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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives
ezzy4 replied to NewOrleansLady's topic in Little People Big World
Here are my feelings about the show and personalities: 1) Matt was a bully to Amy for a very long time and continuing to interact with him is not healthy for her. I don't think Matt is a horrible person, but he is single minded and someone who simply bulldozes over others to get his way. Amy is someone who was very negatively affected by bullying as a child. This couple was mismatched from the get go. 2) who knows what Amy's personality would have been without her long marriage to Matt. It looks like she developed some bad coping mechanisms over the years. I can see how becoming underhandedly manipulative would come from being consistently emotionally plowed over. It's not normal to be put in a situation where you have to interact so closely with an ex. She shouldn't be forced to comment on an engagement ring of the woman who had an affair with her husband. It's just not healthy. Amy is a bitter, cranky, manipulative person. And she'll remain that way if she remains trapped in this show. I want so much better for her. 3) The ridiculous vinyard/wedding venue storyline...was...well...clearly a storyline. It's clear that if the show was going to continue Amy/Chris needed a storyline. Having a competing "farmlike venue" with Matt/C is a good storyline. I think Chris was pushing to keep their employment with the network. 4) Caryn is doing her best to keep the peace. She complies with Matt (which Amy couldn't make herself do). She humors Amy. Apparently when she made an effort to insert herself in the negotiations with Zach/Tori, things went terribly wrong. And she is doing her best to back off now. The whole Roloff family seems focused on power plays and shifting alliances. Caryn just tries to stay out of the way. I don't get it. It doesn't look like any fun for her at all. 5) Here is where I'm completely at odds with the rest of ya'll. I don't disapprove of Z/T parenting style. They are clearly parenting out of sinc with the current parenting climate. I think the difference is they grew up pretty "free range" themselves and they parent like it. It's like watching a reality show of parenting in the 1970's with kids getting less screen time and more rough and tumble play time; knees get scraped, feet get dirty...it's all good. Even their off handed remarks and laughing criticisms of their kids is just very "old school". I don't think that's bad. I don't think they are neglectful. But i do think the times have changed and children are much more coddled now. Neither parenting style seems superior to the other. It's just a difference. And this extends into how they seek/handle medical help. They aren't people who run to a specialist at every opportunity. They don't seem interested in seeking diagnoses. I don't think that's a bad thing. I'm certainly not going to criticize the struggles they face with their children. I know nothing myself about having dwarfism. Zac does. And i'm very hesitant to second guess what is for the best of someone else's child. I'm not a doctor. I actually think Z/T are a breath of fresh air. And i fully agree with their decision to get out of the public line of fire that they have been in since Zac was a child and Tori a very young person. -
I wasn't just talking about the one incident. Sutton just seems so fagile in general. She looked like a 90 yr old trying to ride the mechanical bull. She looked so scary bouncing around on the back of her horse. She just doesn't look healthy to me. She looks years beyond her age.
All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives
ezzy4 replied to NewOrleansLady's topic in Little People Big World
I've never been a Matt fan and thought Matt and Amy's marriage really took a toll on Amy (phyically and emotionally), but Amy has really become a cranky miserable person. I mean maybe it is just her personality...but idk...i get the impression it's years of being trapped in a miserable situation. Continuing in this show isn't helping her mental health it seems. Of course, all those contrived conversations with Chris about Matt are to entertain the viewership...but ya gotta wonder at what cost to the participants? I give Zac credit for just shutting down the interview addressing the engagement. He didn't want to talk about it. He shouldn't have to. And i do find grown @ss old adults on their second (or more) marriages talking about their engagements like they are 20 year olds to be odd. I mean this couple is building their second home and we are supoose to gasp and awe at this "big step" they are taking. Oh plleeaase. I'm embarrassed for them. Just plan a small dignified celebration and save this silliness for the youngins. -
1) if Kyle wasn't going to actually participate in this season, Bravo should have just edited her out completely and moved on. I mean it's a reality show. If she hiding her breakup and new romance, why show up at all? Can you imagine having a job you refuse to do and instead of getting fired, your employer calls in your sister to help out instead?! Crazy. Come on Bravo. Kathy is an absolute bore. And she isn't even on this show. WtactualF? 2) This may be insensitive...but...I can't help wondering if Sutton was dehydrated from drinking.. or was hungover or something. There is something really odd about her level of fragility. Eating disorder? Alcohol issue? Genetic esophagus? Idk. But she doesn't appear healthy enough to be on this show. And, again, I find it odd that Sutton/Bravo just pass on addressing her obvious issues.
