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Everything posted by elang4

  1. She is also never boring (you can tell Luke enjoys bantering with her), she drops everything to help him out (eg, Louie’s funeral, bailing him out of jail) and she respects and really appreciates their friendship (she shows that by her speech at the end of the Romeo and Juliet episode). I agree she has flaws but I can see what Luke sees in her. She may have some negative points (I agree with you about some of them) but she also has positive attributes as well. That’s my opinion anyway. ?
  2. And Rory just sat there and let her Grandma talk to her mom like that! That really annoyed me!
  3. Paris in the diner interrogating Luke. Paris admitting to Rory that she slept with Jamie and then apologises for letting Francie twist things. Paris telling Lucy to forgive Rory and saying how good a friend Rory is.
  4. Aw no, I wanted 21 to win! ? I’ll have to say 6 again.
  5. This is really hard but I’m going to have to go with 4.
  6. I didn’t like her either tbh but I did find Lorelai annoying during that storyline though. I mean she was with Jason and she seemed obsessed about Nicole. It was like she didn’t want Luke to have anyone while she could date whoever she liked. Although when Luke dated Nicole the first time, in season 3, I didn’t mind her. And I do genuinely think Luke liked her as well.
  7. Ok maybe she didn’t specifically say she didn’t like Nicole but she didn’t make an effort with her either and when Luke got back with her in season 4, she acted so weird around her and then just told Luke Nicole didn’t like her. And even Rory called her out when she was ranting about Nicole being in their lives again as in her and Luke’s. I actually think it was right when Luke told her he didn’t marry her as well.
  8. Yeah I can agree with that. She didn’t even try to get to know Nicole really. Although Luke is partly to blame about Nicole not really being comfortable with her around seeing as he talked about her on the first date. But Lorelai didn’t try either. She just decided she immediately didn’t like her.
  9. Sorry I’ve been awol! Work’s been crazy and then I’ve been ill for the last week so haven’t been up to doing anything really. Anyway, I seem to have decided to join this when it’s getting really hard! ?? 16, 25, 30
  10. Although she was always jealous when Luke dated someone else. And when she knew the Chilton mom liked him and she basically told him he couldn’t date her! I loved how she was allowed to date whoever but when Luke did, she was allowed to be upset and jealous. ?
  11. He was always the one she could confide in. She could tell him things she couldn’t even admit to Rory. That’s what I loved about them.
  12. I never thought Jess idealised her as the Good Girl. Sure he may have thought she had a good, easy life but he questioned and challenged her as well.
  13. I think they were both in the wrong in that situation. Of course Jackson should have told her that he didn’t go through with it but also Sookie did pretty much force him into having one straight away. She should have talked to him first and explained why she wanted him to have one. Instead she gave him no option and pressured him into something very big which wasn’t fair on Jackson either.
  14. Also, even though I’m a Luke/Lorelai shipper, I’d actually would have liked to see a bit more of a Luke/Rachel relationship. I really liked Rachel and I actually think her and Lorelai could have become really good friends as well. ?
  15. Their relationship was weird. I’m in the majority that didn’t really like them together just because I’m a JavaJunkie but I do actually think Luke and Nicole did genuinely like each other. Especially the first round of dating they did. Not sure about the second half of season 4 but I did think they hit it off the first time.
  16. What about Luke and Jess moments? Have we done that yet?
  17. Happy to agree to disagree. :) However I do agree with you that Lorelai was stubborn about the termite problem. It was more to do with the fact that she asked Rory to not say anything and she deliberately went against that, knowing her mom’s relationship with her grandparents. I’m not saying that Lorelai should have refused to ask for their help but Rory should have known to let her do that herself, not force her to do it. To Lorelai’s credit, she did raise Rory herself and she always came up with a solution for their money problems so I feel like she would have done the right thing in the end.
  18. elang4

    S01.E03: Summer

    Mitchum did seem ok with them being together by the end. In season 6 and 7, he was more bothered about Logan growing up and acting his age than Logan’s relationship with Rory. I feel in a way, he might have thought Rory was good for Logan.
  19. See things like Rory telling Emily about the termites when Lorelai specifically asked her not to bugged me. This, well I feel Rory had a right to be upset. Remember all the times before when Lorelai’s slept with Christopher and it always ended in tears. Lorelai never thought about how it would affect Rory and then Christopher leaves and she expects Rory to be ok with by saying they would be ok just the two of them. This and also when Rory got upset about them getting married without telling her. I think she had the right to be upset. Other times when she deliberately went against Lorelai’s wishes and then didn’t realise she was the one in the wrong bugged me. But this? No, this time I got why she was upset.
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