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Everything posted by AntFTW

  1. Agreed! In addition, as great of an intuition that Kim had, she sucked at rallying the troops. She couldn't properly convey the vision she had of Tony, the guy who is making big moves, leading blindsides and winning challenges. She couldn't lay out the question of "knowing what you know as of right now, if we had the final TC right now and you're on jury, would you vote for Tony to win the $1 million? If yes, then he needs to go. Can you see others also voting for him? If yes, then he needs to go." Assume everyone doesn't know what you know. Assume everyone is clueless. Paint an extremely detailed picture for them. The only person that seemed even slightly convinced was Nick. As of this episode, the only person that seems to understands that Tony needs to go is Nick. Nick mentioned his final 3. Nick knows he can't take Tony to the final 3. The question now is what will he do with this realization. Lastly, just a few notes... Tony literally paying for Ben's attention was hilarious. By way of saving Jeremy in the Sophie blindside, Tony probably saved Michele as she probably would have been the easiest vote after Jeremy was gone. Just a thought, Ben may be playing us all and using Tony as a shield. The old guy (forgot him name) back on Michele's winning season.
  2. Taylor... Taylor's friend/employee (forgetting her name at the moment) gave them a pass or something to a rage room, a place where people can go to smash and break stuff just to release pent up rage.
  3. One thing about Wes... you notice that unlike everyone else that goes into the tribunal interrogation, Wes has gone into interrogation twice (I think) and came out giving up absolutely nothing. They haven’t gotten any intel from him, he hasn’t thrown anyone under the bus, and he hasn’t offered any favors. Everyone else is like “if you don’t say my name, I won’t say yours down the line” or “I don’t think I should go in but this person should go in because...” or “you should throw me in against this person because I’m clearly coming back and I’ll do this for you.”
  4. Why on earth would they stop airing those? Those were more entertaining than the episode where there's regular competition.
  5. I love it! Tony reminds me of Wile E Coyote and the Road Runner, but switches roles often. When he running around all over the place, Road Runner, and when he's snooping and up in his tree shack, Wile E Coyote.
  6. That could be the case. I'm thinking back to Vendettas when Nelson and Darrell went head to head in the elimination and it was a draw. Nelson doesn't go home but doesn't get the winner's prize, a grenade, because he didn't win. So I'm leaning toward Rogan not getting a red skull, because in such a case, he doesn't actually win.
  7. I completely agree. To rank the goat status of the players that you listed: 1. Ben - greatest goat of the season thus far 2. Nick 3. Michele 4. Sarah - I’m torn between Michele and Sarah because they both have been riding a wave but Michele hasn’t been in the majority at all and therefore has been willing to make bolder (but subtle) moves like giving her up advantage to Jeremy, something I don’t believe Sarah would have done for anyone else. I think that if Sophie or Wendell return, work with the players that were in their corner and get to the end, that’s a hell of a comeback.
  8. I’m thinking that whoever comes back from EoE would be an automatic target for the majority, whoever that majority is at the moment, no matter who the returning player is. Throwing votes at the EoE returnee is the politically easiest thing to do. I’m trying to think what EoE returnee would really hustle the hardest once they return. Their back is immediately against the wall once they come back in. I can see the EoE returnee winning if they make it to the end. That’s the ultimate come back story and the remaining players may think the same. To add to your best options, I would also include Tyson. Think of the ending story, making it back from EoE a second time, and being in the final three. That’s a non starter for all of the players. It would be difficult for Nick, Ben, Sarah or Michele to win against that.
  9. Well, they want to have their cake and eat it too. They wanna beat the layup in the elimination and have the layups in the final. In previous seasons, the non-layup rookies get tossed in elimination. The layups coast to the end, like Jenna’s first season where her and Jay coasted to the final and lost like they were supposed to. It hasn’t dawned yet that they cant throw the layups into an elimination if they want an easy red skull, and also save the layups for an easy final win. We’re a long ways away from the point where there are nothing but red skulls left and every elimination has to be red skull vs red skull. They may never happen this season.
  10. I thought so as well. Once Nick told Tony no one was discussing voting him out, he should have committed to the lie. Tony threw Ben under the bus, Nick shouldn’t have had a problem backing up the bus and running Ben over again. For all Nick knew, Tony could have been lying and fishing for information. If you’re gonna lie in the game, die with the lie! Deny everything, only your version matters. Nick should have walked Tony over to Kim and hoped Kim has a good poker face and ready to improvise and said “Kim, can you believe Ben accused all of us plotting against Tony when it was really Ben plotting a blindside? Since Ben is spreading lies and playing us all, I say we target Ben.”
