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Posts posted by Deadpool

  1. Thanks @MuuMuuChainsmoker

    I tried to do something different with the Hunter than has been done in past games from what I have read.

    To answer the question in my opinion of what the villagers could have done differently i think the strategy of everybody being 100% honest from the word go isn't the best, the WW need to be flushed out and all showing our hands instantly only helps their game. For example its easy to see now how @Jesse got away with claiming the drunk because everybody else had already come out and claimed apart from her fellow WW @caprice & @CuriousParker who was obviously up to no good herself. This enabled @Jesse to deduce a role she could claim which was unlikely to be challenged.

    @Machiabelly it would of been my pleasure to shoot you, think you would of enjoyed it a lot ha-ha

    @SVNBob Thanks for the vote of confidence it was worth a shot excuse the pun, I thought it was a more interesting tactic and wanted to do something other than claim myself as the hunter because in my view once I do that I would of been as much use as a vanilla villager

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  2. Here’s the reveal; I’m the hunter and my initial play was an attempt to flush out a ww, I never disbelieved you @Lisin but only by claiming that you were lying could I claim to be the seer and I figured that if I got lucky and chose a ww as the troublemaker, they would agree with me in a bid to disguise themselves and probably assume I was the minion?
    Anyway, if no-one believes me and @CuriousParker ends up winning as the tanner, which I fully believe she is, good luck to her. I’d rather the tanner win than the wolves because it must be really hard to win solo.

    1 to DL @Hangedman (Oinky Boinky

    3 to DL @CURIOUSPARKER (Machiabelly, Drogo, Aquarian1)

    2 to DL @MACHIABELLY (CP, Deadpool)

  3. You're making the mistake of thinking that only bad guys lie, and you also need to think on how you're planning on catching the WW’s by only telling the truth? We need to flush them out not take everyone’s claim as instantly true. Example; until Drogo confirms he was a mason, Aquarian1 shouldn't automatically be believed, or what if she’s the tanner and so wants to get caught out in a lie? 
    until saoirse confirms that she was truly a villager then we don’t know for sure what Oinky Boinky is, maybe saoirse was a WW who just claimed villager and now she knows that she’s been swapped will reveal that she was actually a WW?
    TL:DR Not everything is always as it seems, and to instantly assume I am a bad guy because I told an untruth is foolhardy.

  4. Villager - @Oinky Boinky as was swapped with @SAOIRSE if her villager claim was in fact, true?
    Villager - @MACHIABELLY claiming
    Villager - @HANGED MAN claiming
    Mason - @saoirse as was swapped with @OINKY BOINKY (as supposedly investigated by Lisin)
    Mason @Aquarian1 as claims to have robbed masonry from @Drogo
    Seer - @LISIN claiming and @DEADPOOL claiming
    Robber - @Drogo as @AQUARIAN1 claims to have robbed him
    Troublemaker - @MARKHB claiming (claims to have swapped saoirse and Oinky Boinky)

    I'm awaiting confirmation from saoirse, Oinky Boinky and Drogo re the above claims.

  5. You claim to know the name of one mason (aka werewolf who will absolutely corroborate your story), what will be even more unbelievable to me would be if you and A1 both have the same name, I mean, what are the chances of that happening? So yes I am extremely interested in this outcome…
    Yes I lied about saoirse and MarkHB, as I was trying to see if saoirse would agree with my lie, which would in turn prove to me she was a bad guy. I still know what I know and will hold onto my info for the time being. In the meantime, I am very interested to see what role Oinky Boinky started out as because that role is now saoirse’s.

  6. I wouldn't come out and claim to be a role that has already been claimed if I was lying as this puts a target on my back. If anything I would claim a role that has yet to be claimed if I was going to lie.

    What I find interesting as neither aquarian1 or Lisin will post the name of the Mason first, is this because one is afraid the other will contradict their 'info'?

  7. 1 minute ago, Lisin said:

    I can prove it by outing the Mason I know about, because that would have 2 people able to corroborate me

    Or you mean by outing your fellow werewolf and knowing the minion would come out and support both of you. Is that what you mean?

    1 minute ago, saoirse said:

    I'm totally a blah Villager, and not the troublemaker. I am side-eying Deadpool as I type. I want a drink, please!

    So you're the third villager? that's convenient

  8. 11 minutes ago, Drogo said:

    Clearing the air - I thought I was cheeky as Glory, but some Villains were vicious this time out.  Hoping that doesn't come up again in future games.

    I think there was some from both sides.

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