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Everything posted by immortalfrieza

  1. I prefer it this way. Jenny's ring is OPed if she knew how to use it and the effects are probably REALLY expensive, so Jenny would barely be able to use her powers anyway. This way we avoid the "why doesn't Jenny just wish this problem away?" question that would constantly come up. Just as long as Zeke isn't secretly a supervillain and implants the robot with evil A.I. or something I'm satisfied whatever happens with him. Oh Cindy definitely would've come after Bobbie. She's just vindictive enough to hunt her down just for the crime of DARING to try to escape. Though apparently Cindy cared enough not to actually want her dead for some reason. That's another one of those little sparks of humanity in her every so often that make her so tragic as a character. Given the SOLD sign outside, she probably was trying to sell the house so she wouldn't end up homeless and just managed to actually do it. Which considering what she was fleeing from she probably should've just run, but at least she seemed to have a reason rather than "just because."
  2. Doesn't look like it. On top of that, that group home lady was a total bitch. Look, I get it, she's 18 so you you kick her to the curb, but at least have the decency to do it bright and early in the morning where she could actually make arrangements for somewhere to live or something instead of the middle of the night! My guess is Bobbie is spending the rest of eternity suffering in a hellscape or something. Because you do not get killed by a demonic being and not end up in a hellscape. And what's worse is Cindy clearly knows exactly what Eclipso is. She doesn't even have the excuse of not knowing what the thing is and what it could do and thus being fooled into becoming Eclipso's puppet. No, she's willingly working with a powerful demonic being in a stone that corrupts people so it can eat them. On that note, apparently it's a sin to try to escape from an abusive kidnapper. Who knew?
  3. Courtney caused? Ms Green Lantern was an intruder in their house. A misunderstanding my butt, Courtney had every right to react the way she did. Then when said intruder fought her she fought back with equal force, which given that one has a green lantern ring and the other a cosmic staff, of course the house gets wrecked. And of course both of the kids didn't want to go, because nobody born in the last 30 years has ever wanted to go to Yellowstone National Park or camping or anything like that. (Even I don't know if I'm being sarcastic about that or not) At least the kids had altruistic reasons for not wanting to go even if it's "because being a superhero is 100x better than doing THIS." What Courtney should do is train with the other JSA a couple nights a week, go on patrol once or twice a week, then if bad guys end up showing up dealing with them. If not then in a couple years when she's 18 head out to some other city with a high crime rate and kick butt there. She's being the annoying obsessive girl she was at the start of season 1 who kept treating being a superhero like a game and now she's going nuts because she's bored out of her skull and can't play the game anymore. On that note, I must not be cut out to be a superhero, because when this conversation happened not in so many words: Yolanda: "I'm haunted by killing Brainwave." Courtney: "Yolanda, he was BRAINWAVE." Yolanda: "So that makes it okay?" Courtney: "Um..." My reaction was "YES! YES IT DOES! YES YES YES A MILLION TIMES YES! The guy was a genocidal maniac who murdered his own family and intended to personally kill millions! So YES!" I hate how it's somehow wrong to kill villains who clearly not only deserve it but will continue to kill innocent people if you don't. It's wrong NOT to kill people like that and it takes a really warped sense of morality to think otherwise.
  4. Probably because Rory wouldn't have been able to keep his cool for 5 seconds, much less calm down when a giant worm thing was bearing down on him.
  5. I think it makes significantly more sense that there's a lot of Kryptonians popping up. Rather than like in most Superman media where somehow, someway, everybody in a planet with at least a population in the hundreds of millions full of advanced technology doesn't notice the planet is going to explode or doesn't care, resulting in... in this continuity 3 Kryptonian kids whose parents who gave enough of a crap to let them evacuate the planet. If anything the idea that there wasn't mass exodus to planets like Earth is ridiculous. I don't think it has anything to do with COVID-19, I think that they've basically decided that Superman & Lois functionally take place on a separate continuity from the rest of the Arrowverse, even if in actuality they're supposed to be on the same planet. Particularly Supergirl and Superman & Lois don't effect each other in any way whatsoever. Most of the plots in both shows don't make any sense with the existence of the other show because they never call each other from backup or even acknowledge each other's existence. Hell, long before this show came along they rarely ever had Clark show up on Supergirl or even be mentioned even when he really really should be. It probably doesn't hurt that half of the arrowverse shows left are being/have been cancelled this year including Supergirl. I wouldn't be surprised if Flash follows within a year or 2 after and Legends are busy hopping around time rarely ever even at the same time period as the other shows are anyway. Considering that Lara is the first Kryptonian consciousness to be downloaded we've seen that hasn't been shown to be a total psychopath willing to kill humans and even other Kryptonians because Edge says so I have a sneaking suspicion that either Edge is cherry picking who he lets out of that Eradicator thing, brainwashing them somehow, or both.
