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Posts posted by NUguy514

  1. 1 hour ago, katisha said:

    Me too but I think it would have been a different story without the goggles issue for Jacoby.

    Jacoby was only 0.14 seconds slower than her winning time in the 100m breaststroke, so the goggles didn't really affect things that much.  Huske was 0.54 seconds slower than her time in the 100m butterfly final, but, again, that wouldn't have mattered.  (Those differences are a little deceptive because reaction times are faster in relays, but, still, it wouldn't have mattered.)  I think the US was hurt by kind of having to use Caeleb for freestyle and not butterfly because we didn't have a good female option for the free (Weitzel had just finished her 50m free semi, and I don't think Simone could swim it because she didn't make the 100m team and had also just finished her 50m free semi) and/or not having a good male option for the breaststroke (Michael Andrew had just swum in his 50m free semi) (and can't turn it around like Caeleb because his psycho father's training methods are stupid...I might be projecting a bit...) (and is a fuckface, but that's neither here nor there).  Britain killed it, though.  Excellent race by those swimmers.

    Excellent 100m butterfly win for Caeleb, too, but his long strokes into both walls were giving me heart palpitations and nearly allowed Milák to catch him.  I knew my Olympics husband would hang on, though!❤️🥇

    • Love 2
  2. 1 hour ago, ChitChat said:

    I don't.  She's already pulled out of the team and AA events.  If it means that someone else has a chance to compete, then she should decide sooner rather than later out of fairness to them.  If that's not the case, then more power to her.  I don't know how it works either.  

    Throughout this ordeal, Simone has been respectful enough to withdraw early enough to give her replacements time to practice for finals (Jade in AA and now Skinner in vault and dos Santos in bars).  There's no reason to believe she won't do the same for beam and floor, and she's more than earned the right to try to work through this if she can. 

    I'm rooting for Jade and Rebecca to split the floor (I do think Simone will pull out of beam and floor) and vault golds.

    • Love 5
  3. 14 hours ago, ShellsandCheese said:

    There’s no way in hell Los Angeles should be hosting the Olympics. I mean California and LA in particular  is dealing with draught and a massive and growing homeless population - but yeah let’s spend 10 billion dollars on the Olympics. Once you account for inflation and the fact that every host goes over budget it’s going to be at least 10B. Let’s not kid ourselves. 


    14 hours ago, Chaser said:

    LA is going to be horrible. I don’t know what they are thinking. There are plenty of better US cities to choose from. 

    I live in LA, and, no, neither of these statements is correct.  No other US city is set up for the Summer Games the way LA is, and our economy is and will be fine.  LA could pretty easily host any Summer Games at the drop of a hat; in fact, there were rumblings of moving the 2016 Games to LA right before they were to start because it seemed like Rio wasn't going to be ready.  We already have 99% of the infrastructure in place.  @Minneapple is correct that the budget is really going more to existing infrastructure and that the 1984 Summer Games made money.  Now, do I want to be here during the Olympics?  Umm, no, probably not.  The traffic will be beyond ungodly.

    1 hour ago, emmawoodhouse said:

    Swimmer Ryan Murphy voices concerns about coping in his sport. He wouldn't name names, but if I had to venture a guess, he's implicating Russian Evgeny Rylov. Rylov beat Murphy in the 200 back. 

    AFAIK, nobody has failed a drug test, so Murphy should have kept his suspicions to himself.

    I've been thinking it, too, so I don't mind his saying it.  The truth is that doping always, always outpaces the testing for doping, and when there's no real punishment for the type of systemic doping Russia engaged (and, let's be real, engages) in, why stop?  Which brings me to this:

    23 hours ago, ShellsandCheese said:

    WADA recommended that Russia be banned from the 2016 Olympics and the IOC rejected this and allowed about 200 Russians who’ve never had issues with PED’s to compete in Rio. In 2017 however, the IOC decided to ban the country of Russia from the 2018 Olympics and allowed Russian athletes with no PED issues to compete under the moniker of Olympic Athlete from Russia. Again, it’s the “country” that’s receiving the punishment not individual athletes. 

