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Everything posted by SMama

  1. Well the ordering is done by Manager Zach. In one of the videos (C&E and W&Z also have videos posted) Carlin says the items available at the C&C won’t be found at the boutique online. She said they ordered new items for the C&C. I thought the idea of holding those was to get rid of excess inventory?
  2. The Golden Penis (henceforth TGP) is one month old, and Alyssa is being ridiculously over the top, emotional, with a crying emoji to add drama. Could someone please explain to me what is bittersweet about a baby being on this earth for a freaking month? These women are so ridiculous. 🙄
  3. On one of her grifting stops Jill posted the church took them to a thrift shop and bought them everything they needed. Maybe from that trip?
  4. At SGirl’s preschool non potty trained children remained with the 2 year old class until they were accident free.
  5. But the patriarchy hold is real. OTOH Evan was the first boy after four daughters. I get the impression he was spoiled rotten. Like Alyssa says, that’s how boys are treated.
  6. Let’s hope he was able to save enough money to at least rent a place that keeps Emerson in the lifestyle she has been raised. Someone mentioned the possibility of John taking him in the HVAC business. It is owned by John’s father, and the sons. It seems they have kept it in the family only. 🤷‍♀️
  7. Now he’s a big boy and SM money will eventually dry up. Time to step up, be an adult, and take care of his family long term.
  8. Who is she trying to convince with this type of post, and so damn frequently? Maybe DBD is not giving it up in the bedroom, making Jill more insecure than usual.
  9. Yes, he was a receptionist at a medical center. Evan should enroll in classes to at least earn an associate degree in video editing. Most community colleges offer them, and he can do the work Online. They also have flexibility, our local CC offers so many Online Anytime classes. SGirl is starting this summer (she’s just 16 😥) and we were surprised at the amount of classes offered. She just has to check in at a certain date and time , then she works on her classes at whatever time of the day works for her. That way she won’t be classroom or house bound over the Summer. And just like that she will have 6 transferable college credits before she even starts her junior year of high school. It would work well for Evan because his three children won’t have to suffer separation anxiety for a few hours a week.
  10. I think Alyssa has said George edits their videos, whoever that is.
  11. Yes, and he reported his truck stolen from that location.
  12. It has been reported that Elijah moved out of the TTH awhile ago, and probably James. Jason sleeps in the tree house now.
  13. IIRC there must have been some criticism of the GFM, although I don’t know from where. Nurie posted a somewhat rambling explanation about the amount she requested, $35,000. She said it was an amount off the top of her head not knowing how much vehicles actually cost. Their phones needed to be replaced as well as some instruments. I hope I’m not conflating that with another grift.
  14. So do Carlin and Evan. They are obviously trying to figure out how much they can neglect their children’s emotional, physical, and basic needs, while keeping them alive for the Gram. Why would they? For them it’s BEIGE FOREVER!!!!!
  15. Sure, what your malnourished children, who do not even grow adult teeth for months need is candy, lots of candy. 🤦🏽‍♀️
  16. I seriously doubt Jana would lie, unlike Jessa who is such a bold face liar. JB&M beat any independent thought out of that girl. It also does not seem in her nature. Even if no Duggars went to court with Jana she most likely had an attorney and that would squash any opportunity to misrepresent what was said in court. JB may have thrown his daughter under the bus after spending hundreds of thousands on the FF’s defense, but he would demand to know everything. Jana openly spending time in her shed has a simple explanation. There is no longer a show to perform the they’re holier than thou shtick. That is why Jessa and Joy wear pants in public without those hideous skirts over them. There is no longer a need to pretend that even the married kidults are in constant touch with the TTH. I remember the interview the family did before Joshgate I blew up. JB made it a point to say JD was not there because he was at work (😂😂), and Derick was at home recuperating from surgery. I recall thinking how silly it was, they are grown ass adults. There is no longer a need to pretend. And good for Jana if she is at least spending her days in her she shed, enjoying peace and quiet. The woman has run a household and raised a litter of kids for decades.
  17. I’m surprised the sleuths here and Reddit haven’t found out about his background and how he became the Duggar’s permanent guest. JB&M must have been aghast that someone so close to them had evil credit card debt. The male version of Laura is the perfect description of Elijah. Interesting though that there are no (to my knowledge) insinuations about Elijah being involved with a male Duggar on the down low.
  18. Or someone (Dingus?) who got tired of their constant taking, never reciprocating; and cut them off from free sides of beef, birthday parties, wedding cakes, etc.
  19. They are still using Champion Motorcars, that was the FF’s business when he got married. Does anyone know if JB had his lot under the same name?
  20. In 19 Kids they filmed at the FF’s first car lot a few times. FF was doing his own financing. They pretty much follow the same business pattern.
  21. I thought that is how their car lots work, cash or buy here pay here. 🤷‍♀️
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