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Posts posted by NUguy514

  1. 3 hours ago, JustBecause said:

    It's okay to admit that you were wrong on this prediction; we'll forgive you 😁

    Of course, I was wrong: I forgot that money matters more than people's health.  However, when teams have to play while having no actual quarterback who can play, that's not football so much as "football."

  2. 59 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

    Green Bay isn’t on the Lake.  It’s a Bay.  

    Yes, and Green Bay, like all communities on the shores of the Great Lakes and their smaller bays, harbors, and coves, experiences lake-effect snow.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Kromm said:

    There also needed to be a bit more tweaking so that by the end you got the idea that this was really 22s story, not Joe's. Then Joe's actions and fate would have meant more.

    No, that would've been such a big mistake.  The optics of such a choice would've been beyond dreadful, and I don't think it would've made sense with the rest of the movie.  It was always Joe's story; 22 was the catalyst for Joe's epiphany.

    I thought the film was wonderful.  I don't know that I think it's in my top tier of Pixar films, but I loved it.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Magog said:

    Its only game 1. There is nothing to see here. Its not worth making a big deal over. They lost to the Clippers in the first game of last season & they come out on top* at the end.

    * (Given to all sports champions of 2020)

    Also, you're proving @mojoween's point.

  5. 20 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

    Russia is banned from applying for international sporting events for the next two years.  They were also originally banned from using "Russia" on their uniforms at the next two Olympics, but that has been modified to allow them to use the word Russia if they also use the words NEUTRAL TEAM in the same size on their uniforms. They also can't use the national flag.




    As it was in 2018, this is a completely toothless, cowardly decision.  If the doping Russian athletes (i.e. all Russian athletes) are allowed to compete, then no real punishment has been issued, nothing will change, and any idea that the CAS strives to preserve the integrity of fair sport is bullshit.  Russia knows it won this battle.

    Meanwhile, a badminton player from Mauritius was issued a two-year ban for doping, which is obviously the correct decision, but it's no skin off the CAS's nose to ban a player from a tiny country.  When it's big, mighty Russia, however, the CAS essentially does nothing.  The inequity drives me crazy.

    • Love 3
  6. 6 hours ago, roamyn said:

    I’m sorry, but it’s BS!

    Indians is not racist.  It’s the legal classification of an enthnicity.  Not like Braves, Chiefs, Redskins.  

    And before anyone says anything, my husband is part Arrapahoe, and his family has never had any problemswith it.  All those protests were organized by a professional agitator who paid the protesters transportation and housing/meals. Just so he could get his name in the papers.

    "Indian" is not a legal classification.  "American Indian or Native Alaskan" is a legal classification, and that distinction matters because, today, the term "Indian" is more strongly and correctly associated with a person from India.  As for whether or not "Indian" is a racist term, that's not for me to decide, although I wouldn't personally choose to use it to describe someone of Native ancestry.  What I do know, however, is that this:


    is racist.

    • Love 12
  7. 20 hours ago, xaxat said:

    It's not just the name, it's the money. If Indiana had defeated Ohio State earlier this year and had a path to the playoffs, you better believe they would have gotten a waiver.

    Right, and because it's about the money, they'd have stuck to the rules and put OSU in the title game in that scenario.  As @DrSpaceman73 posted, the rule was put in place to ensure OSU's presence in the title game, and that's because OSU is the cash cow.  Indiana is not and would not be given the same treatment.

    • Love 4
  8. 1 hour ago, doodlebug said:

    Unless it was for the basketball team.  Then, Indiana would get the nod and OSU would be SOL.


    Indiana hasn't been a true basketball powerhouse in a while; more importantly, though, basketball is a totally different sport with a totally different playoff structure that does not lend itself to this type of exceptionalism.

    In football, though, @Court is right: the rules would never be bent like this for Indiana (or Purdue or Minnesota or Northwestern or Illinois, etc.), but they will be bent for OSU every. single. time.  And I'm not even sure I don't think they should be bent this crazy, fucked-up year (and I say that as someone who, just like every other non-OSU-affiliated college football fan inside and outside the B1G, hates OSU passionately) when they never should've had a season to begin with, but let's not pretend that any exceptions would be made for any other school in the B1G.

    • Love 3
  9. 23 hours ago, Carey said:

    an undefeated Northwestern team

    As a Northwestern alum, I'm finding this combination of words nearly impossible to process.  I keep looking at them and thinking I'm having a stroke.

