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Everything posted by Ladybugnine

  1. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Sharon haters, take note (but you didn't hear that from me)!
  2. Exactly, tvaddict44! My mother looked at me when Whoopi said that, confused as to what she meant! I said I think she meant "hollow" leg.
  3. I still feel like that's how they're writing this storyline -- a little of both, and then he'll come around, I guess.
  4. What choice did she have, at this point? She was proven wrong, but who knows how she really thinks in private?
  5. WTF is Steffy modeling in the first place. Ivy's got a good 3-4 inches on her!
  6. Lol, this better not be what I think it is! Neamy Crude is making another appearance? Say it ain't so!
  7. Who were raised by two white parents. Where is the black culture?
  8. Oh, no: Kalief Browder (the young man who was incarcerated at Rikers Island for three years without being convicted of commiting a crime, and appeared on The View after his release) committed suicide on Saturday. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/kalief-browder-1993-2015?intcid=mod-yml
  9. They totally went the PSA route, first with Nick "enlightening" Ridge. I guess the twist is that Rick seems to be cool about it for now. He said that Maya accepted and understood why Rick didn't tell her the truth about who he was when they first met, so since he fell in love with the person she is, it's okay? Kinda anticlimatic, but I'm glad Rick didn't react the way Brooke and Ridge seemed to think he would. I get it, Rick has had many a moment of being unhinged. We'll see what happens after the "shock" wears off, and the media fallout sure to be caused because of $Bill.
  10. I hear that, Ninja! Some people gotta just let go of the Sharon hate. You don't have to like her, but jeez!
  11. Why, oh why must Whoopi always "do" the voice of whatever animal that appears in a viral video?
  12. Brooke implying that Quinn isn't beautiful enough is Brooke's classic, go-to, default: Shit all over another woman's looks. She did/does it with Katie all the time, trying to tap into some perceived insecurity on the part of the other woman, when it's really Brooke's insecurity rearing its ugly head. Fuck off!
  13. This is my first foray into this particular thread, but I'd like to add that Eileen Davidson carries off the bob flawlessly! TEB should be able to, but she's one of those chicks who are stuck in the hey-day ('80s). Her whole look is soooo dated! Hell, all she needs to do is cut it to past shoulder-length, but without the teasing in the back.
  14. Sooo, Rick is back to being the hazing frat boy he so obviously revels in being. Cut the shit and let Aly do her shoe line. This is the first we've ever heard of such on this show, so why not? Although I will say some of the shoes Aly displayed were nothing short of "basic".
  15. Seriously? Not sure if you're aware of the fact that on an episode of Fashion Police, they showed a photo of Kylie Jenner with faux dreadlocs and she was praised as being "edgy" and "cool". With Zendaya, they associated it with being unkempt and unclean. Most black folks I know with dreads (and I was one at one time) wear theirs in a neat style. There are some who let theirs grow in more naturally and free-form, but in order for your hair to "lock" properly, the hair must be clean and free of oil and dirt. That's ignorance of black hair. And if they can't be bothered to educate themselves before speaking on black hair, they should just shut the fuck up.
  16. @Dizzy 9: I posted this comment on another board: "Even though Beverly has repeatedly said she was drugged, I feel like Whoopi was trying to make it look like she said she was drugged AND raped. And by asking her those leading questions, she was trying to discredit her." I agree with you wholeheartedly!
  17. Nope. She was a familiar face, if you're a fan/watcher of Gilmore Girls.
  18. ITA! At least on this show, the black characters don't necessarily have to be in each others' orbit ALL. THE. TIME., like they are on Y&R, and on Black Story Line Wednesdays, either. I think Dayzee's treatment of Maya once she realized she wasn't going away was pretty on point (Kudos, writers, I guess). She was the special snowflake, and was wary of sharing that "specialness" with another.
  19. Sooo, in light of recent events at Forrester, does that signal a return to "Gorillick"? I know it's not the same actor that nickname was ascribed to, but this could be Jacob Young's chance to portray a more "meaty" Rick? He's already trashed the easel and thrown a few glasses and decanters across the room. I never, ever got the Maya/Carter "relationship" anyway. Chemistry is chemistry (which they lacked), and just because you have two black actors on an already under-populated cast doesn't mean they have to be thrown together. It's like Y&R's "TBSL "(The Black Storyline wherein the black folks on the show were related to each other and only appeared on every other Wednesday).
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