  6. The worst thing is they could've easily had Circe get away anyway without making Sophie and Co look like useless idiots. Just have Circe dodge the bolt, or if they really wanted to make her look like a badass, have her catch it out of the air, then run. In fact, 99 times out of a hundred it would only take a very VERY small change to avoid making characters in the show look like idiots and still had the same plot points happen. Like maybe having Circe not be insanely obvious to Luke, Mary, and Sophie that she was not Kate by simply actually acting like Kate Kane. She was way too playful for Kate for one. Anyone who knew her for even just 5 minutes should've been able to figure it out.
  7. He was. Since Ruby Rose left and thus they had to completely change the entire plot they were planning for the reason they've been awkwardly trying to shove in a redemption arc into a villain that they never intended to have a redemption arc before since they don't know what else to do with her. I would've greatly preferred it if Alice had just gotten killed and that was the end of it, because there's no way this complete psychopath could be redeemed in any way. The only way this whole thing could be more ridiculous is if they killed Ryan off and made Alice the new Batwoman, but there's no way they could be stupid enough to do that right? Me watching Season 3: "God dammit!" I really really hope that's just a joke. I REALLY do. Diggle was a plot device to get Luke over his "I wanted to die" trauma quickly, no more no less. There's literally no reason Diggle should be anywhere near Gotham, especially for a hospital with "world renowned neurology" we never heard before now. It's a cameo to get Arrow fans on board. Especially considering he's, you know, Kate's FATHER and unlike Alice she spent a good deal of her life with him. Absentee father or not, Jacob should have a very strong relationship with Kate. As opposed to Alice/Beth who truth be told Kate barely even knows as anything other than a psychopathic serial killer. The whole thing was going way too smoothly, they should've made it a lot harder for Kate to wake up to who she is in this episode, then maybe I might have bought it for more than a millisecond that it was actually going to work. Par for the course for Gotham. Ryan has honestly been pretty superfluous in the whole season. They really should've just taken one of the already established female characters and made them Batwoman, then if they decided to recast Kate and put her back to being Batwoman it wouldn't be such a blow. I doubt they will put Kate back in the batsuit though. This, at least, can be explained by Ryan herself being a bad fighter. Sure, she CAN fight, kind of, but Ryan gets her butt regularly kicked by like 4 or 5 mooks at the most, an amount that Kate would've blown her way through without even trying, not to mention actual supervillains. Sadly, Ocean making a cutting and sneaking out with the plant is exactly how the plant that Ryan just gave up came to exist. Safiyah had all the cards and no reason whatsoever to actually hold to her end of the deal. I kept expecting the goons to smash the two over the head or something and drag them off unconscious to be killed or something the whole time, especially when Alice started mouthing off to Safiyah.
  8. I'd like to see it more. Clark Kent being called a great reporter isn't half as good as actually witnessing it, and let's be frank, in most media he isn't. Clark just happens to have a leg up on getting a story over everybody else because he's got superpowers he can use info on a story, and that's if he isn't part of the story and thus reporting on himself. It would be nice to see him walking around interviewing people and doing research and all the other things reporters have to actually do. Lois is the one who is actually doing this. Personally, I saw it less as badass and more like what Edge said it was: desperate. Lois storming in here and causing a scene accomplished precisely nothing and only succeeded in torpedoing her credibility by making her sound like a complete nutjob. Maybe if she had some actual arguments and evidence that people would actually listen to instead of "Morgan Edge is doing bad stuff! He's going to destroy who you are! I know it sounds crazy but you HAVE TO BELIEVE ME I TELLS YOU!" Clark met and fought a Kryptonian host who spoke the language before he self destructed. Then Lois and JHI saw the Kyptonian host machine not long before she was also nearly killed by another with Kryptonian powers. It's not really much of a leap at this point. I keep thinking with each passing episode that Jonathan will either get exposed to X-Kryptonite and get powers, get turned into a host, or somesuch, even if he pulls a Jimmy Olsen and it only lasts for 2 episodes or so. I find myself wondering if will ever see one of these implanted Kryptonians that isn't a complete psychopath.