    WADA later pushed for a four year ban for Russia for the cover-up to the initial scandal - but it was reduced to two. So for the 2020 and 2022 games Russian athletes cleared for competition will compete as the Russian Olympic Committee instead of as Russia the Country. 

    Basically they are trying to do a collective punishment of the country - no Russian anthem, no Russian flags, etc while allowing individual clean athletes to still participate in the games.


    Nothing about this is an actual punishment, and that's been my issue from the get-go (not directing this at you, by the way, @ShellsandCheese, just the situation itself).  Russian athletes still gets to compete and win medals, which Russia can, does, and will claim for its own.  It's a toothless, bullshit non-punishment.  Banning all Russian athletes, full-stop, would've been actual punishment, and tough shit for any clean athletes.

    I certainly don't think there aren't plenty of athletes from other countries who are also doping, but it's not the same as the state-sanctioned scheme Russian effectuated.  It really was reminiscent of East Germany's doping program from the '70s and '80s.

    • Love 10
  4. I'd love to say I didn't cheer that Andrew died in the last leg of the 200IM, but...I did.

    4 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

    How can you be that good in the other strokes and that bad in the free?

    I think the hard truth is that he's been coached pretty terribly.  If he had a coach who was not his psycho father, he might learn how to race the 200IM correctly.

    4 hours ago, twoods said:

    Since I’m just a casual swimming viewer, can someone explain why everyone doesn’t like Michael Andrew?

    Well...he's a huge anti-vaxxer and is a very, VERY evangelical Christian who was homeschooled.  Google him if you want; there's plenty to dislike.  I mean, this is just one example of his shittiness.

    On the other end of the spectrum, what a FABULOUS 200m breaststroke!!  I was cheering so hard for Schoenmaker and King and Lazor; they all swam incredible races.  The best part, though, was the genuine camaraderie between the three and Corbett after the race.  It's so heartening to see these women celebrate each other's accomplishments so much.  That's what the Olympics should be about.

    Also, Wang Shun is very hot.  But that's neither here nor there.

    • LOL 1
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  5. Now that I've watched the women's AA (twice), I can say it was just a terrific competition.  It was incredibly tense and competitive, and the three medalists all performed beautifully, as did Urazova, Derwael on bars, Jade on vault and floor, and Murakami.  My favorite thing about watching was the genuine camaraderie between these young women.  In the top group, all six of them cheered for each other before and during routines and hugged and fist-bumped each other after routines.  And it wasn't just the gymnasts in the top group: Simone and the rest of Team USA were cheering all of them on during their routines; I distinctly heard Simone cheering for Angelina during her beam routine.

    In any event, I could not be happier for Suni, Rebecca, and Angelina!  Ladies, congratulations, it was a joy to watch you!

    • Love 17
  6. OK, I've gotten about 2.5 hours of sleep (West Coaster here), but YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!

    SO excited for Suni!  I only followed along with the scoring updates since I was too nervous to watch, but what a nail-biter and how incredible for her!!!

    I'm also THRILLED for Rebecca!  First AA medal for a Brazilian gymnast, and how wonderful for her individually and that program!!

    Now, must. go. back. to. bed.

    • Love 10
  7. Holy shit, I canNOT believe how Finke went from fifth to first in about two seconds at about the 785m point of the 800m.  What a crazy, amazing, awesome race!!

    Also, awesome?  My Olympics husband Caeleb Dressel's incredible win!  Yet AGAIN, though, Dan and Rowdy seemed to be watching from a weird angle because Dan (I believe) sort of casually said around the 85m mark Caeleb was going to win gold, and I was like, "WHAT IS YOUR DAMAGE????  DO YOU NOT SEE KYLE CHALMERS CHASING HIM DOWN LIKE A FUCKING MISSILE????" Caeleb's post-race interview caused me to break down.  When he broke down saying that it was a really hard year, I broke down along with him.  I really appreciated his vulnerability.

