself (at least at that point).
  18. Seriously. Good for her!!!! And I love lyrical - even though that may not be the emphasis for DCC style, there are many incredibly gorgeous lyrical dancers who have excelled on the squad - including the flawless Lacey, who may well take Victoria under her wing. Victoria has gorgeous long legs and is a really beautiful girl - to me, she clearly has the DCC look, a passion for the squad, and an ethic that has every possibility to take her there. The only question I have ever had about her is whether or not she has an attitude - but I'm a lot more inclined to believe she doesn't, and is just a bubbly, outgoing girl who would make a fantastic addition to the squad. Whatever the thoughts are about Christina, I really hope that isn't true. I'd be so crushed if girls I respected and cared about were trashing me. Other opinions: Dayton is absolutely one of the most beautiful TCCs in a group of incredibly beautiful TCCs. I've loved what I've seen of her dancing overall, she looks like she has a very sweet, understated, humble attitude, and I really love that. She would make an amazing DCC. I am hoping so hard that they don't do anything to her hair, it is gorgeous as it is (let Marshall work his beautiful if-Fabio-was-a-Viking magic on Jalyn instead - she could still rock a striking tone, just looks a bit harsh and stiff the way it's colored and styled). Briana is another of my favorite TCCs, and another whose attitude I really love and beauty I admire - I was so happy to see her with her Barbie, and I think she is another girl who will be an amazing DCC. So much this ?
  19. Same!! I think he was a great judge, and it made me giggle when he was talking about "bless her heart" last season ? I only really felt his scenes were a bit cringeworthy when he was drumming up the drama for the reveal board....he honestly sounded sincere, it just seemed over-the-top to me. That said, he was a sweetheart to the girls getting ready to audition and I liked him and thought he had a great attitude. I do feel as though CMT possibly missed a huge opportunity with him - I never understood why they didn't have him come in for a style workshop. I think he would have killed it and it could have been a fun way to talk to and interact with the girls. I wouldn't want to see any individual girls be embarrassed - although honestly, none of the new generation of cheerleaders strike me as having (S8? S9?) Kaitlyn LaRae-style taste issues - but they could pull up specific things they want the girls to avoid. For instance, Kelli has mentioned that frosty shadows don't work well on camera - that's the kind of thing that would probably be a good idea to go over, and something the girls (possibly) might not know. I do hope we get to see him later on in the season, I'd be sad if he didn't get to take part at all this year.
  20. thanks for asking!! ? but you didn't mention where you get yours - anyplace you like in particular?
  21. I used to read Perez Hilton - got into him kind of accidentally after I found this beautiful song on his site when I was going through a pretty miserable breakup: http://perezhilton.com/2010-06-29-listen-to-this-christina-aguilera-should-have-recorded-this#.WweG8C_MygQ Read him for a bit before I got turned off by the way he was talking about people....he could sound like such a sweetheart, into music and just happy and goofy about celebrity gossip, and then turn around and give people mean nicknames ("Maniston"), or imply that Taylor Swift is #foreveralone because she's *gasp* 25 AND NOT MARRIED WHAT A HAG!!! TMZ is pretty tame in comparison ?
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