  9. In nearly any version of Gotham City any remotely sane person would've left the city by the time it was a 1/10th as bad as it is when actually gets shown, even if they had to leave with nothing more than the clothes on their back, so no surprise they're not. Coast City looks rather lovely! I'm sure there's no Ax Crazy Supervillains there or anything. Well, there's the red guy with pointy ears and a yellow ring that can shoot laser beams, but he's pretty harmless I'm sure. On that note, did Jacob actually think up that name? The name "Crows" does not inspire confidence that they're going to protect. More like they're going to let you die and then feast on your corpse. Put them in the band and we've got a Murder, so yeah, no surprise it ended up like it did. These superheroes and their support tend to be really really phenomenally screwed up people, which isn't a surprise considering what they see and go through every day. There needs to be at least 1 superhero who moonlights as a therapist for these people to talk to. Someone the superhero community can trust and who knows what they're doing. This goes for both DC and Marvel BTW. Considering this is Gotham the sad thing is Jacob probably would in fact be the best possibly choice for commissioner they have if he applied for the job.
  10. It's even worse than that: Everyone from the original multiverse should be dead because every single universe was destroyed. Then, the multiverse was recreated, and somehow this resulted in the new "Prime" universe where several universes all merged together despite the fact that they were destroyed, and then somehow this new Prime universe has all the noteworthy people from every universe that was merged into despite the sheer unlikeihood of such people actually existing all on an Earth where the conditions for all the other people to exist also happened at the same time, not to mention being the "main" universe specifically. There should be no Crisis survivors from the previous multiverse because barring the Paragons themselves they were all obliterated. There should be no memories to have wiped/restored because despite somehow looking and acting like the same people they are not in fact the inhabitants of the original multiverse and thus completely different people. At some point you just have to roll with it because logically absolutely nothing about the universe post crisis and pre crisis makes any sense whatsoever, and like the Arrowverse and time travel it changes at a whim. JHI being a Crisis survivor makes no sense at all, in fact it would make significantly more sense if he had somehow crossed universes in the current post crisis rather than be a survivor from the previous one. Which if they address that at all, this would be because the thing was at 30% capacity and thus not capable of it at the time.
  11. Yep. Now there's absolutely nobody around to rein Kramer in. No doubt Kramer will pull some strings to have Joe replaced by some yes man who will do everything she says. The only way this would make any sense is if Joe is banking on something horrible happening and forcing Kramer to go down a "My God What Have I Done..." trip for him to swoop in and say "I told you so." Though if so Joe that's a really bad thing to hope for. Honestly I think the whole idea that this is somehow wrong is stupid. They should've had every last cop in the CCPD have a clip of those cure bullets on hand years ago, maybe then they wouldn't always need The Flash to constantly show up and save everybody all the time. Metahumans that are criminals deserve to have their powers taken away, they're a danger not just to themselves or others, but anything up to city or even planet wide threat. Shooting them with the cure is just taking their massive advantage away so they can be arrested and charged like regular criminals would be. It's obviously not what's going to happen, but I would find it hilarious if Kramer gots her cure bullets to the officers and then the whole thing went off without a hitch with Central City being basically Meta free for the first time in 7 years. The police force have really been lackluster in their response to people becoming godlike beings and causing havoc to the city on a regular basis, though that's par for the course since if they didn't there wouldn't be a show.
  12. From what I can piece together from the previous episodes, it seems like Morgan Edge was behind the widespread foreclosings. I wouldn't be surprised if he had been systematically cutting Smallville off from any possible sources of prosperity long before the series started so he could swoop in with this whole "make this a mining town!" thing, use the town as cheap labor, and then abandon it when he got what he wanted. Can't help but point out, that girl in front of the map? That's actually a guy. My biggest worry is they're setting Jonathan up for either a big depression storyline or worse turn him into a supervillain as a result. I don't think they'll actually go there, but considering how Jonathan has been royally screwed over every single day while his brother has been coddled and babied even when he royally screws up ever since Jonathan went to his grandma's funeral I wouldn't be surprised.
