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Avery really irritated me in this episode. First she tells Max to leave her alone and that he wouldn’t be her choice for a co-parent (I can’t recall whether she actually said this in so many words or just heavily implied it). Then she gets all jealous over the other doctor—okay, she’s human, that’s understandable. But what ticked me off was how she lit into Max over it. It came across as “I don’t want you but don’t you dare even look at anyone else.” I was thinking the same thing. Or why don’t they use one of the cryopods from the plastic surgery week episode? I don’t recall those ever showing up again.
Each has been talked about behind her back by the other two. But in most of the scenes where all three are together, Jaclyn and Kate come off like a mutual admiration society with a halfhearted compliment to Laurie as an afterthought. Their political discussion may have changed that, though. I think Kate living in Austin yet becoming conservative just makes her seem even more annoying (not to mention pathetic). Here she is among lots of liberals but she just turns her brain off and lets her husband do her thinking for her. I don’t have a lot of respect for women who change their beliefs and interests like chameleons to match their man’s because It’s All About Him. Internalized misogyny at its finest. Have a brain of your own! It’s All About Him also seemed to apply when Victoria was telling Tim how great he was and how Rick must just be “jealous”. Anyone else think there’ll be a romance between Belinda and Pornchai? Kind of hoping Greg/Gary will end up going overboard on the yacht outing. I wonder if Greg was even his real name?
Death In Paradise - General Discussion
CarpeFelis replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Death In Paradise
S14E2: -
True, but here nobody even said anything to him.
That was what Amy and Richard decided to do — tell her if it was negative, keep it to themselves if it wasn’t. This was ridiculous. Even if their intentions were good, these two aren’t interns, FFS. They should certainly understand what a breach of ethics it was to genetically test a patient without her knowledge or consent. Besides the unbelievable location of the medicine cabinet (and the fact it isn’t automated), another dumb inaccuracy was the guy getting out of the wheelchair and walking out with Mandy. For liability reasons, hospitals insist the patient remain in the wheelchair until they’re out the door, even if they’re perfectly capable of walking out on their own. During Amy’s talk with Richard about her relationship with Jake I kept wondering if Richard was lying about giving her a recommendation. But I guess not since Michael got his letter. Now that Dixon’s autopsy results have surfaced, I think all hell is going to break loose unless Richard was smart enough and underhanded enough to go into the system and modify it or pay off someone to do so if he doesn’t have write access. Then again, it still seems odd to me that this one mistake would tank his entire career. He might get sued by Dixon’s family, the hospital might get sued, but lose his career, really? But if he’s found out now, will he still try to tank Amy? Or will he, as the new department chair, just try to sweep it under the rug? I thought Michael was way overstepping. Would he really have given Jake that “called to the principal’s office” lecture if Amy wasn’t his ex? Go be nicer to your pregnant wife and leave Amy’s love life alone, Michael.
As I see it, Richard started out as a good guy. Then he made the mistake that killed a patient. Still not a bad guy at that point. Then he became the bad guy when he decided to try to cover it up instead of admitting to it. Then he became the evil guy when he took his lawyer’s advice to “make sure Amy fails” by trying to sabotage her. He undoubtedly figured Sonya hated her so much that putting her with Sonya on her first day back would be a fast track to getting her fired. His confession to his wife was a good start at redemption, but it remains to be seen whether he’ll actually admit his mistake to the hospital. (And would one mistake like this really destroy the career of a highly experienced doctor, especially given why it happened? Seems more like he’d get put on administrative leave and be on probation when he returned.) As to Sonya - wasn’t it a breach of ethics in the first place to treat someone she had this horrible history with? Even if she couldn’t get hold of Richard, couldn’t she have switched cases with someone else? She wouldn’t have had to give the whole story, just tell them she shouldn’t be treating this guy because they had a history. And the scene where she injected him with air was kind of ridiculous. She ejected the fluid from the syringe onto the floor but no one working the code blue slipped on it or noticed it? Michael annoyed me in this episode with the way he treated his wife. “Always talking about the baby”? WTF does he expect? I have a bad feeling Mr. Oh So Wise and Ethical is going to leave her and try to get Amy back. I think she’s way better off with Jake.
Her smile was creepy as hell. I was expecting at least one of them to end up dead and was really hoping it would be her. The only character in the two couples who didn’t really do anything wrong was Becka. She wasn’t too strict about sticking with the “rules” but she wasn’t lying to anyone or trying to steal someone else’s husband. Pete and Evie were both batshit crazy by the end. Danny lied to Becka, got involved with criminals, and allowed Evie to seduce him—and in the police station, of all places. I kept wondering if there was CCTV in there. I felt sorry for Alan’s wife, though she kind of sucked too, covering for him and saying he was in Becka’s house because of an intruder. I was disappointed we didn’t get to see the cops hauling him off for stalking.
