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  1. Yes I found that many times in our medical office, there are just "jerks" but many times mental illness going unchecked and drugs make people violent and very strong. When you tell someone they are being cut off from pain management because they broke the rules again, it's not pretty....which is why pain management docs burn out early and are not in abundance although needed.
  2. yes, I didn't watch Grey's but I know there was something to my memory with Benton and the PA on ER Jeanne, had someone with Nazi tattoos. That's hard. I remember in real life docs seeing things like that because white supremacists get hurt and if conscious can complain but it's when your oath really comes into play. You do your job. I'm glad they touch on it and the lingering effects. Whether you are like the nurse last month who got bones broken or just slapped or threatening , it's scary and disconcerting. I was only verbally threatened and finger shoved in my face and loud voice and "I better do what he says". He wanted a specific doctor to talk to him, I was afraid and his anger made me start to cry but nothing I did worked. Someone was going to call 911 but the doc heard, he said, No I'll talk to him. This doc was on Navy boat for a year and not a pushover type. He took him outside and I held my breath but no physical confrontation, and he dismissed him from practice. No one talks to my staff that way and he was firm. If you let patients take an inch, they will take a yard. That patient can't just be let go.There's no excuse for that behaviour
  3. There is a lot of violence, just in the news few weeks ago a guy broke every bone in a nurses face while shouting racial insults. Even in medical offices, patients can get testy but we have more protection. For whatever reason Santos faked being benevolent it will come out later, she didn't take the blame for the reasons she said, not entirely. I think they wanted the guy to come back and see the nurse he hit, just TV twists they do a lot, but it still has impact. In ER I think it was a nazi they had to help live while he hated some of the docs that were working on him.
  4. I worry about Santos too...I think she has a plan, maybe not in stone, but something. She is going to use his temper etc. I beginning not to like their interactions, it keeps boiling and then what? I don't think anyone is leaving the show but they are writing them, especially Santos with a lot of grey. I see a lot of unconscious bias working in medical field for decades, weight, color, insurance...I get really angry at it all and started to say something when I'd not in the past. It's sad still today, people are not treated the same or given the same treatments because of race or where they came from or how they look. I don't know why with all the great scenes and stories, I can't stop thinking about the abused woman and her "boss". She is not a child, but still so vulnerable. It bothers me that she doesn't have a phone and every number even if she gets one, is recorded. Just taking the pen to me, says "You're right" Why can't an undercover police officer investigate a little bit. My husband was a detective for years and you can't arrest or question without reason but you can always look into something, make some inquires.
  5. I don’t think she saw anything and there seems to be something other than blood,but time will tell. I thought it was confirmed, but we’ll see.
  6. I doubt it at 83 years old, but you never know. I have a funny feeling it was edited quite a bit also and that maybe they thought no one would be interested in that part of her life because mainly little house fans would be buying it. Cher on the other hand, is coming out with another huge book and she does have enough info for it :) I’ve been finding a lot of lovely Melissa Sue interviews online and she’s very open and honest and Mike was never Mr. Rogers, but I think she’s the most balanced in talking about him and herself. Charlotte has done great ones too
  7. Noah said someone on set and healthcare workers told stories of doing this after miscarriage and he wanted to show it. Maybe feeling like you needed too, maybe a little denial, but I’m sure she’ll check it out soon enough and he didn’t know if she was just seeing how the baby was. I’m sure he had no idea what happened. We have women in our office who would’ve done the same thing and not miscarried, just curious. (they said no)
  8. Yes I think that is why they had Nel's ask him and Harriet be "really?" I think time blurs some memories but after Nancy and how awful she was, I would not blame anyone for thinking Nellie was next to heaven when she returned . 😄 I really enjoyed this podcast with MSA and it covered her training on being blind (newly blind, later blind type of thing) She talks about her Emmy nomination, her episodes on the show, her views on Karen's book and why she left. She hadn't read Dean's but loved watching an interview where he talked about being polite all the time and how hard it was. I know ML was not always nice to people and she mentions an instance about a man who stuttered and I wonder if that is why he used that twice in the show (or another writer did)
  9. I watched 2 and that was enough...yes tissues were needed.
  10. She did give Mr Edward's a hug going to Laura's and he was at her party also. I just FF through the beginning. ; )
  11. I like it, but I think it will take time like a lot of episodes to get in the groove and reach its peak. It’s different doing an hour by hour and that limits a lot. It is more interesting in other ways. It will be also be interesting for me to see if they change that in the coming seasons to longer times. I used to work at Yale, which was a big teaching hospital and I still unfortunately have to visit it on occasion with relatives in ER. It can be dirty and they have gurneys lined up with people that are there for hours and hours like my husband and no one can get a room and it smells, but that doesn’t make for perfect television. The original ER was closer to that. I do find the stories interesting and the only thing that gave me pause that I didn’t like it all, was Santos yelling at that patient that she thought was abusing his daughter. She gave an interview where she said she was intimidated to have such a long monologue, but it also came off odd and whatever reaction the father had could’ve also just been trying to save his life from someone he thought was going to kill him. I agree also that her accusing a doctor so soon, especially with the hour format, doesn’t make any sense at all. That aside I think again the hour format is hindering them but I’m giving it time because it’s the best show I can see right now on any of the streaming devices I have and I love Noah. Its hard to wait a week when people are used to binging, but I’m happy it wouldn’t be over with in a month and another year before you see any new episodes.
  12. Oh, I didn’t look that far, he might have. I was just looking before I went to work when she first got off the coach. You could put the cursor on the bottom of the video and just sort of look at scene after scene, but I didn’t quite get that far. He was at her party though.
  13. I watched that part on Amazon and no, Mr Edward's wasn't greeting her off the coach, but was at her party...remember Nel's saying he already invited him when Harriet was thinking about it? ;)
  14. I love those podcasts. I need to go see what ones I missed. Back to School was great too and there's one with Victor's children. I can't recall either, Nel's of course, but not Alison. Toward the end, Mr Edward's did live and interact with Willie a bit but I can't remember Nellie. He was such an interesting character and had so much dimension, I just wish he was able to find some happiness before show ended. Everyone loved his directing also, he had the eye you need and understanding. I liked how Alison said Charles in the scene in the barn, didn't push Edward's about his family, but let him lead, the touch on his head, I remember that, just enough. Did he ever say what their names were, daughter or wife?
  15. PBS has something too. This article mentions it. I think it was nice it inspired many google research after it ended and that is never bad. Being from the area the ER is in made it more relatable too. https://www.vulture.com/article/what-is-freedom-house-ambulance-the-pitt-free-documentary.html
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