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Posts posted by NUguy514

  1. 9 hours ago, Andrew Wiggin said:

    Yeah better make a Movie with a Agenda then a good Movie.

    1917 no Chance for a Best Film Oscar now,The Godfather nope not diverse enough ....

    Yeah great way to make the best Film Oscar useless.

    So if a Film wins with this Criterias anybody will think did he win because he was the Best Film or he got it because he got all Checkboxes ^^


    Don't worry, there will still be all the opportunities for straight, white men to make all the films they want to make.

    • Love 5
  2. 5 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    However Serena did almost die because of a racist health care system.  That's factually correct.

    I'd add that the healthcare system is sexist as well as racist, so Serena almost died because of that particular double whammy.

    • Love 10
  3. I'm not opposed, conceptually, to Clarke killing Bellamy to save Madi, but the execution here was so laughably inconsequential and illogical that it utterly failed as an emotional high point within the world of the show, no matter how well Eliza Taylor and Bob Morley were selling it.  However, it succeeded brilliantly in showing all of us very starkly what an absolutely resentful, toxic bully Jason Rothenberg is.  This whole season basically has existed for him to exact revenge on Bob Morley, with Eliza Taylor as collateral damage, for whatever conflict they had behind the scenes.

    On the upside, I never wanted Bellamy and Clarke together and was afraid the show would end that way, so I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore!

    Oh, and yet another situation where Rothenberg makes Indra very stupid for no reason at all except laziness.  Lovely.

    • Love 2
  4. 1 hour ago, emma675 said:

    Just overheard on the Chiefs Texans game, "one of the problems when you play against JJ Watt is he goes back door on you." Ummmm...

    If only...

    • LOL 10
  5. This part of his second statement...


    I used a word that is both offensive and insulting. In the last 24 hours, I have read about its history; I had no idea it was so rooted in hate and violence and am particularly ashamed that I, someone who makes his living by the use of words, could be so careless and insensitive.

    ...is bullshit.  No one is that wholly ignorant.

    • Love 15
  6. 1 hour ago, catlover79 said:

    Oh, I never believed for a second that he wrote the statement. Another stupid thing? Driving while looking into the camera and not on the road!!! 😠😠😠😠😠


    Yeah, my first thought was, "Why the hell is he doing this while driving?  Oh, right, because he's an idiotic dipshit.  And a whiny one at that."

    • LOL 1
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  7. 1 minute ago, Lantern7 said:

    With the Marlins fucking up this huge, I’m guessing the Astros are off the hook for their transgressions. “Yeah, we MAY have cheated to extend our season, but at least we didn’t enable a damn plague that could end the season!”

    No, they're not.  Ever.

    • Love 13
  8. I cannot wrap my head around the Tom Pelphrey snub.  It's like when Zach Gilford was snubbed.

    Kristen Bell should've joined her three costars as nominees.

    I would give anything to have D'Arcy Carden and Annie Murphy tie, but I know Alex fucking Borstein will win again, some more.  Instead, I will have to put all my hopes and dreams on Catherine O'Hara winning.

    Actress in a Drama is seriously stacked.

    • Love 1
  9. This is 1) a farce and 2) an irresponsible health risk, and it's only happening because Bron-bron wants another ring.

    • Love 1
  10. John Isner, consider this an automatic response to anything you ever say, write, shit, or tweet until the end of time forever:


    • Love 2
  11. 4 hours ago, mojoween said:

    Novak’s parents have publicly blamed Grigor Dmitrov for spreading the virus.  Lovely.

    That's the least surprising thing in this shitstorm.  They've always been the biggest fucking assholes.

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  12. 3 hours ago, hertolo said:

    Guys and Girls, shows like this aren't meant to be a realistic depiction of Life. Just count all the horrible trauma that has happened over four seasons. And all these strange antics, the characters get into. How much time do they have on their hand?

    So a lot of the questions and discussions (college interviews, SAT, why were those two at the end speech?) are easily explained by how a TV show is produced. No need to explain them in universe, the point of the show is another. And it has learned compared to season 1. For example, they show Jessica and Diego getting a HIV-test. Unnecessary scene, but such an important one. It was a little bit of a PSA, but I found it tolearble. And I'm not the primary public for this show.

    The show seemed a lot more gay in this season. It might seem strange to see the Football Team suddenly so acceptable, but I do believe that the environment that made Monty feel so uncomfortable was just banter. The tragic is that the boys making that banter didn't get how hurtful their words were. Kids these days are a lot more accepting. Still, being able to explain away a shift in tone doesn't mean that that shift doesn't exist.

    Lastly, I want to repeat that Monty is by far the saddest character of this season. In the end, he is still alone, even though all he probably wants is a genuine human connection. Which is why he latched so much onto Monty. I do think he would have let it go if Clay hadn't broken him and Alex up. It's a sad story, and maybe one that hit a bit too close to home for me since I had a similar challenge after coming out. 

    So that is what I mean by "it doesn't have to be realistic to be a real story". Magical Realism and all that.

    Shows like this exactly mean to portray real life, if maybe a slightly heightened version of it.  This isn't Stranger Things or even The Office.

    And the show has not learned from Season 1.  You need only look at how Clay's mental breakdown was portrayed to know that the show learned nothing about how to portray serious issues.

