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Everything posted by Westiepeach

  1. Halloumi truly is grillable cheese. It is awesome! It will not ooze all over the grill, nor the stove. Look for it in your store ~ it is amazing!
  2. Same here. I thought it was my system.
  3. So, apparently, according to the Ohio’s governor’s press conference: wear a mask. It took 22 minutes. Wear. A. Mask.
  4. Well, our Ohio Governor is holding a special press conference for Wednesday evening. He always holds them in the afternoon. Since it is in the evening this time, I suspect we will get yelled at and grounded once again because people are being stupid. I wonder how The Royal Wedding will go down, or if JillRod will say screw it and it will become a COVID party.
  5. Man it's going to hurt when they finally fall. And they will.
  6. So, insomnia hit again and I was thinking about The Upcoming Royal Wedding. Assuming it will take place here in Ohio? So that means the groom's side will be traveling here from Florida. FLORIDA. aka COVID 19 Hotspot of America. They are not going to quarantine for 14 days. And they don't know the definition of Social Distancing. We're all gonna die. Edited to add: the GROOM is traveling from FLORIDA!
  7. LOL - you quoted me on that but I didn't say it! @awaken said it! I just answered a question she had!
  8. I believe it was "Maisie News Network." Maisie was what WW said she named the baby. It was a very brief change, IIRC. She was exposed soon after.
  9. Happy Birthday “Lames?” Hahahahahahahahahaha*snort*hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
  10. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I just noticed they have a "virgin" phone! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
  11. I totally forgot they got away from it all and went to the lake for the weekend. I was too busy heading into my work week to remember.
  12. Both sets of parents are going to be so busy trying to upstage each other (good luck with that, Kellers. JillR is a PRO) that Nurie and Anna Duggar’s Brother are just going to fade into the woodwork at their own wedding.
  13. Eh, TimBits fell out of her good graces. He's on the outs with Mama now. He has to do some serious damage control and sucking up to regain his footing with her.
  14. Husband is an auto mechanic. He also went through college, but his heart is in mechanics and also landscaping. He can take a car apart and put it back together like nobody's business; he can diagnose a car problem by listening to it run; and knows exactly which plant needs to be planted in full sun, partial sun or shade. I consider it a successful day if I pull up to the correct side of the gas pump when I am filling my gas tank; and if I don't kill my plants in my office.
  15. Ok, so, I couldn't sleep last night and started thinking about Nurie and Anna Duggar's Brother and their upcoming nuptials. In that horrific home school video that JillR posted several years ago, (the one where the kidlets were all oh-so-blessed because they did not have to go to Evil Public School and all) Nurie said she was so (severely) happy she was homeschooled so that she can stay home and spend so much time with her family and reading the bible blah blah blah. Well, when Anna Duggar's Brother puts that ring on her finger and whisks her far away to Florida, how will that poor girl cope by herself? She has no tools to help her cope with her new life. Will she become a Class A Clinger like Jill Dillard? She has no education to speak of, no job, no hobbies that we know of, no real life skills. She will go from a houseful of people to an empty house when Anna Duggar's Brother goes to work every day. I think of weird things when I can't sleep...
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