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Everything posted by moonbunnychan

  1. The store I work at, YEARS ago, sold that exact same fart ninjas shirt. I was so amused to see it again. I'm positive he had no idea what it meant. There's whole websites devoted to people wearing shirts in English they don't understand, but just think English "looks cool". Sasha is such a giant waving red flag though. I side with Anna's kids. Why should they get invested in some guy they can't even talk to who seems to show absolutely zero interest in THEM. They see their mom making a huge mistake, as does basically everyone in her life. Juliana I think has a dark past. It's nothing against her really, I think there were probably a lot of circumstances beyond her control. I don't at all blame her for escaping, and if it takes a guy in the midst of a mid life crisis to pull her out of that life, I can't blame her for going for it. It's just super creepy how he keeps bringing up how he's basically her savior, a power imbalance like that is NEVER good. How did Blake get approved to sponsor? He seems like such a doofus that doesn't even have his OWN life together. I wouldn't want to live with a guy's preachy parents either, I don't like her, but that's not what she signed up for. Tania is awful, full stop. Her mom might be worse. I can't believe they STILL don't have that shed in any sort of habitable condition. She probably expects him to just do it all on his own while she's gone.
  2. So like....I wouldn't actually get offended if somebody asked me about birth control. Maybe it's just never been a taboo topic for anyone I know? Given Robert's stream of children, I don't think it's a super horrible thing to ask. But she had decided before she even met her that she wanted nothing to do with her, and made zero effort to even attempt to be cordial. She's just SO nasty. But seeing the grandparents I have to wonder how old the mother of Bryson is.... Mursel hates everything, he even said Anna isn't a very good bee keeper. I sincerely don't understand why he's there. He is seemingly making almost zero attempts to fit in, be a decent human being, or say anything other then "I love Anna!". Like....ok? You two can't even talk, how do you even know each other enough for love? At least with Paul and Corrine they seemed to be having actual conversations via the app. I straight up can't stand Tania anymore. I couldn't tolerate being in the same room with her, much less marry her. And she had months to get that shed somewhat habitable. It didn't have to be perfect, just like...maybe move the paint cans outside at least? Put sheets on the bed?
  3. While Tania has been the worst, I feel like a LOT of people would be having a run in with airport security if there hadn't been a camera crew there with them.
  4. "Whore" is a really ugly word. And even if she did accept money for sex, it's hard for me to judge that from my stable American background. If I had grown up in poverty and it was that or starve, I mean, the choice would seem kind of obvious. People do what they need to survive. I don't think she's a "model", or at best MAYBE an instagram model. I think she was hired to be eye candy for men on expensive boat parties so that it's not a floating sausage fest. If it gave her a way better life then the alternatives, who am I to judge? Robert seems a little slow on the uptake, and really has no business bringing someone into the country, but I think he's doing the best he knows how for his son. Of all the terrible parents this show has given us, he's one of the better (at least so far). Anna's mom made me sad because I know there are a LOT of Anna's moms out there...I've met them. People who just assume any Muslim and all Muslim countries are basically like ISIS. There's so many other things to judge him on, like being rude and not liking her kids.
  5. I think he's about to get a rude awakening to realize that most Americans don't live like what he's been seeing on tv. Where she lives is nothing like NYC. In fact, the majority of Americans live relatively boring, isolated, suburban lives. It seems to be a continuing theme on the show really...
  6. There's something....off...about Murcel. I can't quite put my finger on what it is, but it all sorts of sets off my inner alarm bells. The fact that Tania got so nasty with the guy sweeping up her mess tells me really everything I need to know about her. Gee I can't imagine why the relationship between a rich white guy twice the age of a "model" he met on a yacht party from an impoverished background would look at all suspicious. Sasha is like a giant waving red flag you should be able to see from space.
  7. Maria looks, dresses, and acts like a soap opera villain. I can not seem to decide if this is for real or an over the top persona she's doing for the cameras. If so, she's a pretty good actress because her callousness seems pretty sincere. She knows she has this poor american looser wrapped around her finger and is completely unapologetic about it. I can't figure out Tom's game. At first I was thinking he was just being nice to her in the final days of the trip for the cameras and just to get through it til she went home. So I was not at all surprised when he broke up with their already not actually a relationship once she got home. But then at the Tell All they're....still not a couple according to him but also not NOT a couple? Darcey just wants this fairy tale happily ever after without any realization that that's a fantasy and what it takes to actually be in a happy healthy relationship. I kind of want a spin off show where Tom's sister just tells it like it is.