  13. Oh yeah. The problem is they turned Sophie, Luke, and Ryan getting arrested into some big race issue when the three would've gotten arrested for the way they acted regardless of their race. Ryan was getting up in the face of the cops, Sophie was too, and Luke ended up collateral damage. Similarly, Luke would've gotten his butt shot for doing something as stupid as very suddenly pulling out his cell phone in front of a bunch of Crows pointing guns at them no matter what, while it was clear what they were going for Luke being black had nothing to do with it. Being purely about police brutality would've fixed all this, but the jail cell scene makes it clear that all of this is supposed to be a race issue. That kind of stuff is preachy and annoying in any context, but it's especially ridiculous when it fails to actually make it's point correctly. It can work but only when used in a situation that's all but completely unique to X. And had them fired for disobeying orders as well if nothing else. She expressly ordered them nonlethal and they went in guns blazing anyway. And if she had, then Luke wouldn't have gotten shot either.
  14. Yeah, living in constant terror while the gangs of Freeland, Tobias, and since they're now on one Earth there's all the crap going on in Supergirl, Flash, and Batwoman that might come knocking at any moment too, run around doing whatever they want and killing whoever they want while the Pierce family is helpless to do anything about it or even protect themselves since they don't have superpowers sounds SO much better. I've always hated that idea of "we have superpowers therefore our lives suck" since in every case that that's ever been brought up it's in a work of fiction where their lives would suck way WAY more if they didn't have superpowers. Of course Lynn thinks that, she doesn't have superpowers so she doesn't understand the benefits nor the responsibilities that come with having them. Of course, that was before Lynn started shooting herself up with Meta Boosters all the time and realized how incredibly awesome it is but meh, hypocrisy thy name is Lynn. Grace at least actually has superpowers and actually has ones that are problematic to her so she actually has a leg to stand on here. Of course Anissa doesn't want to give up her powers and loves having them, she has complete control over her powers and they're only a benefit to her. The thing Grace doesn't get is she and the rest of the Pierces would be screwed without their powers and that this crap happens to them in SPITE of their powers, not because of them.
  15. I knew where this episode was going from the outset. Cats are Evil, Cats are Jerks, Cats don't give a crap about anything ever. It hit all the cliche cat bullet points it possibly could. As someone who has owned up to 3 cats for well over a decade, I can confirm that none of these things are true. It hit just enough "it's funny because it's true" points about cats and dogs to be entertaining.
  16. They should have. They were out to arrest Frost for some reason or another but conveniently they never stated what crimes she was under warrant for arrest for. Which means we have no context for Frost's sentencing other than "10 to 20 years" was the initial possibility. In fact, the cure shouldn't even have been on the table assuming it would even work on her considering it's not an FDA approved drug and a court cannot force anyone to take a drug that isn't FDA approved. Oh, and the Speed Force being evil! GASP! What a shocking development that hadn't been telegraphed in practically every interaction the thing has had with the cast over the entire run of the show. Especially season 3 where they are a prime jerkass to Barry and didn't know the meaning of the word sympathy or compassion.
  17. That's fiction for you. If you're one of the protagonists you can do whatever you want even incredibly immoral and illegal stuff and get away with it scot free the vast majority of the time, if it's even brought up that you did anything bad at all. The only time protagonists get in trouble for something they did it's either because it pisses off one of the other protagonists or it's because of some villain or something and they'll worm out of it. The oddest thing is, they don't even mention what it is they're prosecuting Frost for. Which is is probably for the best since the vast majority of her crimes nobody should even be aware of, much less actually be able to prosecute her for. Frost helping to kill HR and nearly getting Iris killed is only known by Team Flash, while anything she did under Amunet it's highly unlikely anyone would know about either. Ooh! I give it 4 episodes max! Anybody got three? LemmehearthreedoIhearthree? Who knows? Maybe they'll put Frost on the Suicide Squad Task Force X.
  18. Of course. Now that Behrad is solidified as a member of the team and he's not going to disappear in a puff of time logic he HAS to hook up with the new chick on the team. Either that or shell hook up with Nate. Despite the fact that shoehorning in romance plots have never worked in the history of fiction surely THIS time it'll just be peachy!
