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Everything posted by Lamima

  1. I just keep thinking...'we have HOW many episodes left????'. Gah. Long slow painful death. Anyone else think the rat was going to end up in her soup?
  2. It wasn't a small space. Was a BIG empty train car. And she wasn't confined as she found an exit yet kept going back in. I wonder if the stormtroopers are all part of her imagination and she has her 'friends' captured.
  3. See I actually liked this one better than that absurd Darryl romance.
  4. The ladies aren't all that either, especially Ms 'I am the best looking girl on the boat'. Dani is gorgeous but the other ladies, meh.
  5. Ha ha! I too thought, yay, we are almost done. One more season. Then I saw your post so a little google told me that the final season is an "epic" 24 episodes spread across 2 years. Dear gawd, no! I bet we will not be using the word epic when we describe the final season as we watch it. And in reading what the ice cream cone spoiler is supposed to mean, we are going to be introduced to a whole huge bunch more new characters. Dear lord, no thanks! I honestly don't care if I watch to the end anymore, Nope. Will be a first for me, to give up on a show so near the end. I even stuck out the 'shark jumping' LOST to the bitter stupid end.
  6. None of that shit made sense. When time FF (after Rick blew up), they had Daryl living on his own with dog. Then he came back into the fold when the Whisperers were threatening the communities. And he started a thing with Connie. SO now they introduce this back story that he had a big thing with a girl in the forest. That one day he left her, but changed his mind and when he came back her house was trashed and she was missing leaving her dog behind. SO what does he do...writes her a note saying he wants to be with her and stashes it in the floorboards. Huh? Also, what was the point of having Carol doing the same exact stuff as Leah...the spear fishing thing was a carbon copy? Was that to show that he fell for Leah because she was so much like Carol? Or was this Leah thing some sort of mind frick Daryl had where it was really Carol he had a thing with in the forest? Nah, cause Carol was living her best life with Zeke at that point (and her adopted son, what's his name who got his head chopped off). Also, why why why does this show have a love for introducing new characters all the time? Constant. Really annoys. Maybe if they would kill off the OGs every now and again...but they would never kill their fave kiddos (Daryl, Carol, Negan, Michonne, Rick, Maggie, Eugene, Rosita, Father pee pants, Jerry and Zeke and Morgan so they moved him to new show). So they add characters we don't care about and kill them off. Also not a fan of having whole episodes show some sort of story for just 1-2 characters. I want to go back to seeing the whole gang in action. But I guess the covid situation will mean we see all episodes of just like 3 actors. Blah!
  7. So Chief Stew's, DAisy?, voice sounds like crazy chef Rachel. When I have the dishwasher running behind me. And Bosun Hair dude's voice sounded like what's his name from BD who was aggressive with Kate on her last season. Another diva chef. Oh boy. Her food must be good then. Seems like the best chefs are the biggest divas. Love captain Glen. He is so mellow (just like Andy said on WWHL). Daisy said Gary's hair grosses her out (on WWHL). LOL!
  8. I hope they go out with total loss, everyone dead or a walker. Goners.
  9. Snooze fest. This show should have had it's curtain call a while ago. I don't care about Kelly or Connie and now the new guys with Maggie. Just don't. Showrunners really ruined TWD with their desire to drag their cash cow out as long as they could. They should have been wrapping things up after the Negan war. And what has always bugged me is why none of the characters discuss a plan to eradicate all the walkers and start a clean up/build back effort. On a large scale and not just Alexandria. Little shitkicker, or whatever she's called, was a few years older than little Hersh. Be interesting to see the 2 in a scene together. To see if they seem a few years apart in age or not.
  10. Grace did it. She knew of the affair. We even see flash back glimpses. She saw them making love that last night and killed her.
  11. Yeah, I don't think it is about the Rocky stuff. Cause, really, who cares. He had a boatmance like everyone else. But was sneaky and deceptive about it because he had a girlfriend at home. I think a long term girlfriend. So that whole thing was not a huge deal. I suspect it does have to do with Rachel. Rachel has worked with Kate before and Kate seems to just love her. Don't get that, cause Ray Ray be cray cray. But she does. ANd when Eddie went on WWHL with Andy at the beginning of the season (with Francesca) he was very clear he hated Rachel. Every negative question about the season that Andy asked him, Eddie answered Rachel. BUt, man, to have Eddie and Kate on the next season would be awesome. I like them both. Rachel was, clearly, a great chef. But I just can't stomach her so much. I do bet Kate is back. Francesca was too big of a dud.
  12. Why wouldn't Kate keep Eddie? When asked if she were chief stew who would she want to keep from this crew. And not Ashling either?
