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Posts posted by NUguy514

  1. Oh, the American men fucked up in the 4x100 relay?


    I don't know why Ato Boldon and Leigh Diffey were so surprised the American men fucked up again, some more in the 4x100m relay.  I never had the slightest doubt because they always fuck it up at the Olympics, and it's hilarious every. single. time.

    I thought Hansle Parchment would win the 110m hurdles.  He looked so good in the semis, and let's just say I don't have much faith in the American men who come into track events as gold-medal favorites.

    Also, while I'm very happy in my marriage to Caeleb Dressel, Parchment is beeeeeyooooooooootiful.  As is Kenny Bednarek.

    • Love 11
  2. The the women's 400m hurdles was every bit as thrilling and awe-inspiring as the men's.  Wow.  Both Sydney and Dalilah are incredible champions, and I don't really have the words.

    Amazing win by Athing Mu, and that crazy surge by Rogers to get the bronze was something else.

    Lyles reallllllllly almost fucked that semi up in a sad yet hilarious way.

    As she did in the 100m, Elaine Thompson-Herah just made the 200m look so easy. Not unlike a compatriot of hers did during a few recent Olympics. The way Christine Mboma went from sixth to second in practically the last forty or fifty meters was spectacular, and awesome for Gabby Thomas getting the bronze.

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  3. One thing I haven't seen mentioned in this thread regarding Simone is that July 27th (the day of team finals) was six years to the day after Simone went to several USAG functions, including a birthday party for Steve Penny's daughter, and Penny did not tell her Larry Nasser was under investigation for child molestation.  It's no wonder she was overcome with a physical condition on that day with all of the indescribable emotions she must have been feeling, too.  She is a hero.

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  4. 1 minute ago, Minneapple said:

    Simone! I'm getting all teary. She just competed on beam and LOOKED AWESOME doing it, only one small hop on the landing. She's in second now (I think she was underscored).

    I think she was underscored, too, but I actually think Tang was slightly underscored also.  I'm just in awe of Simone, though, and it got dusty in my living room, too.🥰

    • Love 6
  5. 30 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

    I was seriously underwhelmed by what NBC showed of the FX  (haven't watched the full replay yet).  Is 14.366 typically a winning score?  Or are we going to have to adjust to lower scores once Simone retires?   

    I'm glad Jade won, but you can't even call what she had choreography.  The routine that had the best blend of music, dance, and tumbling was Rebeca Andrade's.  I guess it must take a Brazilian to make a booty shake look like a legitimate dance move.   I have a bit of a girl-crush on her. 

    Once again, per NBC, men's gymnastics does not exist. 

    Well, I mean, NBC did show, like, half of the rings and vault routines during the afternoon broadcast.  What else do you want?[/sarcasm]

    As far as scoring goes, scoring across all disciplines, men and women, is down.  If you compare the winning scores from Rio to the winning scores so far from Tokyo, the only one discipline for which there isn't a pretty drastic drop-off is pommel horse (Whitlock's winning score this year was still down a bit from his 2016 winning score).  I believe the FIG devalued a lot of difficulty scores after the Rio Games, but it seems like execution scores have been much more critically evaluated as well (it seems like vault is the only discipline in which it's even remotely possible to achieve a 9.000 execution score).  For instance, the 2016 US women's winning score was over fifteen points ahead of the winning score for the Russian women this year, and that's not all because difficulty was devalued and/or because the US women's execution was that much better.  I hope someone with more knowledge about gymnastics scoring can correct me if I'm wrong or give some backstory.

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  6. 1 hour ago, SophiaD said:

    They interviewed both of them separately on late-night here on the West Coast.  Benjamin was heartbroken and started crying when they showed him his family cheering for him.  Really not thrilled with that choice from the network.

    Warholm was elated, of course, said it was his perfect race and that Benjamin should have a gold medal, too.  What a classy guy.  

    Yeah, Warholm was very classy.  I hope Benjamin can be elated with his incredible run and silver medal.  Warholm, though...


    And I love how awed Sanya and Ato were by his run.

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  7. Well, and NBC's actual broadcast of event finals is so edited down that it wouldn't matter if there's a warm-up or not because it can be edited out and only a few routines are even shown anyway; it's not like they air the event finals live.  It would make the livestream longer, but the people who'd actually watch the livestream wouldn't care.

    • Love 7
  8. I am THRIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLED for Jade!!!  I wanted her and Rebeca to split the floor and vault golds, so this is wonderful!  I'm also so happy for Ferrari, and Murakami and Melnikova were both fabulous.  It was a great podium and a MUCH better final than vault and bars.

    Jade should take her gold and shove it in Tom Forster's face with a "How do you like THEM apples, asshole?"

    Rebeca's leo was my EEEEEEEEVERYTHING!😻

    Oh, and every time the cameras panned to Artur Dalaloyan sitting there completely unmasked, I got angrier and angrier at him.