  19. Yes! NCIS apparently didn't even bother to find any actual evidence to tie Parker to the ponzi scheme before arresting him. There's a reason why eyewitness testimony isn't even close to enough to convict someone and it's because it's really easy for the witness to get the facts wrong, to be bribed or coerced, or in this case their credibility questioned or even just be killed. It's a lot harder to get rid of actual evidence than it is to get rid of witnesses, especially in this day and age where it can be recorded, photographed and distributed digitally to countless secure servers. And REALLY Gibbs? I know being utterly incompetent with technology is a running gag for him but somehow he doesn't know how to push a button and turn on a wire? That technology is older than he is! How'd he even make it through basic military training if he's that hopeless with technology?
  20. Apparently the words "Objection" and "Irrelevant" are not in the prosecution's vocabulary. Really, the old guy should've gone directly to the cops instead of stopping at home. Parker's wife realized she hit the wrong person awfully quickly. Said wrong person also somehow died of impact trauma to the head without ever actually hitting their head on anything... and while wearing a bike helmet. Would've made more sense if he died of internal injuries. The wife was really quick to flip on Parker. You just wonder how many people on these shows would get away with everything if they just kept their mouth shut.
  21. Probably because it's the first episode of the season, so they throw in a little more into the effects budget to draw us in. I'd bet money that the alien chick whatever her name was will be in a human guise the next time we see her and will hardly spend any time whatsoever in her "normal" form to save money, along with nearly all the aliens they run into. It's noteworthy that the vast majority of the aliens in those pods weren't actually seen. Fixed that for you. That's what the writers will say if they ever have to acknowledge the fact that Gary being an alien makes no sense. And how incredibly good Ava seems to be at predicting what each of the Legends is going to do and planning for it. Certainly an improvement over the first time Ava tried to lead the team and being terrible at it despite being the only other member of the team who has actual command experience. Still, Nate would be a lot better leader than Ava by far. Hell, MICK would be a better leader than Ava, she just plain sucks at it.
  22. Let's see... Lynn yelling at Jefferson for really stupid reasons and getting into a big fight. In this case for Tobias screwing her over and especially when she knows it's Tobias that is responsible and Jefferson has nothing to do with it. Which in all likelihood will result in Jefferson going and apologizing for it like he was in the wrong somehow. Jennifer showing herself on social media when she knows that she's public enemy numero uno. Jefferson getting on Jen's case for doing something so incredibly stupid. Jen paying no attention to any of Jefferson's lecturing and refusing to do what he tells her to do. Jen getting bitten in the ass precisely because she doesn't do what Jefferson keeps telling her to do. Tobias being a cocky arrogant dickwad the Pierces should've killed years ago like Jen keeps suggesting but never doing. Must be Monday.
  23. Cisco: "Barry, I think there's a source of immense heat in the room. It's... localized around your head?" Barry: "Well, my ears are burning." From the moment she told her story I fully expected that Nxy was actually the insane paranoid one and the king banished her because she was a raging psychopath. This seems to have confirmed it. Considering that this is Supergirl's last season it's no surprise. It's clear that in Supergirl especially nobody involved gives a crap about anything other than grabbing their last paychecks and it shows, both in the performances of the actors and the quality of the writing. COVID probably doesn't help, but really I doubt it would be any different without it.
  24. I'm finally getting caught up with Supergirl and I have only one thing to say: No mention of the fact that M'gann spent most of the episode with her life in danger because she was a total idiot who decided to go out and hunt phantoms by herself? Boards, I am disappoint! 😉 What annoyed me most was Jonn blaming his soldiering for M'gann's condition. Dude, that was ENTIRELY her fault.
  25. Yep. Retcon, and that was after the other retcon that caused Frost herself to exist in the first place, then the retcon where Cait and Frost were always one person in the first place until OOPS retcon that they're separate personalities but has access to all of Cait's memories and skills until it's retconned that suddenly she doesn't. Even Frost herself never acknowledges the idea that she's been alive and conscious Cait's entire life until the retcon you're talking about where both Caitlin and Frost herself find out about it. The entirety of Killer Frost's character has been a cluster**** of retcons on top of retcons on top of retcons from day 1. So... in other words, a typical four year old. Only this one happens to have subzero cold powers.
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