  13. They are supposdily like brother and sister. I am liking the galley talk too.
  14. Watching season 1 now (new watcher) and the story is kind of poorly written with lots of plot holes and unrealistic stuff. But in the times of Covid I have exhausted my nextflix selections. Need a new show to watch and this has many seasons to watch so should last me a while. I also am not a fan of Jenny. Rolled my eyes when she was sitting on bench opening box that Joe left her in his will. She had a stinkface look. Not a sad or 'remembering' look. BUt like she just smelled a sewer. Biggest complaint is how they get from intro to storyline to completion. They seem to jump without much bridging. LIke the Joe story. Jenny goes for 1st time and seems skeaved at the conditions of the place. SHe comes back later for a drink and see the bugs which sends her running for the hills. She complains at the dinner table and the nun dresses her down. Then she goes back and next thing you know she is like a surrogate daughter and crying and hand holding at his bedside. There is no showing the development of that relationship. Aside from a quick scene where she and her fella take him to that military banquet. Just not enough to make her extreme sadness at his loss believable. ALso confused at the eclampsia death patient. WHy the need to cut her wedding ring off when she was dying? And how they seemed to have that linked to the husband accepting that she was dying. Like cutting the ring was symbolic of his accepting she would die. But doesn't make sense. ANd then she puts the ring in his hand when he visits his wife's dead body. Don't get the meaning behind that.
  15. So Delores. on her FB, checked into a resort on Feb 29 and MArch 3...same one in St John's. Was that night before and night after charter? If so, the charter was 2 nights. So looks like they get to stay?
  16. So...Gunhilde swimming and swimming for all that time. I expected her to see ghost Bjorn like Legartha saw Ragnar but she didn't. Instead we saw a long drawn out swim that looked lonely and sad. Was that intentional to say that Gunhilde was not important to Bjorn? She wasn't his person? We saw a final shot if her sinking and her hand under water that I expected go see Bjorn's hand grab but that didn't happen. So I take this whole scene to say she was not Bjorn's love of his life. And she would not be with him in Valhalla. What was the purpose of Katia pretending to be Ivar's dead wife? I thought she was doing it to trap him for Oleg. But she wasn't. SHe was all in on the plan to get Igor out and take down the crazy Oleg.
  17. Man, this show is bad. Not realistic AT.ALL. ANd plot holes galore. Seems like some old guys just wanted to relive their youth. I
  18. Izzy is the tall girl who moved to outside deckhand from being a stew. SHe's the one trash talking Francesca all the time.
  19. And Elizabeth is brainless too. New guy is awkward (Rob). Best of the show is new blonde stew (Ashling). And I don't think Francesca is that bad...her and Rob and Eddie are most tolerable after Ashling.
  20. Remember Chef Leon (beef cheeks)? Just watched a show on ID called Crimes Gone Viral (season 1 episode 13) and I swear it is him in the final crime clip, who saved someone from being robbed at ATM.
  21. Yes. This clarifies it exactly. And I think I would prefer to marry into the Thatcher family rather than that Royal family. 100 times over.
  22. Vile. That is the best descriptive of Prince Charles. Another thing that didn't seem to add up was when the Thatchers went to holiday with the royal family. Thatchers left because they just didn't gel and she said to her husband that they were not classy and civilized or some such. Thatcher was stuffy and didn't bring outdoor shoes ad had zero interest in hunting. She wanted to work. Yet she didn't know any of the rules of the upper class and royal family so she just kept irritating the royals. ANd they showed the royals all loosened up and having fun together (sitting around in outdoor clothes joking about the hunt and then playing games after dinner). Yet they had formalities about when dinner was and what to wear which was stuffy. But they were trying to say Thatchers were stuffy. Then, episodes later, the queen has to schedule luncheons with each of her children to see who is her fave and she requests a 411 from her staff on each of her kids (what they are doing and what they like cause she doesn't know them). But the holiday episode tried to portray them as a down to earth fun loving family who were close. Just not adding up to me. ARe they unloving, cold, stuffy, formal, antiquated....blah blah blah? Or are they fun loving, jovial, joking, caring tight knit down to earth? And were the Thatchers stuffy formal snotty bores? She was always cooking and ironing and doing normal things the queen would never even dare to do.
  23. Hmmm....but the show portrayed her more as a W word that rhymes with bore. Like a flakey, immature W. But she was elegant and classy and the people loved her. She made the royals seem more real and relatable than the rest of those stuffy drips. But maybe she was a good actress. She had to be though. It was her duty....to be so perfect in the public eye. I dont envy her life at all.
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