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Everything posted by simplyme

  1. Well, she used to date Kanye West. That seems to be most of the connection in that graphic. Her ex-husband Wiz Khalifa is also on there, shown as "in a Twitter feud" with Kanye *yawn*. The other color lines show Amber is friends with, um, someone (I suck at recognizing celebrities, especially celebrealities, because I generally don't give a fig about them), but who knows what counts as friends. And supposedly she's in or had a "twitter feud" with someone else that might be Chloe Kardashian? (Feel free to help me out here, people who can actually id these folks...) I don't know how serious to take twitter feuds. I mean, Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump have had them, and I wouldn't call them part of the same crowd. Pretty much my takeaway is she dated Kanye (ew, but already knew that), and has a friend in common with a Kardashian or two. YMMV.
  2. I actually knew who most of the "stars" were, and I kind of like the weird representation this season. Certainly I could do without Lochte and Perry, but the show casts people for different reasons. Villain and cannon fodder are roles, too. ;) And who knows, someone I think I dislike may surprise me. I had no idea who either Nyle or Paige were last season, but I'm glad they were on. One thing that hurts Laurie is her age. There is a significant voting bloc that thinks under-18s shouldn't be on DWTS. Personally, I would argue that at the point where she's trained for hours a day for years, had injuries to rival an NFL player, handled Olympic stress, and pretty much not had a typical childhood, we might consider her an adult for a dancing show two years early. But pretty much I'm going to wait and see how people actually do before truly picking my faves.
  3. Try being from somewhere in NY state other than NYC. Most of the world doesn't know such a place exists. :P (NY, another extremely diverse state.)
  4. Sure. Is there a specific ORDER you need to beat them in though? I mean, I would think beating Paul for HoH and Veto and getting his ass sent to jury pretty much counts as beating him, Nicole.
  5. I think they made that movie (and sequel) already. Sigh. Sorry. That was mean. I at least think Witney seems sweet.
  6. My brother commented tonight that he would watch an episode of DWTS if they did something like had Christopher Walken as a guest judge. He's probably way too A-list for them, but I can dream, right? He has a dance background. (Which makes me think of Hugh Jackman as a guest judge, too...)
  7. See? Corey and Nicole do have things in common. They both prefer guys. They can totally make a go of this.
  8. Has to be someone retired since this will be occurring during the NFL season. Not real surprised by a football player. ETA: Gah. Purgatory outtyped me. Bah.
  9. Probably an unpopular opinion, but Derek and Maks both give me that Brett Favre-post-Packers feeling. Just leave already, for God's sake, and stay gone. I like them and respect their abilities, but I really hate when people keep doing that.
  10. But where are they going to find the material for TWELVE of Corey's epic pick-up lines?
  11. I particularly like "includes shipping to the Canada." And now I'm laugh-crying again.
  12. Every time? I'm hoping that's hyperbole. :) Yes, feminism is about equal rights rather than putting women above men, and multiple people commented on that on these boards. (Obviously you are going to find vocal members of the feminist movement whose ideas on rectifying the situation are more radical than others. That's true of any movement.) That said, with this crew it's just so damn easy to bash both the men and the women, because wow. Maybe we just aren't always doing it in the same post. Mostly my observations have been that the casting for BB could really use a change, and that due to the cast, women who don't play passive enough games get sent home fast. I wouldn't consider that statement to be men bashing at all. It's not a statement about men in general but rather about the casting (men and women), competitions, and environment of BB. Also, if Bridgette considers herself a feminist, then let her be. I once had someone tell me I couldn't be a true feminist because I "submitted to the patriarchal dominance" by shaving my legs. Oh. The horror. I think maybe there's a range of overlap of important issues we can focus on. And as humans, we're all works in progress. ETA: Please, God, let Paulie evolve a lot, and the women lose the phone number of their helium supplier.
  13. His head shot on the Survivor site was very androgynous to me. Great cheekbones and jawline. I think it was the lips that made me unsure. With a full body shot or if the the buff were holding his hair differently, he probably would come off very masculine. (I mention this because I actually did read the bio after seeing the picture to make sure it was a guy.)
  14. I'm torn on this. I think most seasons, getting evicted (or evicted twice!) would be the death knell for someone. What is interesting to me is that Victor has done so and is still so liked by most people (from what we can tell) that against most people left, I suspect he'd win. Not because he's a comp beast, but because just about everyone seems to genuinely like him. Victor is or will be a target not only because he's good at competitions and allied with Paul but because people know other people like him. I would be shocked if even Paul wanted to take him to F2, so the whole "Victor coming back again isn't fair" thing is probably moot. Hyuuuuuuuuge target every single chance they get.
  15. He thinks Millennials invented LOL? What, in their past lives?
  16. Either BB is sponsored by hard liquor or someone's been kicking puppies.
  17. *laughs hysterically* The guys in this house really love each other.
  18. If you meant the pitchforks and torches? Um, no. Not really. That sounds messy. :) The fish. Meh.
  19. "Wow. Your mascara is all over your face! You look like Ozzy Osbourne on a bad day! Corey must be revolted!" Things James should say but sadly won't.
  20. Well, I'll grab the pitchforks and torches and we can go back and make a list of all the other non-lasting showmances and burn those sons o bitches to the ground for not committing their lives to people they met on a reality show.
  21. Well, she does have some form of attention deficit disorder severe enough that she takes medication for it, I believe, so not being able to focus on the competition would be in line with that.
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