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Everything posted by milizard

  1. That makes complete sense in Canada--especially in the East. I'm in lower Michigan, and have traveled to Indiana quite a lot. Cul de sac's weren't common, (as you describe,and I concur about the little turn around) and they were called dead ends until HGTV days.
  2. Okay, the KFC reference didn't pop out at me so much last episode, and it can be argued that it wa used back in 84, but "cul de sac"? Nobody used that term back then. It was "Dead End". Suddenly, the "cul de sac" expression pisses me off. ;-) Anyone else get the LOTR vibe with Samwise being in the cast and Will being caught between 2 worlds? It's like the ring slipped onto his finger....
  3. RE: KFC. I'm from lower Michigan, was just about the same age as the younger kids in this show in 84, and it was always called Kentucky Fried Chicken until closer to 1990.
  4. We haven't seen the whole story yet. Oscar has some really great things to say about Remy when Jane asked him about herself. I wonder if they weren't working a plan within a plan to stop Shepherd, hence the new round of tattoos. It would explain a few things that were said in flashbacks. And through it all, Remy was trying to keep Roman out of the thick of it. Just some wild guessing.
  5. I also liked the episode, or as much as I could I guess, as I stream it afterward and it always runs into hickups. That said, they really wrapped things up quickly in this episode, as if i were going to be the last. Then the time jump at the end seemed completely added as an afterthought. The Jeller shit--well, at least they got that shit out of the way quickly. That was the best thing about it for me. The end really weirded me out, and don't get me wrong, love weird, but it seemed really out of place. But, I love that they got back around to the bird tattoo. It was sort of hanging for a long time. I wonder if that means Oscar could come back into the story somehow? That would be awesome, IMO. Anyway, seems like there was always more to the plan than just the phase 2, as why would Jane and Weller have to get together just for that to happen?
  6. Starting to like this show again. Seems that only watching the last 3 episodes of a season are necessary. The rest is mostly filler. Still, the FBI on this show has got to be the most incompetent law enforcement agency I've ever seen depicted seriously on TV. And still drives me batty that Jane struggles to take on random chicks in fight scenes, but easily disarms well trained and super strong men (i.e., Roman, multiple CIA operatives, etc.). I'm a woman, so I'm all for equal opportunity, but come on. Don't get ridiculous with it. Some consistency would be nice here.
  7. Bummer. This was my favorite show while it lasted. This is why I hardly watch any TV anymore. The best stuff is short-lived, while they continue to show the same old recycled garbage.
  8. Agree. This tendency is something that drives me crazy while watching this show. She can kick multiple people's asses with her hands tied behind her back, but not when they're free? (Plus, escape from 3 fully trained CIA agents after enduring a month of torture, but random chick gives her trouble.) And, she doesn't think to grab a gun or 3 before trying to walk out the front door?
  9. I don't know. All I know is she left him exactly how she found him in the first place, which he was able to recover from with simple medicinal practices sans magic. As far as his right to come after Dorothy for attacking his wife. The time for his justification for that would have been during the act--not after he stops her by appealing to the feelings that had supposedly shared. He didn't say, "please stop, but even if you do stop and go away, I'm still going to hunt you down and kill you." Seems like shitty turn around. YMMV. Glinda had every right and ability to come after Dorothy herself in order to demand justice. Roan/Lucas lost that right by the way he stopped it before. As for justification in killing Glinda, there might have been enough, might not. There certainly was some--pushing young witches over the edge and planning on killing Dorothy come to mind (though she sent the young witch to do her dirty work for her). Apparently, in this world, you need a lot more justification for killing a witch than killing a human. I mean, Dorothy was even blamed for murdering East, while East was torturing her and Lucas and sending them to the prison of abject. Seemed like self-defense to me, but for some reason, Dorothy is expected to act perfectly at all times while the witches are okay as long as they're not completely horrid.
  10. Speculation: should this show somehow continue, Dorothy will find herself pregnant with Lucas' baby.
  11. I agree with Dorothy storyline has gone off the rails. I was rather enjoying the Dorothy/Lucas thing, even though it seemed to come from nowhere. I was very put off by the whole scene. The way she left him seemed incredibly cold, but after thinking about it, it was the only way to free him without killing him or allowing herself to be killed. He suffered those same injuries before, so she knew he could survive them. She would no longer be the one to save him probably Glinda would find him. Glinda had the power to cure him and ease his pain immediately. Plus, he was actually really bad for coming after her to murder her because she had the gall to have him fall in love with her and screw up his life. That's pretty terrible, if you really think about it. I'm really missing the information that would give us insight into her motivations. The only way I can come up with anything, is to remember that she seemed pretty sharp. Perhaps the plan to take the wizard with her informs us more than it seems. She realizes neither of them belong there, and are F-in up the world of Oz, so that's her big motivation for getting home. Maybe?? Anyway, the way this all went down took a lot of the enjoyment of watching this show away from me. The saving grace was the lady Ev reveal. Awesome. I don't think the purpose of the masks were to hide her age so much as her difficulty in expressing emotions with her face--hence the masks for every feeling. Why they would claim it's the other thing, I don't know.
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