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Everything posted by Lamima
OKay...Jim Barnes needs to be fired.
Turned zombie since she died.
I guess I need to watch stupid TTD to see WTH happened on the show tonight since I have no clue from watching.
Wish Carol could pull a Cersei (guess it is really pulling a Ellaria as she did it 1st) and put on poison lipstick to give ol' Baldy McPsycho a big kiss.
Took them 2 days before they started to PLAN.
This already makes no sense. A) it would take a whole lot of work to grow a herd and manage them to do this B) if our guys aren't resting, neither are the bad guys C) why don't our guys leave out the back in between bursts of zombies D) why don't our guys send out a party to sneak up the back side of the bad guys and kill them E) why why why.....
"It's all just a zig zag to nowhere". Great line! And "I'm going down the chute". I know she's a bit of a drag but, man, I'm feeling her. On epi 2 of season 2. Diggin it!
It happens a lot. I have identical twin girls in college. One is a girly girl and the other is a big tomboy (firefighter and EMT into video games and super heros and prefers guys for friends). The tomboy is hit on and asked out ALL the time and the girly girl is not.
He could have started his own fire. That's what I was thinking they meant when they said think outside the box or whatever they said. Or stolen their flint.
And if I were playing, I'd make sure to keep all my peeps happy. When Kari cut her finger I would have been all up in her business making sure she was okay.
I am glad that Mollly McSmugface is gone. Though Noura McCrazypants can go next time! Good season so far. Impressed with Lauren and Kellee. Like Chelsea and the girl alliance. Wish it could work for once!
I'm guessing Jack and Jackson won't be coming back on BB for anything ever. Not an all star season or to host a comp...nada.
This was a roller coaster season for sure. And went out with a bang! To think I almost skipped the finale tonight.
Best finale EVER!
Holly votes: Cliff, Nicole and Tommy Jackson votes: Jack, Christie and Anal don't know the rest
I don't think Holly is flubbing. I think she may have won over some votes. Anyone think Jackson's answer to Tommy (about being a misogynist) was way too scripted and not written by him? Uggh.
Boo! If Holly wins then bitter juries are all there will ever be. And social game would be THE most important part going forward!
Like 1000 times!
I'll move to the Survivor forums from here. Then Celebrity BB, then Amazing Race and...then back here. (oh, except I'm done with BB so...) 😉
I want to piggyback off of this to say it's also why we shouldn't say 'it's too soon to make a big move and break up a showmance'. It's never too soon.
When are they playing it anyway? I thought today???
She's been yepping for Jackson. Anything he says...'yep'.
The 'yeah sure' is fitting too. Well 2 of them.
And, so far, my 20 votes for AFH have gone to Nicole. All my votes will go to her.