But, I was talking about Jed. Not Joy. I kid. Hey, look, I get it. She's the opposing side, so, it doesn't matter. I agree with that description of her though, but, Joy is the same way. She doesn't speak as fast though because she gets tripped up all the time and is caught just as often spewing things that aren't true. Joy's attitude about getting caught though, is her so what, shrug it off thing she does. But, she's like Jesus, and Jed is totally like literally always standing up for Hitler, orange one, whatever. Half the country is not going to fall off the face of the planet because the other half of the country thinks they are mean. Most people just want to live. The extreme on each side is so frustrating. Jed needs to go because she doesn't fit into my narrative. Joy is perfect though, and the people that don't like her are dumb hick racists that watch Faux News and worship the orange one. There is no middle anymore. You have to be one extreme or the other.