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726 Excellent
  1. I wish I could upvote this a million times. I want to watch housewives!
  2. This is really perceptive! ( I adore this actor and he’s the only reason I may reconsider dumping the show entirely.)
  3. This is by far the worst the show has ever been! I have tried repeatedly to stick with it since last fall and I am more disappointed than ever. Almost every couple is boring, mismatched, or offensive. None of the stories have momentum and eventually go out with a wimper in the most perplexing ways. Phyllis is probably the worst character in daytime and Nate and Victoria are unwatchable. It would take a writing miracle to redeem this mess.
  4. Contrite, demure Chelsea is so boring. I thought the writers would do better at delivering a compelling story of depression and suicidal ideation, but instead we have … this. Unlock the doors and unscrew the shampoo bottles!
  5. Good description. Noah is a sleepy mess and lacks the charisma to be a male lead. I think there is something lovable about Tucker. I occasionally laugh watching his scenes with Ashley because the actors seem like they are legit having a good time.
  6. Well said! I just started watching again after a five month hiatus (possibly a mistake) and I can’t get over the monstrosity that is Billy Abbott. I hope Lily snaps soon and tosses him out. The writers have saddled her with this weirdo for far too long!
  7. Thanks so much, Kitty. I am really liking the idea of Allie having some backbone (and I have always thought Lily was too good for Billy!). I watched a preview for this week’s upcoming shows — I am getting weird JT/Victoria flashbacks, but maybe I am misremembering the wrap up of that story.
  8. i haven't watched this show in several weeks. it was my mother's favorite show and we would watch together and discuss. she has been very ill with cancer since spring and recently passed away. i want to try to get back into it. has the pace picked up at all since Tessa and Mariah's wedding? or do the stories continue to move at a snail's pace? i found it pretty frustrating for awhile, esp when Phylis was putting on ridiculous, campy performances to get under Diane's skin. (i wasn't sure where to post this. mods - if this is in wrong place, please move/remove!)
  9. She is the worst. I can't imagine having to bake under strict time constraints while simultaneously fielding her inane questions. Who could concentrate with a manic preschool teacher in their face every five seconds? Poor Carolyn.
  10. I think Bill Maher should get used to men in white coats. The teenage rebel shtick and paranoia is worrisome.
  11. I really enjoy A Way With Words. From Wikipedia: A Way with Words is an American weekly public radio program discussing the use of language in everyday life, along with linguistics, lexicology and folk etymology from a pool of listener questions from weekly callers into the program, along with a weekly word game with quiz expert and comedian John Chaneski. Martha Barnett and Grant Barrett are excellent hosts -- really personable and funny. They answer all sorts of oddball questions like "What is the origin of good two shoes?" and "Who is the 'she' in 'she sells seashells by the seashore'?" and recommend books, websites for language lovers, etc.
  12. I know what it is. I cringed when I thought that's what he meant. Ew.
  13. This elimination seemed fair. Aaron’s look was a disaster and he knew it. Coral probably won’t (and shouldn’t) make it to the finale, especially if she continues to treat challenges as mere suggestions! If there is a neon colored ballgown challenge coming up, count on Coral to submit a pastel fringy frock. Sometimes it is hard to tell if she is a risk taker or risk averse or … just eccentric. Anyway, I won’t miss Aaron or his string of ho hum near-hits. (Why was he talking about pearl necklaces when Christian handed him a pearl purse?? I was waiting for cricket sounds or a clue from the editing team that, yes, something weirdly suggestive just happened.)
  14. It definitely is for PR! Just not sure if that approach will work so well outside of reality tv.
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