  8. Watching Ben and Akini was....weird. It REALLY felt like a dad sitting his daughter down to sternly tell her that he was disappointed in her. It was SUCH a weird vibe...her acting all childlike, him basically in dad mode.... Was that the strongest drink on earth? Who blacks out after one margarita? And I genuinely can't tell if she IS that way, or is deliberately acting all childlike in some weird attempt to seduce him. Is it bad that I want a surprise guest appearance by Jesse? Like...that he just "happens" to be in England for some reason? XD Angela is truly horrible and I kind of want to apologize on behalf of all Americans for the example that she's setting of us abroad.
  9. If I was in Tom's shoes I honestly don't think I'd be being any more polite at this point. He is DONE. I likely would have exploded entirely by now, I kind of admire that he's at least somewhat trudging onward.
  10. My uncle had a gambling addiction. The anticipation of possibly winning actually gives you a dopamine rush just like actually winning. You win 5 dollars, loose 10, win 20, loose 50. The whole thing is designed to make you feel like the next one is gonna be the one where you win big and walk away. It's exciting with all the flashing lights and feel good music. He'd buy piles of lottery tickets at a time and win juuuust enough that he was convinced that next scratch was gonna be the big one. And sometimes he DID win fairly large amounts and that would make him feel good, but it never covered the losses. Some people can get addicted to that rush of dopamine just like a drug. And just like most people can have a few drinks but never become an alcoholic, most people can play slots for an hour or so and never become addicted.
  11. I have a coworker who she and her husband are originally from Syria. They both still have family and friends there and so they used to still go and visit them. We used to always ask them if that was wise, seeing as how there's a war there, and she kept insisting that the war wasn't in the part she was going to and she was perfectly safe. Well....the last time she went she found out just how quickly that can change. She told us she was alive pretty much out of luck, as they were going door to door killing anyone they found, and they hid in a closet for several hours and somehow weren't found. Ben and Akini are just....totally on different maturity levels. He's a dad, with the outlook and priorities of a dad and VERY straight laced. She's an unburdened young woman living life and having fun. He wants a stepmom and she isn't ready for that. Micheal can't win. Literally everything he says is wrong, even when he tries to dodge the bullet and say "you decide". He must REALLY want to come to keep putting up with her. Taking money from your girlfriend to buy her own engagement ring? Stay classy Zied. PS this thread was locked for a super long time for some reason, hence the lack of activity in here.
  12. Is anyone more versed in Indian law? I was googling it and all I could find about adultery laws was a man sleeping with a married woman, not the other way around, and that was overturned last year. What sort of actual trouble is Sumit in? Maybe some sort of legally binding contract signed at the arranged marriage? As I understand it, while arranged marriages happen frequently in India, if your parents arrange it you aren't under any legal obligation to carry through with it, so he could have said no. If Jenny truly didn't know...why on Earth would she still be considering staying with somebody who has done absolutely nothing but lie to her from day one. Tiffany doesn't seem to have quite grasped yet how much South Africa has two very different societies. The very privileged white population, which does live largely like we do in the US, aside from being behind electric fences, and the largely impoverished basically third world existence most of the black population has. The public hospitals are for the impoverished with nowhere else to go. Liam....why did he even come. Just to start trouble? I get that he's probably jet lagged and tired but at least put in an hour or so and politely excuse yourself. If you didn't want to go that badly...he should have stuck to it and NOT FLOWN THERE. Corey how obvious does it need to be that Evelyn doesn't love you? Does she need to do it in skywriting over the beach by her bar?
  13. Poor Tom, he is DONE. I can see him counting down the hours until she goes back to America at this point. I know he gets a lot of hate here, but I don't think he's a bad guy, I think he's just a normal guy who's suddenly found himself in a bad situation with a crazy person but there's a camera crew there so he has to just kind of go along with it. Akinyi's family...honestly I sort of can't blame them. Some white dude shows up out of nowhere who's her American internet boyfriend. I'm not entirely sure I'd just roll with it either. I do feel bad for Ben a bit though....this was an expensive trip and is not at all how he thought he would be spending his time. Part of that is probably not looking into the culture enough. But I do feel bad watching his vacation being ruined, he isn't rich by any means so a trip like this would be a real investment. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, but he needs to accept his losses and go home. I'm honestly tired of Angela, she makes me embarrassed on behalf of all Americans. She isn't even fun to hate watch anymore.
  14. The gender stereotype thing is....more prevalent a mindset then you might think. I know/knew plenty of women...women living independent lives...who as soon as they were in a relationship very much wanted traditional gender roles. They wanted a man to "take care of them". I think, possibly, that may be part of the appeal to marrying someone from another country, since in a lot of places, that's still very much the norm. Also bidets are awesome, and I wish they were more common here. You CAN use a little bit of toilet paper to pat dry if need be, but it uses way less. Plus....well...there isn't any friction or dryness.