    • Love 6
  9. 2 hours ago, DawnDavenport said:

    I'm in the same boat. Adrade rightfully deserved the vault gold. She was superior in every way on both vaults except for the landing: better pre-flight, block, height, distance, and form in the air. 

    I also am actively pulling against Brody Malone. 

    The bummer of it is that, based on all eight gymnasts, Skinner really was the second best.  It was just a really uninspiring competition.😑🔫

    I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO glad Rebecca got her gold, 99% because she's amazing...but 1% because it wasn't Skinner.

    • Love 13
  10. 9 hours ago, Conotocarious said:

    Remember how everyone was making mistakes until Shannon? That was a HARD compulsory! I liked comparing everyone doing the same routine.

    That compulsory beam routine was B-A-N-A-N-A-S.  So incredibly hard.

    9 hours ago, DawnDavenport said:

    Yes. Every country struggled at some point, including the US until Miller. Also, a highlight is how Moceanu holds her left up after the cartwheel.

    Moceanu's cartwheel in her compulsory beam routine was a thing of absolute beauty.

    I've also felt like the equipment has just looked...off.  And I hadn't thought about the lack of warm bodies in the crowd contributing to a colder-than-normal competition and make certain things harder to do on the different apparatuses, but it makes sense.

    • Love 4
  11. 14 minutes ago, Conotocarious said:

    I just read a comment somewhere else where someone noted they thought Jade looked pale and anxious or just not physically right even before her vault. Did anyone notice this (I didn’t watch because I slept right through it although I’ll watch tonight). I hope she is ok and is able to brush past this for floor final tomorrow. She has a great chance to medal and if she’s feeling the pressure about medaling I hope she knows ITS OK no matter what happens.

    Yes, I absolutely saw it on Jade's face before her first vault run.  I knew it was going to be bad before she started to run.  Frankly, I saw the same thing with Suni; she just looked panicked before she jumped up to the bar.  That she medaled at all is a minor miracle, but those bars seemed sort of cursed.  I agree that not having the ability to warm up on the apparatuses themselves is completely stupid and certainly contributed to everyone's yips.

    Anyway, I hate that racist, homophobic Skinner is a medalist, but she deserved it given the competition.  And at least it wasn't gold!  REBECCA!!!!!!  I wanted her to win SO badly, and I'm so excited for her!!!

    Congrats also to Nina Derwael!  Fantastic bars worker and deserving of her own gold medal!

    49 minutes ago, healthnut said:

    So does Simone withdrawing bail out Tom Forster? 


    • Love 6
  12. 31 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

    Caeleb Dressel recently adopted a huge, fat ginger cat and he has an adorable dog. Any guy who loves animals that much I have to stan.

    His love of animals and his ease with being emotionally vulnerable are what sealed the deal for me. 

    But just so we're suuuuuuuuuper clear, I've already claimed Caeleb.

    The boy is mine.[/Brandy]

    • LOL 8
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  13. 1 hour ago, xaxat said:

    He claims he dropped out of doubles because of a shoulder injury. Sure.

    And, on top of all of that he criticized Simone Biles for not being able to deal with pressure.

    Fuck that dude.


    You will not find a bigger Djoker hater than me; however, in the interest of fairness, that quote seems to have been misrepresented.  He was talking about the pressure of chasing the Golden Slam (*sad trombone), not about Simone.  He has said and done an infinite number of other things that deserve enmity and hatred, so let's focus on those.

    Like, for instance, making up an injury to explain his indefensible, impetuous withdrawal from mixed doubles and fucking over Nina Stojanovic and her medal chances when we all know he's just having an extended temper tantrum.  Go fuck yourself, asshole.

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  14. 51 minutes ago, ancslove said:

    Regarding her critics, I think part of the confusion and initial reaction is that she really didn't do a good job of explaining her withdrawal from the Team final when it happened.

    The only people to whom she needed to give any kind of explanation for her withdrawal were her teammates.  She didn't need to explain her decision to anyone else.  If the anyone else was confused or upset, that's on them.

    And let's be real: any explanation would have been eviscerated because there is a segment of the American population (comprised mostly of white men) who will use any excuse to attack a successful black woman.  That's just the truth.  And it's gross and sad.

    • Love 18
  15. I'm genuinely surprised we won the men's medley because I really thought Britain would win, and I'm feeling conflicted about it because Michael Andrew is now an OGM, which makes me want to eject the contents of my stomach a bit.  However, my husband got a fifth gold (which is the MOST important thing), and yay for keeping the streak alive and go USA, I guess.

    • LOL 2
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  16. 42 minutes ago, blueray said:

    I just started watching their blogs (as someone posted it on the other thread). I don't know much about this situration, but her husband seems like a nice guy who is support of her (so of course he will say she would have won as he is routing for her) and knows little to nothing about the sport.

    He's not.

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