    On average, kids are more accepting now, but that is a trend rather than an absolute.  I have a student who told me that a junior on the baseball team at her school is vocally racist and homophobic, yet he's never been reprimanded for it and has already been recruited by Harvard.  This is a kid who goes to the most competitive private school in Los Angeles, not somewhere one might assume to be stereotypically racist and homophobic.  And as that applies to this show, it wasn't just banter.  Monty didn't brutally rape Tyler with a broomstick by himself; a few of his teammates helped him.  And the way the f-word was was used in general by those teammates and was directed at specific characters like Zach and Justin (often for daring not to sanction the behavior that has led to the rape culture of that team) was not just banter.  It just doesn't fly that this group of toxic, abusive, bullying rapists would suddenly be super-excited by Prom Kings when they've never shown themselves to be even marginally tolerant before.

    And I don't consider Winston sad; I consider him pathetic, and I consider the character himself to be a dangerous stereotype for the show to portray.

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  13. On 6/13/2020 at 9:02 PM, SeanC said:

    There are lots of people who don't follow current events (indeed, around half of Americans don't even vote), so I don't think there's anything unlikely about him not being familiar with it.  If it doesn't affect you personally, it's easy enough to ignore, especially since he spends all his time in what is not a particularly diverse setting (at least in terms of black performers).

    No, that excuse just doesn't fly right now.  You don't use #alllivesmatter in a tweet during this particular time in this country without knowing exactly what it means.  ZD has proven time and again that he's a giant asshole, and there's no reason to believe this isn't just more evidence of the same.

    • Love 15
  14. 22 minutes ago, Snow Fairy said:

    So, they did nothing to explain the camping trip episode? I thought half of them ate some pot brownies, hence the hallucinations.

    How was Clay thrown in the hole, drew graffiti there, exited the hole, locked the other ones in the house, get back to the hole?

    The response from the show's writers:


    • LOL 7
  15. 10 hours ago, AngieEllen said:

    Anyways..... Constitutionally an Officer can use deadly force under two circumstances... The first circumstance is “to protect their life or the life of another innocent party” — what departments call the “defense-of-life” standard. The second circumstance is to prevent a suspect from escaping, but only if the officer has probable cause to think the suspect poses a dangerous threat to others.

    Given Clay's psychosis, I'd say both of those reasons would fit.  However, police officers don't tend to shoot or use deadly force on white guys, so it's lucky for Clay he can rave and openly wave guns around, blanks or not, and walk into a police station and announce loudly that he has a gun without fear of getting shot, even if that's what he wants.  No, in fact, he's rewarded with an acceptance to Brown University.


    • Love 9
  16. 3 hours ago, Aymery said:

    That being said - I don't get all the hate for Clay. I know there are moments (especially this season) when his behavior was grating, and his problems may seem minor compared to some of the other kids who are victims of rape, physical and sexual abuse by parental figures, homelessness, addiction, disability, sexual repression, etc. but his problems are still real - they're still valid. They were enough to drive him to the point of wanting to commit suicide by cop (which is what it came across as, despite Clay's denials and his therapist's concurrence). I was appalled that the reaction to Clay's breakdown from some quarters was "damn it, he got away with his BS because of his privilege" and not "if only cops showed the same restraint and empathy with every troubled person they encounter".

    In addition to the list @memememe76 posted above, I would add that, more often than not, Clay was a judgmental asshole to most of the people he claimed to care about under the guise of being a Nice Guy for the duration of the show.

    3 hours ago, Aymery said:

    particularly in the case of Monty, whose murder was ultimately the result of extreme homophobia. (I don't buy that he was killed for being a child molester - he was only a year older than Tyler, and was he even 18 at the time he committed the crime? He might have faced a tough time in prison as a sex offender, but it was the fact that he was gay that signed his death warrant.)

    We can speculate all day long because the show handled Monty's murder as a throwaway/plot convenience, but I never, ever thought that Monty was killed because he was gay, especially because Monty himself wasn't out.  Frankly, it's much likelier that if Monty was suspected of being gay, he would've been targeted for regular, sustained, and brutal sexual assaults himself, not murder.  Moreover, the age difference between him and Tyler is irrelevant: whether he was one minute or one decade older than Tyler, he still raped a minor.  I think it's a huge leap to assume Monty was killed for being gay (and you are making a leap by stating it as if it's fact) when the simplest explanation is that child rapists tend to be huge targets in prison.

    • Love 7
  17. 42 minutes ago, bettername2come said:

    All right, didn't imagine that Justin would be dying of AIDS. HIV positive, sure, but I can't believe he hasn't been tested during rehab or something for it to have progressed that far. And I know they said he had to give permission to be tested, but, it seems like if you're doing blood work on an intravenous drug user that would just be be part of the routine tests.

    Yeah, I have a reallllly hard time believing he wouldn't have had a full bloodwork panel done, which would include testing for all STDs; I'm almost positive that's a requirement at reputable drug rehab facilities, especially given that he was an intravenous drug user.  Of course, if I have my timeline right, Justin was prostituting himself in the middle of his junior year, which was maybe 15-18 months before he died of AIDS.  That's...a really fast progression.  Even if left untreated, it takes HIV, on average, around ten years to progress to AIDS, and it takes AIDS itself 1-2 years to be fatal; obviously, lifestyle choices (smoking, drug use, etc) can accelerate that timeline quite a bit, but to contract HIV and die of AIDS all within 18 months seems to be pushing it.

    Frankly, though, this is one of many instances this season where the show was clearly not concerned with portraying things realistically.

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