  15. Oh and Laura....is she like a sex addict or something geez. Sometimes "jiggy jiggy" (blech) takes a backseat to other stuff. You don't HAVE to make love or use your purple friend on a daily uninterruptible basis, especially when other stuff is going on.
  16. I have so many questions about Sumit's marriage, I hope they answer at least some next week. Like...are we talking married but separated? Does he just need to finalize a divorce? Are his parents mad because they don't want a divorce, or is that ALSO a huge lie where he leading some sort of double life with Jenny as his mistress and seeing his wife when he claims it's his parents. If he has no plans of leaving his wife, he's the worst person this series has seen so far...and that's saying something. Why someone would put that much trust in someone who lied to them from the very beginning is beyond me. Jihoon...I doubt he stole the phones himself. He was probably the middle man, buying the in bulk from somewhere or someone. He may be too young and dumb to even realize what he was doing was illegal....or maybe not even putting two and two together that the phones were probably stolen. I've definitely known people like that, and people who got themselves wrapped up in sketchy and sometimes illegal get rich quick without a lot of effort schemes. Deaven seems to be living in some sort of fantasy world, where moving to South Korea and being in an exotic foreign land would be the solution to all her problems.
  17. The most common one it's basically like....a front panel part that's the gummy/chocolate and the waistband/underbelly part is cloth. There's another kind though that the whole thing is made out of basically a fruit roll up and just seems like something you'd never want touching your nether regions. If some guy I'd never met in person showed up with that stuff....ugh. I think he wants to seem sexy and fun but it just comes across as kinda immature and silly.
  18. I liked Avery asking if they had makeup in Syria. I think it was a moment of clarity for Omar that the girl has NO idea what she's getting herself into. She's worried about makeup in a place where they may not even have power or water. And she kinda brushes it off when he tells her as much. I like Tom. He seems to just be trying to make the best of the situation. Him and her aren't even not on the same page as to their relationship, they aren't even in the same book. He seems like a good enough guy dealing with a insane situation with a bunch of cameras there to capture his every move.
  19. I can't believe I'm sticking up for either of these people but....I was on Zied's side. If you're in another country you follow their rules. Full stop. This is part of why Americans have such a bad reputation, this need to be "I'm American, I do what I want!". He wasn't even telling her not to wear it ever, just not there as it wasn't appropriate. And Avery's mom....I can't decide if she's deliberately trying to sabotage the relationship (for which I can't blame her) or is also just in that "I'm American, I do and say what I want, screw other cultures. USA, USA!" mindset. She really has been extremely rude often. I know TLC casts people for their entertainment value and not their intelligence, but I swear none of these people seem to do ANY research into the countries and cultures they're going to be in. And maybe...maybe Jessie had a point about Darcy's drinking. She becomes (even more of) a mess with some drinks in her.
  20. I'm not saying Larissa is blameless or did nothing wrong...or isn't a vain and demanding but....if I was in her position I'm not sure how pleasant I'd be either. I don't for a second believe Debbie is the sweet old lady she portrays on camera, and was probably up in her business constantly. I wouldn't want to be newly married and in that kind of situation either. And the Colt shown less edited in these Tell Alls seems just like a COMPLETE ass. I'm not sure how long I could stand it.
  21. It was a bit of a red flag for me that all the actual laborers were women, and all the office people (at least that we saw) were men....and how much the conditions between the two differed. If it had JUST been that I don't know that I would have felt as strongly, but that combined with his comments definitely painted a picture for me. I could be wrong, who knows what happens in editing, but it certainly doesn't look good. I feel mildly bad that his 15 minute appearance on a tv show has basically ruined his life, but it's a pretty valuable life lesson on how not to behave.
  22. I kept thinking they'd eventually go back....like they'd call and apologize or at least there'd be a check in on them. Got to about 5 minutes from the end of the show and realized, guess not. I don't mind an update show but it DID feel like a complete bait and switch. Can't blame Marcus though, "radio character" or not, I wouldn't wanna work with somebody who said stuff like that. And just from the working conditions, I'd be willing to wager money that he, if not both, of them didn't much value women. I'd have "noped" out of there just as fast.
  23. It can definitely be a medical issue too though, especially if you have a hormone imbalance.
  24. I wouldn't be surprised if she did something incredibly stupid like use student loan money for it. I knew a LOT of people that thought of their loan money as magic money and used it on all kinds of stupid choices. There's also this mysterious inheritance. Maybe she has it now, from a grandparent or something, and it's both why her parents are so concerned and how she has the money.
  25. They make such a big deal out of Janet not being human, but since her reboot, it seems like she's starting to show little glimmers of feelings or thoughts, which would be really interesting.
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