1) Sophie is soooo immature for being 23. She acts like a 10 year old. She takes ZERO responsibility for herself. It's weird. It's like she tells Rob she needs a unicorn then sits blinking her eyes windering why it doesn't materialize in front of her immediately. And her mother..oye... Yeah she's just typical trash. 2) Nikki is a cartoon. She is ridiculous and doesn't deserve the attention she thinks she does. Yawn. 3) Gino and Jasmine: I hope this is just staged for entertainment and they aren't real people...but i fear they actually may be. Jasmine is just so unstable...but Gino gives me super creepy vibes...like psychopath vibes. His high pitched voice is so phoney and there is sooooo much anger always barely beneath the surface with him. And his...withholding...withholding game he plays. Jasmine wasn't as much upset that there was a stripper but rather that he seemed interested in a woman at all. It just seems like Jasmine is unstable and Gino loves toying with her. They need to get away from each other. They should both remain single.
Dorit is ridiculous. Her constant wide eyed exasperated confusion she demonstrates every.single.time people point out how elitist and/or rude something she said or did is...well...tiring. But...but...really...wearing that STOOIP outfit...that really is beyond the pale. DORIT BE GONE.
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S13.E17: Soirees and Separations
ezzy4 replied to QQQQ's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
It seems so obvious that kyle and mo split before (or soon after) the season started. It explains the other women bringing it up with a "seriously are we not suppose ld to talk about this obvious thing?" Clearly Mo was not with Kyle and the girls at that party. Cleay they were not a couple at the time I think Kyle planned to have her GIANT name at the party, but started to regret it when she got ahead of rolling out the separation storyline and acted like it was Kevin's idea.- 229 replies
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S13.E17: Soirees and Separations
ezzy4 replied to QQQQ's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
I seem to be out of sync with most of you all. Uhm.... But here are my thoughts 1) i suspect the white party was good in person 'cause everyone who attended seemed genuinely impressed. I bet the drone footage used by Bravo made it look different than it felt on the field 2) i thought Kyle's dress was pretty. Her body is rockin'. Her swipes at LVP...whatev...at least her impression of her was dead on- lol. 3) OF COURSE she's having some sort affair with that country singin' chick! It's all so boringly textbook (tattoos, over the top exercise, etc...) Honestly it's one of the least interesting storylines of any RH franchise (and that's saying something) 4) Erika's performance seemed fine to me. She's an entertainer, not an actual singer. It seems to work for her brand. So good for her. 5) Sutton's earrings were...meh. Definitely not striking enough to pay that much for them. Just...meh 6) And while I'm talking about Sutton...i don't get the love for her. She is a frail, very old looking, entitled bore. She's not "quirky". She's just...just A LOT (and not in a good way). I feel like Dorit, Sutton and Ramona are all cut from the same cloth. None of them are nearly as interesting as they think they are. None bring anything at all to the table. No wonder 2nd dates are few and far between. (AND...Sutton has ZERO idea how to ride a horse. She was bouncing like a complete amateur in the saddle. Poor horse.) Sutton DO BETTER. You are a grown @ss woman who is divorced. That's not unusual. That's not some insufferable affliction. It happens (to like half of married women). And none of us have your resources. So stop your complaining and being all frail and injured and drunk and get on with it. Geezze. -
S18.E24: Christine & David's Wedding Special (Part 2)
ezzy4 replied to Scarlett45's topic in Sister Wives
Ya know, I am also gonna chime in to say how healing this episode felt. I also think the dress was...meh. Christine is really pretty and i think something less formal, more "flowy" would have been a better fit for her body and personality, but...i get that she really wanted the whole real wedding dress thing that she didn't get with awful Kody. And the dress kinda symbolized the feel of the entire event. Nothing was perfect...and yet...everything was as they wanted it...so...perfect. It certainly wasn't polish, but it was perfect. It felt real. It felt like watching real families coming together. Haha. Suck it Kody! ;) -
S18.E23: Christine & David’s Wedding Special (Part One)
ezzy4 replied to Scarlett45's topic in Sister Wives
Yep...so insufferable. Sooooo immature. It's sad actually. -
1) Mykelti (however it is stupid spelled) is pretty awful 2) David's daughter calling Christine a "strong personality" made me giggle 3) Christine and her girls really are A LOT That's all.