    I'm sure Dan and Rowdy were trying to build up Michael Andrew since he's American and it was clear that Chase Kalisz was not going to make the 200IM final, but I know too much about Andrew, guys.  I want him to win exactly nothing.

    • Love 11
  8. Rowdy...dear Rowdy.  I can't tell if he's just watching the races at an odd angle, but he's made two obviously bad observations at the end of two different races.  One was yesterday in the men's 400 free: with about 15 meters to go, he said pretty casually that he thought McLoughlin looked good for gold when Hafnaoui was, on my TV anyway, pretty obviously (and quite wonderfully!) taking the lead.  The other was today during the women's 100 fly (which was an incredible race): again, with about 15 meters to go, he said he thought Huske looked like she'd hang on for gold, and she was clearly fading precipitously.  I yelled at him (like a sane person), "She's fading and not going to medal, you moron!"  And that's exactly what happened.  Such a fabulous race, though!  I love him, but the surest bet you can have is to take any Rowdy prediction ("I've looked at this race every which way, and I just don't see how ___ loses.") and predict the exact opposite (unless, of course, he's talking about Adam Peaty).  Works every time.

    That women's 400 free was also terrific.  What a race by Titmus!!  Her coach seems like someone against whom I would file a restraining order, though.

    • Love 4
  9. 47 minutes ago, Conotocarious said:

    So glad that Simone’s classy’s Twitter message to Mykayla proves she’s head and shoulders over most people commenting on gymnastics message boards.

    And leagues classier than Skinner herself.

    • Love 6
  10. Well, at least Skinner was two-per-countried on vault.  No medals for you, boo.  Nice going, Forster; as we all knew, it was totally redundant to send Skinner since she's a less good Jade.

    5 minutes ago, tanyak said:

    it’s kind of crazy that MyKayla Skinner’s Olympics are over. I don’t follow her closely but from what I’ve read she just seems to be a messy person in general. Simone seems to really like her, though.

    I think it's wonderful her Olympics are over!  And the conspiracy theorist in me would say she is so focused on being in the media in some capacity all of the time that she decided to put all her racist beliefs aside to suck up to the GOAT and ingratiate herself with her so that she could be next to her in as many photographs as possible.

    That was...rough for the US ladies (mostly Jordan, who must dealing with a lot emotionally, given her Mom's incarceration).  I hope they can clean it up for finals.

    • Love 8
  11. 14 minutes ago, twoods said:

    all those asshole Dodgers fans

    Hey!  I resemble that remark!

    Wait, no!  Resent!  I RESENT that remark!!

    Damn it.

    • LOL 9
  12. 1 hour ago, Conotocarious said:

    OK, but your post makes it seem like she can ONLY medal on an individual apparatus.

    I was including AA in my thoughts, but please excuse me for not making that 150% clear in my post.  If it's any consolation, she's not going to qualify for, let alone medal in, AA, so she really only CAN medal on an individual apparatus.  Of course, my hope is that she medals on nothing at all, so here's hoping.

    • LOL 5
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  13. 1 hour ago, Mittengirl said:

    So if the U.S. women’s team wins a medal, as things stand now, Mykayla would not be included, correct?  She can only win for a particular apparatus.

    That is correct.

    • Love 3
  14. With the South African soccer players who've tested positive inside the athletes' village and Eaker, this is really just the beginning.  It seems inevitable that COVID will spread like wildfire through the village and athletes, but the IOC will get its money, so...


    Grifting thieves, the lot of them.

    • Love 3
  15. 16 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:
    16 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

    God, he's the worst.  The WORST.

    Really? Worse than Brundage?

    Well, I was obviously being rhetorical, but since you asked: Brundage was an awful racist and antisemite under whose leadership the Munich massacre occurred, but who inadvertently facilitated one of the greatest Olympics moment by forcing the US to participate in the Berlin Games where Jesse Owens shoved all of Hitler's superior race bullshit in his face for all the world to see.  HOWEVER, he never forced the Olympics to happen in the middle of a global pandemic that's killed over four million people because he and the committee for which he is the president are corrupt, money-hungry grifters, so it's a tough call on which of the two of them is the actual worst.

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