  11. That was the funniest tribunal interrogation of the season. Josh: Wes, we have a rivalry | Wes: No we don’t | Josh: Stop pretending we don’t. You’re coming for me | Wes: I’m not coming for you. This “me and you” is not a thing | Josh: It is to a thing. I know you’re coming after me. Everybody knows it’s a thing. Stop telling everyone it’s not a thing when it clearly is. LMAO!
  12. It’s funny how Jeremy and Denise may have just switched positions now. Now she may come to realize Jeremy’s words (“you sure you wanna do that. You’re only safe for tonight”) may actually have some weight behind them. Jeremy’s back was against the wall for the last two TC previous to this episode’s. Denise went with the numbers. Now, Jeremy’s sitting pretty for now, and Denise’s biggest ally just got voted out and she’s now out of the majority. Tony is now in Jeremy’s real alliance rather than pretending to be, at least for now. Ben and Jeremy have just worked together. It looks like Denise is in a pretty vulnerable position.
  13. They also show Ben expressing his belief that Jeremy is going to win, no matter who sits with him at the end. ... and it does look like Ben truly believes that if Jeremy is still there at the end, he’s going to win no matter what. That’s why Ben doesn’t wanna talk to Jeremy or anything. He wants him gone. What I don’t understand is why isn’t Ben seeing that with Tony? Why isn’t he seeing that Tony is the master of the game? Frankly, why is Kim the only one to see it? Kim sounded the alarm to everyone else and everyone else doesn’t really seem to get it. Rob saw it and he’s on the outside looking in, not really know what’s going in back at the main camp. Tony has gotten everyone to think that Tony is so essential to their game that he has to stick around... and nobody else sees it. I’m betting that they still won’t EVEN AFTER THAT WAS PUT ON DISPLAY AT TC FOR EVERYONE TO SEE.
  14. It absolutely was. I was offended for Jeremy. I made a face; I yelled “Excuse me?” to my TV; I almost called her a name.
  15. I’ve always told myself if I’m on Survivor and there’s a challenge that I can exit for food, I’m only exiting the challenge for REAL food. I wouldn’t exit for candy or chocolate, cookies, cake, none of that. I would exit for a steak, burger and fries, chicken, pizza, stuff like that. I can’t fill up on candy, chocolate, or cookies and feel good about back to plain rice on a leaf and and some coconuts.
  16. I’m sorry that she felt she was a bottom tier player. I thought she was playing a great game... up until someone else also caught wind that she was playing a great game.
  17. That hand that Denise threw in Jeremy’s face at TC... that was aggressive. Thats a clear sign she’s no longer working with him.
  18. On the last episode (or the episode before that one), when Tony used Jeremy to blindside Sophie. Her and Kim jumped ship and went with the numbers to target Jeremy.
  19. This seems to be one-sided. Ben hates Jeremy but Jeremy doesn't hate Ben. Ben refuses to even act like he's on Jeremy's side or entertain Jeremy, even if there's a benefit for Ben.
  20. ...and to add, Nick is a terrible liar. I'm guessing he didn't practice his poker faces before the season started. Die with the lie!
  21. Exactly! I don't understand that. I cannot wrap my brain around why Ben was not a target. Both Kim and Nick (each with their own reason for saying Ben), completely ignored Ben. After learning that Ben snitched, Ben is clearly not with them. They could have rallied Michele and Jeremy. Kim's closest ally seemed to be Denise. Kim could have brought Denise along... and I'm just mindblown at why that didn't happen. Kim accurately put together Tony's place in the game. She hit the nail on the head that Tony is basically the King of the Hill at the moment. Tony got immunity (again) and now she couldn't take a shot at the king but why not take aim for his support system? Instead they all got scared and voted for Jeremy who could have been a number for them.
  22. Ben's not winning this season at all. He's riding coattails. 1) How was Ben on no one's radar after everyone knowing that he revealed Kim's plan to Tony? Ben, in that moment, ruined Kim's game and Nick's game... AND NEITHER ONE OF THEM SAID "WE SHOULD GET BEN." 2) This has been Tony's season thus far. If he makes it to the end, he's winning.
  23. 1) I'm not happy with this cliffhanger. Something tells me Jay's gonna be fine. 2) It really irks me that these people really aren't trying to go into an elimination. 3) Dee and Rogan are moving over into the B plot and Kailah and Bear are taking the A plot. 4) Wes's tribunal interrogation is the best one this season. It cracked me up. 5) I love Jenny. I'm rooting for her to get to the final. At this point, she has a plane ticket straight to the final. She's cruising right to it.
  24. I' wondering why people's spidey senses didn't go off when they got back from the previous episode's tribal and Tony says to Jeremy "I thought we had a plan." As far as we saw, nobody asked or wondered "what plan would that be?"... other than Kim.
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