S18.E22: Look Back: How It's Going (Special Episode)
ezzy4 replied to Scarlett45's topic in Sister Wives
I also think they were doomed to fail. Their personalities play off each other in the most destructive ways. Robyn is strangely over dramatic for an adult. She has a bizarre immaturity about her. Everyday she is like dealing with the most dramatic hormone challenged middle school child on their very worse day. And she wraps it all in a blanket of "victimhood". Feeling like a victim comforts her. Dumb, goofy, stupid Kody just fell right in line with her. He's has always been emotionally stunted himself. Any of us who watched the early shows knew there would be a conflict between his children and him once the children got older. Kody always used his position in the family to prop up his ego. He liked being the center of attention (clearly). He never regarded the children as anything but an extension of him. They had no value to him as individuals. Robyn came along just as the older kids were falling out of awe with their goofy, nerdy dad. And when Kody felt that slight, Robyn was there to help him process it as being victimized. And now Kody is perpetually ANGRY and feeling like a VICTIM. And Robyn is perpetually CONFUSED and feeling like a VICTIM. Neither of them has any ability to process emotions any other way but in these very very superficial ways (anger and confusion). There is zero chance they can see their part in anything. ---- I also think Kody and Robyn must regard plural families in a more serial way than the OG3 (or most people do). I think Robyn has been pretty clear that she wanted a plural family. She wanted the security and backup (fanancially and otherwise) that the structure provides her. She lives in a huge home with a nanny without needing her own resources. That's what she wanted and expected. And she gets it because she isn't the first or second wife. She is the younger newer model who reaps the benefits of the others. The way she sees it is Kody had his former relationships and then entered a new stage of life with her. Kody seems pretty clear that he intended to put the other women out to pasture and focus on raising a new family with her. They seem in agreement with each other on how this is supposed to work. So they are ANGRY and CONFUSED at the OG3. The problem is they didn't even try to convey their beliefs to the other wives who are NOT on the same page. They didn't see themselves as people who only mattered for a stage of the family as it evolved and changed. They thought they were in it for the long haul. -
S18.E22: Look Back: How It's Going (Special Episode)
ezzy4 replied to Scarlett45's topic in Sister Wives
Kody is EXTREMELY immature and has ZERO control/understanding of his true emotions. Anger is the easiest of emotions to access and it is often used by toddlers who don't have a more mature understanding of more emotional complexities. When toddlers act like Kody usually someone is there to help them understand what they are feelings.... "are you mad or are you hungry...or tired...or frustrated..sad...etc... So often when Kody is ranting, i wish Crybrows would give him a bottle and a nap (or at least shove a binky in his mouth). Of course Sobyn is too busy having a toddler meltdown herself to notice Kody's tantrums. Couldn't the nanny help them both? WHAT DOES THE NANNY DO? ;) -
Wait...Robyn is sobbing because her dream was to sit on a porch with her sister wives at Coyote Pass .... and... She thought the best way to achieve this was by legally marrying Kody and living a monogamous life with him in a large home they purchsed NOT on Coyote Pass??
I agree that Jenn was a much needed addition to this episode. She was allllll of us trying soooooo hard not to roll her eyes in front of Meri at Robyn's ridiculous antics. How is Meri still defending Robyn? How embarrassing.