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  10. I would occasionally watch First Take to see which of Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless could out-asshole the other.  It was always a tie, and, really, I as the viewer lost because both of them made me want to stab myself in the face so many times.

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  11. On 10/28/2020 at 10:04 AM, Carey said:

    No way you pass up a celebration that might not happen for you again.  I don't know what precautions he took

    Well, you certainly don't pass up a celebration like that if you're a selfish, thoughtless asshole, no.  And he wasn't wearing a mask or maintaining social distance in any way, shape, or form, so he took exactly no precautions.

    I'm a Dodgers fan, but I can't be very happy for this win because I'm giving all 2020 sports champions asterisks; they barely played a third of the normal number of games this year in baseball and did so without crowds...eh, it just doesn't feel the same.  And now this shitshow.

    Paul Manfred and the rest of the MLB management, the Dodgers management, and a few of the more vocal Dodgers players (*coughMookiecough*) certainly have their share of the blame here (Manfred most of all because he's the fucking worst), but Fire Crotch has the lion's share.  Yes, he'd already potentially exposed everyone, but that doesn't give him permission to expose people more; that just increases the possibility of transmission for god's sake.  No, he wanted what he wanted in the moment, so tough shit.  And that's a perfect encapsulation of why this country cannot get ahead of this virus.  One of my best friends from high school has it and is not doing well (like, one of our other friends reached out to the other three of us a little while ago to Zoom in an hour because she didn't want to update us via text...).  So, fuck you, Justin Turner.  Fuck you.

    • Love 9
  12. I very much dislike whiny teams and athletes, but expressing anger over/speaking out about losing a championship to a team that cheated to beat you is not "whining."

    • Love 6
  13. 5 hours ago, mojoween said:

    Keyshawn Johnson, talking about what Le’Veon Bell might be thinking - “I know I’m going to get with this guy who is going to get me off every game.”  😳 

    I would, in fact, like to see that.

    Oh, and the Ravens acting as sore winners?  Shocking!  Martindale, Harbaugh, et al. can fuck right off, please and thank you.

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  14. 3 hours ago, twoods said:

    Lovely attitude as usual. Do you know how crappy the Lakers have been for 9 years? I honestly never thought my daughters would ever see the Lakers win a championship in the next 20 years since my first one was born two days after their win in 2010. So you bet that I’m thrilled of this win, even if it’s “only” been 10 years. I am a football fan of a team that has never won, and a baseball team that hasn’t won in 37 years. No one is going to crap on my parade. 

    OK, and now for some perspective.  As I've already stated, any 2020 champion of any sport gets an asterisk from me, so this isn't an anti-Lakers thing (although I am staunchly anti-Bron-bron); however, including this year's title-with-an-asterisk, the Lakers have won friggin' six championships since 2000 (and a full eleven since 1980).  That's more than a quarter of the championships in that timeframe, so let's not pretend this title – won by a team composed of free agents who wanted to live here in Los Angeles – is some galactic achievement.  Get back to me when a team like the Suns wins.

    • Love 4
  15. 3 hours ago, mojoween said:

    Of all the things the Astros have done, I realized this week that Yuli Gurriel continues to be the one I hold the most enmity for.

    Why on earth would anyone have enmity for a racist piece of shit like Gurriel?[/sarcasm]

    Yeah, he makes my blood boil, too.

    • Love 6
  16. 3 hours ago, twoods said:

    How so? They finished an entire season, unlike baseball. They still worked hard and played without home court advantage. I think football should count as well since they are playing a full season.

    They didn't finish a full season, though.  They played most of a full 82-game season, but not an entire 82-game season.  Moreover, play was interrupted for several months, and not everyone chose to/could play because of the scepter of COVID hanging over everything.  I don't begrudge those who chose to play for playing, and I think the NBA did as good a job as it could with implementing safety measures and, more importantly, enforcing them.  However, when every game is played in the same place, there are no fans, not every player could or wanted to play because of potentially deadly health concerns, play is not continuous, not all 82 games are played, and all the rest, that's not NBA basketball to me.  I feel the same about the NHL season, and there is a 0% chance a full NFL season is happening.

    So, yeah, I'm not counting any of the "champions" this year.