Nicky recognized him, and also his screaming at his ex revealed that at some point he found out Nicky wasn’t actually his and he was enraged enough he apparently didn’t care about him anymore. (Did I miss something or was that incident the only time that came up?) I suspect Aaron cooked up the whole scheme as a way of killing two birds with one stone - punish his ex and frame the cartel so he could go after them and get himself promoted. What isn’t clear to me is whether he intended all along to kill Nicky, or whether he planned to be the white knight who’d eventually rescue him, but was foiled by Nicky recognizing him and (of course) Dexter.
Could be. But I’ve also been thinking for quite a while that the Severed floor is a gigantic psychological experiment of some sort. (ETA: if I had to guess, it’s about methods of control.) Notice how people have to find their way around all these ridiculous hallways like they’re rats in a maze. And who could be better test subjects than people who don’t know they’re in a test? People who sign up to be in a psych experiment might try to do what they think are the “right” behaviors. Similarly, maybe while Milchick thinks he’s part of running the test, he’s also a subject, like the subjects in the Milgram experiment in which the people giving the shocks were the actual test subjects.
Dexter told him Aaron wouldn’t be harming anyone ever again. The implication was pretty clear.
It feels like Robby is really starting to lose it. He was an asshole to Samira. She observed a symptom (the odd hand movements) that led her to check for toxicity and he tells her she’s looking for zebras. I get needing to free up beds but the patient did have some physical symptoms like numbness that would be ignored if she was just turfed to Psych. I was glad the mother of the pregnant teenager finally came to her senses. Wondering just how long it will take before Santos gets herself fired. And what the hell is she trying to start with her insinuation about Langdon?
Exactly. This reminds me of a flavor-of-the-month workshop called “Teaming for Change” my whole organization had to attend several years ago, led by a bunch of executives who were all dressed casually in jeans and polo shirts to give us a “we’re all in this together” impression that absolutely no one was falling for. I very literally LOL’d at “misuse of paper clips”. And I thought Boeing was ridiculously bureaucratic. Did anyone else initially think those giant drawers at the beginning were actually a morgue? I was surprised when all that was in the drawer was some dental tools.
We’ve gone full-on retcon. Not just the dates, but also: in OG Dexter (which I rewatched recently), in one of Doakes’ confrontations with Dexter, he asked him why he chose to go into blood spatter after being at the top of his med school class. But now apparently he doesn’t even go, just starts working at Miami Metro straight out of college. I almost expected Deb to run into Brian on that dance floor at the end. If we can retcon Dexter not going to med school we could retcon Deb not remembering Brian.
When Calls The Heart - General Discussion
CarpeFelis replied to maraleia's topic in When Calls The Heart
Why is everyone in this town constantly having grilled cheese? It’s been mentioned multiple times in the last few episodes. Elizabeth gets a cold? Let’s bring her a grilled cheese. Allie is going for a hike? Pick up some grilled cheese for lunch! I figured all along that Ava was lying about her missing trunks. Such a coincidence, showing up in Hope Valley gushing over Elizabeth’s book and having exactly the same thing happen to her. And these people are so clueless they actually buy the story. Now a trunk shows up, it’s full of men’s clothing, and she lies and says it’s hers. Is she just a conwoman who goes from town to town pretending to be rich but recently robbed so she can sponge free room and board for as long as she can get away with it? She sure loves to order the most expensive things on the menu like she’s straight out of the r/entitledpeople subreddit. Or is she in cahoots with the Garrison gang or something? Is Lucas ever going to put Mitchel in his place? Officious twit acts like he’s Lucas’ boss. The one thing in the latest episode that had me rolling on the floor was the Hallmark-sanitized versions of Elizabeth and Nathan having sex dreams about each other. ETA: Georgie looked familiar but I couldn’t place her. I did not recognize Melissa Gilbert! -
No way she’d be quite that naive. She might wonder why she’s wearing them—though being out in the cold is a pretty strong clue—but all the men wear them so she’d have to be incredibly dumb to wonder what they were. Every time I think this show can’t get any weirder, it does. I thought the last episode with the indoor goat farm was pretty surreal, but this one really blew it out of the water. Especially with the book. Kier sounds more and more like a megalomaniac who thinks he’s a god, what with the very biblical sounding “spilled his seed upon the ground” passage. And Milchick insisting everything in the book is true. Anyone want to bet Dieter never really existed and was just made up by Kier? ETA: While it would be interesting to rewatch knowing Helly was Helena pretending to be Helly, I don’t think I can stand to rewatch this anytime soon. Also: WTH was up with Irv saying they should eat the dead seal (or whatever it was)? They had no way of knowing how it died or how long it had been dead. Much less any way to carve it up or cook it. Picture them all dying of some horrible intestinal infection…