    • Love 2
  17. As far as I'm concerned, no 2020 "champions" in any sport (baseball, hockey, baseball, football (well, 2021 for football), tennis, etc.) exist.

    • Love 2
  18. 4 hours ago, tv echo said:

    There was that powerful little touch -- that was nothing of my doing, that our editor, Jeff Granzow, did -- where the very last shot, as we pull back above our heroes on the beach, is superimposed against the very first shot of Clarke on the floor of her cell drawing, and the whole full circle of it, closing the book on it. When I first saw that, when I first watched his editor's cut, I was like, "Holy..." That blew me away and I obviously kept it in the show.

    Oh, Jay-jay, no, hon.  That superimposition was so terribly done that I genuinely thought the editors just fucked up the last shot.  So glad you found it powerful, though.  Good luck with every future project I won't be watching.


    • Love 4
  19. 3 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I get that all players have their detractors, but it seems like Djokovic has way more detractors than supporters at this point.  My cousin has hated him with 1000 burning nuns intensity for years and I never quite understood why.  I have never been a big fan, although I tire of him winning everything because I like variety.  But I never quite disliked him until this year... COVID, US Open incident, Italian Open outburst, etc.  There are few players that I always wish first round upsets on but he's at the top of my wishlist (Pliskova and Halep too).

    Oh, I've proudly hated Djoker from the moment he started climbing the rankings in earnest, in 2006 or 2007.

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  20. All I dared to hope for tonight was a Catherine O'Hara win, and to get a total sweep instead??  Beyond thrilled!  Of course, a sweep was inevitable because


    My absolute favorite win, though, was Annie Murphy because she was the one about whom I was the least confident, and I REALLLLLLLY didn't want her to be the only unrewarded one (with all credit to the also incredible D'Arcy Carden).  And then she won!!!


    Regina King and my future husband Yahya Abdul-Mateen II were also fabulous, deserving winners, and I loved the writing and series wins for Watchmen and the directing win for Maria Schrader.

    On the drama series side, Jeremy Strong was phenomenal, and I was rooting for him.  I loved seeing Julia Garner repeat and thought the other wins for Succession were deserved and fantastic.  I haven't seen Euphoria and assumed Laura Linney (who was unbelievably stellar) had Lead Actress locked up, but I have heard that Zendaya was incredible herself; I should check that show out.  Honestly, the only winner I'm even a little ambivalent about is Billy Crudup, and that's because I loved Matthew Macfadyen so much (not to mention Tom Pelphrey, who should have won this award running away); maybe I'll watch The Morning Show.

    I actually liked the show, aside from the very tone-deaf burning of the envelope, and thought they did as well as they possibly could with it, considering the incredible constrants.

    Honestly, as far as the winners go, this is, hands down, the best Emmys ever.  It's a tiny ray of sunshine in this nuclear disaster of a year for me, so, Emmy voters,


    • Love 11
  21. 7 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

    War movies often like to play things fast and loose with military discipline, but I'm sure that if a captain tells a private "you're coming with me, I have orders to take you off the line" then the private doesn't get to refuse just because "I want to stay with my buddies."

    I think the final line from Hanks would have been much better coming from Ed Burns' character, who had just seen his whole unit killed to save Ryan (a guy he wasn't interested in saving in the first place). Hell, you can write a different version of this from that character's point of view, where Captain Miller is a tyrant whose Ahab-like obsession with saving Ryan leads to the deaths of all his men and the rescue of a guy who shows no gratitude or understanding of the lengths they went to to get to him.

    That would certainly have been a more interesting take.  Really, after the first twenty minutes, Saving Private Ryan is such an incredibly derivative film filled not with characters, but with caricatures.

    • Love 3
  22. 3 hours ago, Andrew Wiggin said:

    It has nothing to do with the sexuality of the Filmmaker.

    Make good Films nobody cares about the Sex of the Characters ,we are not in the 60tes .

    But i dont need to know the sexual Preference of a Character in a Actionmovie or a romance Movie only if its the Maincharacter .

    If its essential to the plot the Preference is ok but tell me way do i need to know if a secondary Character is gay trans etc ? Nobody cares about them.

    I dont care about the Race or Gender of a Character only if its a good Character thats PRIMARY and it should always bin.

    I loved Blade i didnt care about his race only that he was a fucking Cool Motherfucker.

    That is the ONLY way to get inclusion make compeling Character ,dont push a agenda nobody likes that.


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